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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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That's interesting. New format?

If Jake and Cooby are both on that means any personality must come from the guests. I actually kind of half expected Jake to leave the show sometime in the near future.

well put my dorm bracket in I guess. Any logic to it or is it a crapshoot like I just picked random teams. Most of my D block is low seeds because the basic stats were pretty much all the same


Looks like the support perspective is pretty unanimous on the baegar:

Cris is the only pro I've seen saying he likes the change. It's straight salt otherwise.

i wish they would bring in these guys in for testing/comment BEFORE they made changes or released new heroes.

it would be so helpful


well put my dorm bracket in I guess. Any logic to it or is it a crapshoot like I just picked random teams. Most of my D block is low seeds because the basic stats were pretty much all the same

I just picked all the highest seeds

Pretty sure my final was 3-2 ASU over Arlington


I'm hoping ASU wins.

For one, they were second last year. For two, I like Mike Udall. For three, ASU is the local college here so it'd be sweet to have their colors on my Azmodunk skin.


Ive heard ppl from c9 and nvt cite the pool of players as reasons they refuse to participate in sel

In general tho, for na vs. eu in hl, it's largely cultural and probably only has a bit to do w/ the louder complaints like mm and rank 1 meaning nothing, which are all things eu goes through as well


Terokk makes total sense if ita an Outland reference. (I hope this is true, i love that damn crow mount)

The problem with that is that the reference would only work in English, and this has been posted in several languages.

Take the Brazilian one for example:



Yeah design-wise not being able to ult yourself fundamentally makes you more passive, but i do think that rehgars will still be shielding themselves and going in


Mission complete. This is what you too can accomplish with much free time, a year and a half post reset, and some cheese in training mode:

That's every portrait that you can attain in NA to this point as far as I know. I have 39 of 49 heroes mastered at this point. Each of the 10 heroes left are at least level 9. I have 58 heroes total mastered across my three main accounts.

Like I said, a lot of free time.

When I really started in earnest on the portraits was when RAF came out, though, and people discovered you could get experience in training mode without being kicked for AFK. So I used two computers off and on over the past couple of months or so and ran them in training mode, sometimes playing just enough to prolong the game and get big EXP, other times just getting a couple kills and going back to working on my class stuff or whatever writing I was working on.

Of the 39 heroes I mastered, I had 23 before I started, and have accrued another 2 or 3 the normal way. The rest came in training mode.

This may be the most time consuming and useless thing I've done in a video game since I spent forever trying to farm faction for the OG factions in WoW with silk and repeatable quests. Timbermaw for life. I just wanted to have all the portraits to go along with all the money I had wasted on getting all the mounts. Now I got eeem.


I'm not good enough to go pro in the most casual PC moba. Now I must venture into the mobile moba market and attempt to become pro at Vainglory. Will create a blog so you can follow my journey guize


Application to Naventic:

1. How many portraits do you have?

2. What is your hero league rank?

3. Which of your family members is already in Naventic?

If you answered: "All of them." to any of these questions, you're in!


kinda wish xul didn't get hit so hard
they also shouted out winrate again...

itd be cool if bkb joined nvt
i actually dont know how he is as a player tho
Ive heard ppl from c9 and nvt cite the pool of players as reasons they refuse to participate in sel

In general tho, for na vs. eu in hl, it's largely cultural and probably only has a bit to do w/ the louder complaints like mm and rank 1 meaning nothing, which are all things eu goes through as well.

kinda wish xul didn't get hit so hard
they also shouted out winrate again...

itd be cool if bkb joined nvt
i actually dont know how he is as a player tho

Someone said spamming Hero League is a requirement in EU as training, think it was Cris from Liquid.

Xul had the highest winrate ever afaik and was still rising, you'd think that's worth a mention.

BKB is a great tank player when he isn't caught way too far out, which happens too often than it should.
Xul was a little too strong and a little too good but not ridiculous the way Li-Ming still arguably is. Either way after the launch week both have dropped off of the face of the earth. There used to be a Xul and Li-Ming on both teams in every match, lately it's been rare to see either all of the sudden.

Strangely enough I've only encountered one Magestad/StimMedic cheese-combo. Expected to see that more.
Oh, the 62% winrate is Xul's for this week. Falstad's winrate is at 48%.

Probably unpopular opinion but, I would take playing Haunted Mines over Towers of Doom. Deadmines may have been booty, but at least it was over in under 20 minutes.


Has Mac always been this salty? Dudes going to town on teammates.

I've only seen him salty three times maybe in my time watching. Familie cited his saltiness as a reason he doesn't watch him, however. Definitely a little
More terse since rejoining the pro scene.


Has Mac always been this salty? Dudes going to town on teammates.

Sometimes he's fine, sometimes he's really unpleasant. He and Erho also tend to use insults I'm not comfortable with ('cocksucker' etc).

There's just nicer people to watch. Cris is my favourite because he's not only a great player, he reminds me so much of my German relatives it makes me laugh. He was being extra salty in chat today about the matchmaker and it was the most calm, polite rant ever... ;-)


When did I do that? I stopped at first because of the awful overlay he had going and since then I've just been following other people.

Edit: my bad, you said you DID like Mac (and Fan) but not the rest. Zuna am cry.

He was being extra salty in chat today about the matchmaker and it was the most calm, polite rant ever... ;-)

One of these things is not like the other. How can one be calm and be salty? Salty by its nature is not calm lol. Rational discourse is out the window.

Can't say I remember Mc using that word or other slurs in my time watching but I guess it's possible, though I've heard Erho do it on several occasions for sure. Erho is definitely the saltiest hots streamer going but he owns that.


Oh, the 62% winrate is Xul's for this week. Falstad's winrate is at 48%.

Probably unpopular opinion but, I would take playing Haunted Mines over Towers of Doom. Deadmines may have been booty, but at least it was over in under 20 minutes.

Yeh i was checking out the winrate for hinterland which is much higher in both qm and hl (but the inferior ult by far imo)


He ended up winning every game where was BMing others in chat.

"Shit is downs right now guys" like wtf
Yea I watched a little. It of that too. Very no typical for him. He also hit rank 2 a couple times, which is also not at all like him either. Think he was pretty tilted. Zuna keeps takin all his heroes.

So here's another thing that pisses me off like they want to build diversity of talent builds. So they nerf fuckin cocktail build, and Artanis triple strike, and other good talents on lesser played/diverse heroes. And then, they just buff the shit out of all falstads Mage talents. Like wtf. Their balance philosophy is so fucked sometimes.
So here's another thing that pisses me off like they want to build diversity of talent builds. So they nerf fuckin cocktail build, and Artanis triple strike, and other good talents on lesser played/diverse heroes. And then, they just buff the shit out of all falstads Mage talents. Like wtf. Their balance philosophy is so fucked sometimes.

I think part of their problem with balancing content is due to their business model. The launch window of a hero is the actual public test while the PTR release is largely just for people to get a preview of the latest hero and pre-order the bundle. They don't use the public test realm to legitimately test anything out. They just work on stuff in a vacuum and set it loose in the wild after the formality of one week on PTR.
So here's another thing that pisses me off like they want to build diversity of talent builds. So they nerf fuckin cocktail build, and Artanis triple strike, and other good talents on lesser played/diverse heroes. And then, they just buff the shit out of all falstads Mage talents. Like wtf. Their balance philosophy is so fucked sometimes.

There's a difference in buffing a character so they can have diversity in choice, and nerfing a build because everyone just went that anyways.


Li ming is a good example of build diversity, where there are good talents to pick depending on situation. Her actual pick diversity is most likely poor and i think that's where ppl get hung up on for some reason. There's no real reason to have pick rates be part of the conversation imo.

Falstad is an example of ok diversity, insofar as he has pickable defensive talents; the bad thing about him is that ppl have split him in their minds into two builds revolving around dealing dmg. The bad thing is that one will always be better than the other, you will always lean towards picking the more optimal one. When it comes to talent diversity it's not really about making aoe more viable on him, it's about making his choices more dynamic and less shoehorned. It's a lot easier for this to be done w/ defensive talents imo + it's difficult to undo all these "if i took this at 4 i gotta take this at 13" style talents.

A good exercise for blizz would be to just slowly address lvl 20 talents.
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