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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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It constantly amuses me how utterly dreadful level 20 talents are. I'm sure someone at Blizzard mustn't be happy about the fact that hardly anyone ever picks a heroic upgrade at 20, and for most characters generic talents are the best options.


So HOTSStats 0.3 lets you pick the mode it pulls MMR from eh? Is anyone here using it? Milly has used it (not sure if he still is) but I haven't seen anyone else say anything.
It constantly amuses me how utterly dreadful level 20 talents are. I'm sure someone at Blizzard mustn't be happy about the fact that hardly anyone ever picks a heroic upgrade at 20, and for most characters generic talents are the best options.

They can't even get some level 10 talents right but they should go ham with the level 20's. Make the ult talents a greedy pick over boring-ass utility.


They just work on stuff in a vacuum and set it loose in the wild after the formality of one week on PTR.

I think this is the biggest problem. I don't even care about the PTR, but it seems to me that they themselves aren't actually sure on a lot of things. I wish they would just bring in people from the community who are actually good at the game and ask them for input on changes.

Like they could get dread and zuna in there for a week or two while balance discussions are happening and they could tell them if stuff is broken and why. They wouldn't have to necessarily agree to their suggestions, but at least they would get some balance ideas from people who are actually good at the game.
It constantly amuses me how utterly dreadful level 20 talents are. I'm sure someone at Blizzard mustn't be happy about the fact that hardly anyone ever picks a heroic upgrade at 20, and for most characters generic talents are the best options.

I always pick the Haymaker upgrade at 20. Always.
So HOTSStats 0.3 lets you pick the mode it pulls MMR from eh? Is anyone here using it? Milly has used it (not sure if he still is) but I haven't seen anyone else say anything.

When I set HoTS to windowed borderless the mouse cursor somehow becomes humongous so no not using it bu Blizzard seems to be ok with the program for now.

I wish Blizz looked at Tyrael and reduced mana costs a little on him. Properly playing tyrael sadly just means do nothing to conserve mana too much.
I think this is the biggest problem. I don't even care about the PTR, but it seems to me that they themselves aren't actually sure on a lot of things. I wish they would just bring in people from the community who are actually good at the game and ask them for input on changes.

Like they could get dread and zuna in there for a week or two while balance discussions are happening and they could tell them if stuff is broken and why. They wouldn't have to necessarily agree to their suggestions, but at least they would get some balance ideas from people who are actually good at the game.

It's what they do with WoW, invite the top raiding guilds in to help them with raid tuning. They should have the top pro HotS teams offer feedback on major patches that only they have access to on the PTR, which probably means dialing back the rate at which they currently do patches but I think most players would welcome quality over quantity and some of the random things they do to balance heroes.


but I think most players would welcome quality over quantity and some of the random things they do to balance heroes.

I agree with incorporating the pros in some way (though I have no clue how you could regularly do it due to vastly smaller number of HOTS pros vs good WoW raiders at it's peak), but I do disagree with that sentence above.

Outside of it infringing on tournaments, no one has really complained about this sudden patch frequency. Several of the pros have been on THH and said the new speed was good, it just sucks that it impacts things on their end but they are such a small fraction in comparison. For them, that's easily remedied with a tournament server whenever Blizz gets around to it. Said server could theoretically also be used to test if they so desired, but that's beside the point.

RE: the above - I want the quantity. Sure, we get some stuff like Rehgar OP or Nova hammered in the ground, but they have been diligent about remedying those things in ensuing patches whereas before Rehgar would've remained in his OP state for 2-3 months minimum before they even took a first pass. Right now is far, far preferable to whatever we've had in the past. It's not like the quality has been terrible either. There's just been a couple of outliers and most of that is centered around new heroes.

By and large the patches have seen reasonable changes that have helped, the main complaints outside of those two are based on either (A) the new heroes released or (B) them targeting heroes that people don't want targeted.

When I set HoTS to windowed borderless the mouse cursor somehow becomes humongous so no not using it bu Blizzard seems to be ok with the program for now.

I never tried it out because Blizzard never said yes or no. Still don't think it's all that useful TBH. If it could tell you how good a person was with the hero they picked immediately I might change my mind, but you have to wait until the game is up to see that stuff IIRC.


I think they could do it easily by letting pros in on the ideas, sending out test builds, and conference calls. I don't think it's unrealistic. I know DOTA does it often as well
If they were taking in outside feedback from pros rather than working within their vacuum, things like OP Rehgar, randomly nerfing one of Greymane's viable builds or buffing already arguably over-powered ranged assassin might might not occur in the first place.


I agree it would help, not disputing that. I'm just saying the ease of setting up and getting that feedback isn't as simple as implied. For one there's what, 75 good HOTS pros worldwide? There's far more high MMr players and pros, but where do you draw the line?

For two, how does Blizz convince them (particularly the NA crowd which is averse to playing outside of scrims/tourneys anyway) to either cut back their schedule or play more for changes that may or may not ever see the light of day? Again, small pool and probably smaller amount willing to participate. Are 5-10 pros coming in enough to matter or sway anything? I don't know.

For three, how do they set it up? Prevent leaks? Prevent certain teams who have testers In a round from having a leg up on teams who didn't? Are those players not allowed to compete on that patch? Are only retired pros allowed to test?

It's not as easy as just throwing it out there for feedback from their end (unless they literally make a test server available to everyone).

In the meantime I'm pretty happy with what we've got. There's dumb changes (Rehgar AH nerf is the latest in a line of them), but I've never played a game that patched regularly and changed shit that didn't have people crying OP, UP, stupid, and everything else. It's an MMO staple, now brought to MOBA by the pre-eminent MMO company.


I honestly don't think it's nearly as hard you're making it out to be.

Like they already have contact with all these players already, it wouldn't be hard to send a private message to dread or grubby or even like c9 or naventic, just ask them what they think about some proposed changes, and ask them to keep it a secret. I honestly don't think any of them are gonna blab about it to the public if they asked them not to, and even if they do, that person would just look like a douche and you cut them out of the process from then on.

Or don't you think that teams c9 & tempo would make time to do a few scrims with a new unannounced hero in it for balance purposes? That's like 1 afternoon maybe.

It's not like they need a bunch of people to play test every change. Float some ideas past them or ask them to do a best of 5 with a new hero in it. It would help a lot, and I don't see how that's really hard to make happen.


it's ok to patch in dumb things, but it'd be better if there were more heroes

regarding tournament play, yeh it's ludicrous that we have official blizz matches using week-of patches, make a tourney realm bliz


I'm at this weird point where I haven't played this game in a while and now I'm kind of afraid to jump back in. On the other hand I'm still watching a ton of HOTS so I know what I'm supposed to do in theory and I'm getting pretty good at recognizing mistakes and opportunities but I'm pretty sure once I'm back to playing myself I'll run around like an idiot again.


I'm at this weird point where I haven't played this game in a while and now I'm kind of afraid to jump back in. On the other hand I'm still watching a ton of HOTS so I know what I'm supposed to do in theory and I'm getting pretty good at recognizing mistakes and opportunities but I'm pretty sure once I'm back to playing myself I'll run around like an idiot again.

Nah, it's like riding a bike. It all comes back pretty quickly.

Venus Van Dam

Neo Member
FYI, new heroes are always in the free rotation about 5-6 weeks after they debut.

Thanks for the info, I didn't know that. However, my comment was regarding the QM experience, since she appears to be so OP that will be a little more difficult to make a team of 5 different characters, let alone a balanced team. Also, the feed festival of the first days will be something else...but that's a lesser issue, since I'm climbing the hero league ladder.


So...real talk. Why does Xul have to sound like he's taking a dump when he casts Poison Nova? Shit is disconcerting man.


@BlizzHeroes: Nothing to see here. Move along.



Pretty bold to go w/ a farmer hero but blizzard are known risk takers

I'm just glad someone finally found Mankrik's wife.

Edit - Also, check that final headline on the right. 'The Cavalry is about to arrive'. That's a nice nod to Tracer being on her way (of course we knew that, but it's cute).



Brushstalker (Z)

You cannot use Mounts. Instead, you may burrow to any bush or vent on the Battleground. 40 second cooldown


Essence Collection (D)

You collect 10 Essence per Hero Takedown, and 2 per enemy Minion killed nearby, storing up to a maximum of 50 Essence.

Activate to consume all stored Essence and regenerate Health over the next 5 seconds for each stack consumed.

Can be cast during Drag and Burrow.

Basic Abilities

Drag (Q)

Lash out with your tongue, dealing light damage to the first enemy hit, and dragging them with you for 1.75 seconds.

Dark Swarm (W)

Over the next three seconds, you gain the ability to move through units and deal damage in an area around yourself. Deals double damage to Heroes.

Can be cast during Drag and Burrow.

Burrow (E)

Burrow into the ground, entering Stasis and becoming Invulnerable for 2 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Isolation (R)

Launch biomass that deals damage, silences, and slows the first enemy Hero it hits by 30% for 3 seconds. For the next 6 seconds, the affected enemy loses sight of allied Heroes, and has greatly reduced vision.

Adaptation (R)

After a 5 second delay, 60% of all damage taken during this time will be returned to you as Health.

Gameplay Tips

Brushstalker can be used for a daring escape, or a way to pin down enemies in the backline after a team fight has been won.

The Drag ability and how it is used will be the mark of a great Dehaka player. Do your best to grab Squishy Assassins or Healers for your team to pick off.

Burrow is your trump card. Bait an enemy into thinking they have secured a takedown, then burrow allowing your teammates time to show up and provide you support.

If you find that your opponents have been focusing on you more than the average game, Adaptation might be for you. Soak up all the damage thrown your way and heal up in exchange.




Wow, Dehaka is looking good!

He seems to occupy a similar space to Diablo, with his Drag being like an opposite of Shadow Charge, and having similar health regeneration abilities with his trait. But man, that mobility...


I wish he could mount but it's cool that he can flank w/ his z, i hope his talents and stuff help him out with that since it seems like his kit doesnt



Level One:

Enduring Swarm: Dark Swarm reduces damage from Abilities

Essence Devourer: Gather Regen Globes to gain Essence

Enhanced Agility: Collecting Essence increases move speed

Tissue Regeneration: Essences increase Health Regen permanently

Level Seven:

Feeding Frenzy: Basic Attacks reduce Drag cooldown

Constriction: Increases Drag duration

Symbiosis: Reduces Dark Swarm cooldown when you hit Heroes

One-Who-Collects: Increases Essence from Minions

Level Thirteen:

Swift Pursuit: Increases move speed in bushes

Ferocious Stalker: Brushstalker increases move speed

Whirling Dervish: Halves duration of disables during Dark Swarm


More pics at the bottom of that link
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