You not seeing it doesn't mean its not there, it just means you either don't get the references or don't get the design, direction or any of the nods shown...
Several of us cited Blade Runner, Cowboy Bebop, Akira etc and other Sci-Fi from 80s / 90s based on many things, from the red ship, to it being about a space bounty hunter type person, to the CRT tv, retro Sony disc changer, to the computer design to the hi top shoes to the red jacket or the Ui of the ship
You not seeing it matters not (you may not know what you are even looking at lol)
Those of us that saw those references felt like some of those could have been influenced and later on
Pedro Motta
confirmed they indeed were influences for this work, but that isn't really that fucking shocking, its literally based on some alternate universe from the 80's, so how the fuck would GoTG make sense? That isn't based on the 80's and isn't as old as the works we talked about and would be weird to cite something earlier that itself is inspred by those works, to claim THAT is the work that inspired this
It would be like fucking saying someone wearing a Yellow Jacket in that SiFi game is regarding Kill Bill lol
Someone who actually KNOWS MORE about the fucking genre then you actually states its regarding Bruce Lee's suit as that would pre-date Kill Bill
You "derrr iM nO sEeInG iY mAnZ"
it just means you fail to see it.
That isn't some wild thing, merely means you don't get what is being shown lol Which isn't shocking as most on this thread seem not to even know a fuck ton about that genre based on whats being stated.
damn that must SCREAM GoTG bro /s
show you work
The works that inspired this game predate GoTG, so you'd have to give us some examples of what exactly you are talking actually prove your point...