John Rabbit
this is unrelated, but the katakana there says Konhana Sakuya, where do they get "no" from?Weaboo stuff galore
D-Arts Konoha Sakuya
this is unrelated, but the katakana there says Konhana Sakuya, where do they get "no" from?Weaboo stuff galore
D-Arts Konoha Sakuya
There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed within your eyes
I'll place the sky within your eyes
I hope they keep going with Personas in this line... I'd kill to have a toy of Kanji's Take-Mikazuchi.D-Arts Konoha Sakuya
May I ask where you got this tee?
this is unrelated, but the katakana there says Konhana Sakuya, where do they get "no" from?
Phoenix is easily my favorite manga series, but the prices for the first volume alone are ridiculous. I keep hoping for a reprint, or better yet for the series to be picked up by Vertical and retranslated.I own the DVDs and was talking about it with Tak Fujii. He told me to get the mangas, so I did. :> Too bad the only edition outside of japan is the us version and they swapped the reading direction to the western style.
Cross-posted in the Vita thread; hope no one minds.
Thanks to a great poster on the B/S/T thread, me splurging way too much money, and then raiding GS and unloading some credit; I am now the proud owner of a Vita and a bunch of goodies!
New toy!!
PS Vita 3G/Wifi System w/ screen protector
First-Edition Case
32GB Memory Card
4GB Memory Card x2 (for JPN & Euro Accounts)
Official Stand
Gravity Rush
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Unit 13
Rayman Origins
$20 PSN Card
Absolutely loving it!
While picking up games for my Vita, I used a coupon to grab Starfox 64 3D, too.
And finally, I also bought three tickets last night to Moonrise Kingdom to see with my mom and sister. I had very low expectations, as Anderson's films don't do much for me. But it was an utterly magical film. So much character, and hilarious from beginning to end. Blu Ray buy on Day One, for sure.
May I ask where you got this tee?
UDON's Tony's Artworks
I think you may have misread it:
ノ - No
ン - N
how does one obtain the spiritual stones
Sonic/Regular Show tee from TeeFury:
I finally scored at a garage sale. My friends and I have been going to garage sales every summer for the past couple years and this is probably the best thing I've gotten. If anyone else goes out to sales, don't be afraid to ASK about video games. That is how I got this lot and almost every person I asked today who had no video games out for sale went and found some although there wasn't much that I wanted. Got this whole lot for 20 bucks. I looked in the bag the dude brought out and saw Chrono Trigger and I bought it. Had no clue Mega Man X2 was in there let alone the other games. I already have a couple of the games and I'll get all my money back just by flipping Secret of Mana.
could you do me a solid, and post a pic of what a DS game looks like on the 3DS XL?
Maybe he has other copies? I have like 3 copies of Seiken Densetsu 2 myself. Just keeps showing up in lots and whatnot. I would assume the US version is worth a bit more.Why would you want to flip any of that especially Secret of Mana? Come on please that is stuff you keep FOREVER!
Sonic/Regular Show tee from TeeFury:
Nice pickups! I don't even own an NGPC and I've been looking for copies of Neo Poke-kun. I don't think I've ever seen a copy come up on ebay before.
Why would you want to flip any of that especially Secret of Mana? Come on please that is stuff you keep FOREVER!
Which model? I love these, but we're a one car family and it's just too small for me. :-(Not gaming related, but biggest pick-up of the year for sure:
Alfa Romeo MiTo
No Man's Land 1 I picked up after the Dark Knight Rises on a Batman high, 2 my fiancee got me as a birthday present today. The Headset is alright, but the main point of that was for the official wireless adapter so I can finally use my wireless pad on the PC, and brings me one step closer to wiring my PC up to my TV with a HDMI/Ethernet.