How is the Retron 5? I've been meaning to pick on up and start my retro collection again. How's the build quality? Any issues with playing the games and are you using the HDMI output?
Twin Peaks Blu Ray set - beaten to the punch by M.Steiner!
Not sure where you live, but it officially started today in the Netherlands in the usual electronic/game shops like MediaMarkt, Bart Smit, Gamesmania etc. Several retailers had it yesterday as well, some even last Sunday.Is it already available in Europe? Where did you find it early?
top row, my games from the Mario Kart 8 free game promotion. I essentially got four in total. My process:
1. Buy Mario Kart 8. Use code on club nintendo to get a free game. Redeem code on my Wii U.
2. Sell Mario Kart 8 on ebay for £30.
3. Buy a new copy of Mario Kart 8 from shopto for £34. receive it the next day (as they're awesome).
4. start over using a new club nintendo account.
I ended up spending maybe a tenner extra in total, and I ended up with four free games (mario 3d world, nsmbu, Zelda and Pikmin) along with £20 in eshop credit from the Nintendo Premium promotion as they all counted towards it.
and my original mario kart was a pack-in with the Wii U, so it's cost me in reality pretty much nothing!
Wait, you can register multiple copies and it counts?
Also since my Sony Walkman from 2010 crapped out earlier this year, and I don´t really like using my cellphone for music, I got this Sansa Fuze + 4 GB + 32 GB Micro SD card for $30 USD. Stock firmware sucks, so naturally I put RockBox on that, and even though it´s labeled as unstable it´s pretty much perfect, and absolutely necesary for it to be even remotely usable. Works great with RB.
My sole pickups for July.
bought that today - only waiting for the Rift to get Delivered.
Removed image because space
You are going to be very happy very soon!
love the artwork on the other side of the cover art.
Finally, after 6 years!
How is the Retron 5? I've been meaning to pick on up and start my retro collection again. How's the build quality? Any issues with playing the games and are you using the HDMI output?
I fell in love with this edition as soon as I saw it on here last week and knew I must have it heh. Really beautifully made.
Been looking for this game for ages!The second best game in the SNK VS Capcom cross-over, behind Match Of the Millennium.
Had the Xbox one version for ages, but the DVD drive in that thing gave up the ghost years ago.
Been looking for this game for ages!
The last of my pick-ups for this month since TLOU Remastered doesn't release here until the end of the week.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Deluxe manga box set)
I fell in love with this edition as soon as I saw it on here last week and knew I must have it heh. Really beautifully made.
This has always been my favourite Miyazaki movie but after reading so much praise about the manga just recently it sounds like I'll be in for a treat when I eventually get to reading this ^^