What does the main menu look like?
I really hate that they removed the original main menu screen in the PC version even though the new one doesn't fit with the New Game animation/transition at all.
Really wish there was a mod to bring the old one back...
Man there's barely any review for this game (console version) and promotion. People are missing out on one of the best games since the late 90s. It has great story, great gameplay and an amazing soundtrack. I feel like this and divinity both getting buried under all AAA hype titles in the console world.
I love this game but man oh man do they need more and longer combat music. Having the same combat music over and over again is such a bummer. This is one area Divinity:OS is so much better. I mean, just listen to this masterpiece!
How does the combat in this game compare to Divinity? Is there any coverage that goes over this game's systems in detail? I've seen a lot of Baldur's Gate 2 mentions in here; can I expect the same level of complexity and depth from this game? Sorry for so many questions...
It really deserves more attention. It is right now tied for GOTY with Horizon for me. Though i'm only lvl 8 and just started white march so things can change!
I think it's hard to directly compare the combat because they're so different. System complexity isn't to BG2s level but its probably quite a bit more than most games. There's a lot of build variety for all but maybe one or two classes.
White March Part 1 is cool but a bit shallow/short imho. Part 2 is really fucking good (finished it yesterday on PC, now only the main storyline remains and I'm right at the point before the endgame proper begins.)
How does the combat in this game compare to Divinity? Is there any coverage that goes over this game's systems in detail? I've seen a lot of Baldur's Gate 2 mentions in here; can I expect the same level of complexity and depth from this game? Sorry for so many questions...
Bah, 2nd ed D&D complexity comes in the form of trap builds and incomprehensible nomenclature. When one of your most important combat variables is called THAC0 then something has gone terribly wrong. BG2 succeeds on encounter and loot design rather than on its underlying systems. I prefer PoE's systems, but unfortunately Obsidian didn't really figure out encounter design until the DLC.
Oh I agree with that, though I think those that have the requisite system mastery still find a lot in it. I meant more mechanical systems like high level wizarding that people tend to like a lot.
Narratively WM1 feels like a whole lot o' nuthin, but the dungeons are great -- head and tails above anything in the base game other than Raedric's Hold. I also finished WM2 before finishing the main story, and unfortunately (but predictably) the endgame felt like a substantial step down in quality.
Where can I find a good summary of the console controls? There are a lot of double clicks and button combinations I am sure I am missing.
Shame about the endgame though - I had heard it wasn't very strong. Wonder what I'll think of it myself. If you wanna know, I'm just about to (ENDGAME SPOILERS)go to Teir Evron and go down that hole
Ah yeah you're right at the end then. I thought the ending worked well on a narrative level, and, at least for me on hard with level-scaling enabled, the final boss was actually pretty tough even for my max-level party. It's just the *very vague minor spoilers about endgame structure*last dungeon itself that felt anticlimactic. If you beat WM2 then even with level scaling you'll probably steamroll every encounter with zero effort, and there's not much to the dungeon other than combat.
Quick question, how do I tell what level an enemy is, unless I'm being really blind I can't see it when I hover over them?
Quick question, how do I tell what level an enemy is, unless I'm being really blind I can't see it when I hover over them?
Thanks for the reply, mate!
Any advice for the endgame dungeon in terms of party composition? My current one is MC (Paladin) - Edér - Aloth - Durance - Hiravias - Maneha, but only the last 2 are changeable. I'm not swapping out my main tank/mage/healer 😅
AKA the best gameplay feature in PoE.If you've killed them before it should be available in the beastiary.
Any party composition that fills the major roles will work, and if you made it through WM2 with that party you'll certainly be fine. My only advice would be to make sure you can debuff enemies, and ideally dispell debuffs from yourself.
Durance and Aloth are good to bring from a narrative perspective, but it doesn't matter that much.
Thanks for the replies guys, I've had a good session on it today and the only thing that's slightly annoying me is the load screens in houses and cities, I'm not sure why they couldn't have a whole house load to avoid loading screens going upstairs.
Other than that I think I'm starting to figure things out...slowly!
I think it's hard to directly compare the combat because they're so different. System complexity isn't to BG2s level but its probably quite a bit more than most games. There's a lot of build variety for all but maybe one or two classes.
To answer this more directly I'd say that the focus is a bit different than BG2, in that the main focus is on making a wide variety of builds -- or as the hardcore role players like to call it, "character concepts" -- viable, whereas in BG2 you can easily end up with just a shitty character if you, say, choose the wrong stats for your class. Even if you choose a "straightforward" class like a fighter, PoE gives you a lot of different ways to play that fighter versus BG where you just give them the best equipment and have them autoattack all day. However, if your favorite of BG2 was running up against a seemingly impossible fight and experimenting with equipment and strategies until you finally get it right, that's going to happen a lot less in PoE.
That said, if you do want to push the systems to their limits and test your mastery, you can do a solo run on a higher difficulty level. You see lots of discussion about builds for that on the Obsidian forums and such.
I get why people like high level wizards in BG2 but I hesitate to call that "depth" as at the end of the day a whole lot of it turns into memorizing hard counters, and hard counters to hard counters, and just making sure you have them prepared.
I finished Divinity last night so thinking about diving straight into this. The biggest question though for those playing on PS4: is the game buggy? I read some stuff earlier in the thread which freaked me out a bit...
Thanks for the responses, guys. It wasn't really about mastery or anything like that. Mainly I just wanted to know if I would have access to a wide variety of skills for the characters (ranging from straight forward stuff like attacks to more esoteric buffs/debuff/wards etc) and combat encounters that will force me to use the whole palette of skills. That's kind of how I would measure depth.
Also this. I generally play mage character as the main and love some high level wizard shenanigans.
Wizards are arguably the best class in the game and have a lot of options but don't really have the contingencies and stuff that were in BG2. Some hard counters were introduced into the base game and the expansion has more but I wouldn't say it's a focus of the game. You'll be very powerful as a wizard just not utterly godly.
I escapedand now I'm having character anxiety and want to reroll.the first set of ruins
I went for a Pirate-themed Rogue, but Cipher. I think I like the highly mobile Rogue playstyle though... but the Cipher powers look awesome too...seems more tied to the story in terms of RP
...I've been eyeing up a cheeky Gun-based Ranger build...
...and that Monk's looking at me all sweet too with all that WAHTA POWA...
Gah! I'm paralysed by so much choice!
Thanks for the responses, guys. It wasn't really about mastery or anything like that. Mainly I just wanted to know if I would have access to a wide variety of skills for the characters (ranging from straight forward stuff like attacks to more esoteric buffs/debuff/wards etc) and combat encounters that will force me to use the whole palette of skills. That's kind of how I would measure depth.
Also this. I generally play mage character as the main and love some high level wizard shenanigans.
I finished Divinity last night so thinking about diving straight into this. The biggest question though for those playing on PS4: is the game buggy? I read some stuff earlier in the thread which freaked me out a bit...
Also ciphers arearguably the least canon class in the game going strictly by lore.
Remember, you control a 6 person party, not a single character. You can have all of those and more.
Can you elaborate a little more on that?
Just ordered the PS4 version off amazon. Will get here tomorrow.
Any technical impressions? Framerate, bugs, etc.
Work = Done
Gym = Done
Time for some PoE!
By the way, i've heard that white march 1 is meh, and white march 2 is good. Correct? I've just started white march 1.
Work = Done
Gym = Done
Time for some PoE!
By the way, i've heard that white march 1 is meh, and white march 2 is good. Correct? I've just started white march 1.
I thought they were both fine. 1 is focused on dungeon crawling though, and if you don't like dungeons (why are you playing RPG's again?) then you might not like it.
Oh my good. I just found "Boots of speed". If they are half as good as they are in BG2 i just won the game! lol
I have about 30-40 hours of playtime and i haven't detected a bug so far.
There's a lot of build variety and I think every class can be played in multiple ways. From buffed up melee wizards with summoned weapons to monks that learn how to become a ranged class but still punch. Priests can either be party focused buffing/healing/debuffing gods or one of the most powerful melee classes. Druids can be either the best damage caster in the game or rival rogues for single target melee damage. I think build variety is thing that keeps a lot of people still playing the game 2.5 years later.
The last third or so of the game can get a little trash heavy encounter wise. It's been cleared up quite a bit from launch but it's still something of a criticism. The expansion, which comes with the console version, is significantly better, though, and there are a good number of optional set piece fights that will put up an interesting challenge. Overall it's not a strength of the game but I don't think it's a major weakness anymore either.
Wizards are arguably the best class in the game and have a lot of options but don't really have the contingencies and stuff that were in BG2. Some hard counters were introduced into the base game and the expansion has more but I wouldn't say it's a focus of the game. You'll be very powerful as a wizard just not utterly godly.
Deep into act 2 on PS4(20+ hrs) and no bugs. Game plays exceptionally well really. Only real issue is that loadtimes seemingly get longer the further in you progress as I am guessing it relates to storing all the decisions loot, and progress of every area visited which is ballooning memory requirements or somesuch. Hopefully something can be done to address as I really started feeling it recently.
As for your first concern. You have a lot of customization for each class with relatively cheap respec, so no fear trying out whatever. I find I am constantly stretching my abilities and utilizing buff/cripple magic as often or more than direct dmg. Also equipment set swapping mid-combat as enemies will often have affinities against certain dmg types(i.e. slash vs crush). I am also utilizing stealth all the time with my rogue, something I found nigh impossible to micro for bonus dmg in the IE games. Bottom-line, you will be forced to be mindful of your entire repertoire due to the defense mechanics as everyone has multiple combat affinities to prey on and exploit properly for efficient victory. There isn't really a simple bypass strategy as each encounter will kind of demand slight alterations to breach your targets. This should be enough to calm your fear that there is more to this than hitting A for awesome.
I escapedand now I'm having character anxiety and want to reroll.the first set of ruins
I went for a Pirate-themed Rogue, but Cipher. I think I like the highly mobile Rogue playstyle though... but the Cipher powers look awesome too...seems more tied to the story in terms of RP