I'm really starting to feel the load times, especially when running around to the different parts of Defiance Bay trying to complete some of the side-quests and tasks. Seriously.
Enter First Fires - loading screen.
Walk over to and enter Crucible Keep - loading screen.
Talk to Commander Clyver. Get a task to go to talk to someone in Copperlane.
Leave Crucible Keep - loading screen.
Enter Copperlane - loading screen.
Go to and enter Building ____ - loading screen.
"Sorry that person is not here. They're in Ondra's Gift."
Leave Building ____ - loading screen.
Enter Ondra's Gift - loading screen.
...and so forth and so on. I'm trying to stay in the moment, but right not I feel like I'm playing Skyrim on PS3. These load screens are all approx 45 to 55 seconds, and stacked up in a quest like the example above, end up accounting for more of my time in the game than being in the actual game. I really hope this can get patched.
Enter First Fires - loading screen.
Walk over to and enter Crucible Keep - loading screen.
Talk to Commander Clyver. Get a task to go to talk to someone in Copperlane.
Leave Crucible Keep - loading screen.
Enter Copperlane - loading screen.
Go to and enter Building ____ - loading screen.
"Sorry that person is not here. They're in Ondra's Gift."
Leave Building ____ - loading screen.
Enter Ondra's Gift - loading screen.
...and so forth and so on. I'm trying to stay in the moment, but right not I feel like I'm playing Skyrim on PS3. These load screens are all approx 45 to 55 seconds, and stacked up in a quest like the example above, end up accounting for more of my time in the game than being in the actual game. I really hope this can get patched.