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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Oh yea since Kayla Mueller had some political positions the right disagreed with the right wing press has been cheering on her death.

If (God forbid) anything were to happen to Obama there would be dancing in the streets. Conservatives don't disagree, they hate.

When the Secret Service scandal rolled around few months ago the Republicans in Congress had to straddle an awkward line between making the government sound incompetent and not sounding like they cared too much about Obama's safety.


Republicans (in congress) don't want anything to happen to Obama. Otherwise he'd become a martyr and they would be fucked.

That's kind of a cynical way to look at it, but it's probably true.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Daily Caller whining as usual.

How 'progressive' can you be if you carry and gun and shoot people in the head with it?


Not to mention that the 20th century is littered with the bodies of those killed by leftists devoted to their own brands of "progress."
Daily Caller whining as usual.

How 'progressive' can you be if you carry and gun and shoot people in the head with it?

Why don't you apply this to Islam when there is a terrorist attack?

He was a progressive and atheists. That's what he was. Now it becomes clear that peoples self-identified believes aren't always the catalyst for horrible crimes. It would be nice if more people applied this to non-whites
anyways I thought this was a good response to random-gate

This is the problem with gaffe-coverage: it's sound and fury, signifying nothing and leaving nothing behind. Worse, it distracts from more consequential, but complicated, debates.

In Vox's interview, Obama contended that terrorism is "absolutely" over-hyped compared to a threat like climate change or epidemic disease. This is something Obama said, as far as I can tell, because he thinks it's true.

Similarly, Obama argued that "redistribution" is now, and always has been, a good in and of itself. He seemed to endorse all-payer rate setting, or something close to it, which would take the United States' health-care system nearer to single payer than Obamacare ever considered. He called for a constitutional amendment to overhaul campaign finance. He suggested we should take some of the money we're currently spending on the military and move it to foreign aid, and that doing so would actually help us achieve our national security goals.

These are all incredibly controversial opinions. The question of who is right and who is wrong on them has huge stakes for national policy. They would be good things to debate! But instead we got Randomgate.
Gaffe politics has no particular partisan valence. Back in 2011, a heckler suggested to Mitt Romney that taxes on "corporations" could pay for spending.

Romney responded that "corporations are people" — i.e., that ultimately higher corporate tax rates are paid by the owners, workers, and consumers of the firms that are taxed. This is a point whose truth is essentially indisputable, but once it was lodged by Romney's enemies as an official gaffe coverage of it became ubiquitous. Romney's incredibly under-described actual tax policy agenda got much less coverage.

The psychological and economic roots of these gaffe-storms aren't difficult to understand.

On the one hand, the ravages of the partisan mind make them seem all too real. I got many emails and tweets from Obama detractors who were genuinely troubled by the president's determination to cover up the existence of anti-semitism in Europe, while not troubled enough to bother looking up any of his administration's statements on the matter. Several attributed anti-Jewish bias not just to Obama but to me (I am Jewish). And none of them were putting on a show for partisan gain. They were just trapped in the miasma.

On the other hand, in an internet world of limited time but unlimited newshole the "gaffe" story offers easy content. Parsing the Romney tax agenda requires some knowledge of complicated issues and time spent with relevant experts. Noting that corporations are not, in fact, members of the species Homo sapiens, by contrast, is easy.

Last, though much about the media landscape has changed, the old-time division between "news" and "opinion" continues to saddle much mainstream political coverage with a perverse bias toward tactics and process. According to traditional journalistic strictures, that a politician gaffed is a fact (see, everyone is talking about the gaffe!) while the fact that a politician's agenda might be bad for the world is opinion (his party says his agenda would be awesome!).

The media will bemoan lack of access and robotic, scripted answers. But it will also punish deviations from the script. And it will do so in the most trivial ways. No minds were changed during Randomgate, and nobody learned anything. A couple of spokespeople had a bad afternoon. Some websites (including this one) got some extra pageviews. And every politician learned to be that much more boring in the future.
I have no idea what Randomgate is.

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to interview the President of the United States. Among other things, I asked him if he thought the media exaggerates the threat posed by terrorism relative to other national security problems. He largely agreed with my premise, which I thought was interesting, but he also said something rather banal — violent terrorist attacks are both scary and morally wrong:

It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you've got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.
That became the most controversial line in the entire transcript. The shooting at the Kosher market, after all, wasn't random — a point Obama had actually made before, the idea was to go to a Kosher market to kill some Jews. Then White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest and State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki got asked about it at their respective Tuesday afternoon briefings. For whatever reason, both Psaki and Earnest offered very awkward replies that made it A Bigger Gaffe. By the early evening, Psaki walked it all back and it appears that Randomgate is now behind us.
Obama called paris killing random, press at state and white house wouldn't contradict him, people saying obama doesn't care about jews


Mother Jones is a tribune of the people. And if corporations are now people, then by the transitive property ...
But Mother Jones is written by people and published by a corporation then that means...*pop*


Not to mention that the 20th century is littered with the bodies of those killed by leftists devoted to their own brands of "progress."
Now, now, they didn't "carry [a] gun and shoot people in the head with it." They had people for that.


28 Reasons I’m DONE Talking To Most Of My Conservative Friends And Family Members
I’m a Southern girl. Born in the South, raised in the South, and have rarely lived anywhere BUT the South. I actually love the South. I’ll die in the South. Being a Southern girl, I have more than my share of right-wing friends, neighbors, and family members — and some of you have in recent years crossed the line into nut-jobbery.

The fact is — I love you guys and that will never change.

I’ll admit that I’m disappointed and disturbed to see intelligent and/or educated people who are willfully ignorant. But while it does change my opinion about you on some level, more than anything I’m embarrassed for you. It hurts me to see you post conspiracy theories on your Facebook timeline, only to have them debunked with a quick Snopes link. It hurts me to see you expressing unapologetic and blatant racism and ignorance. It absolutely tortures me to see you being on the wrong side of history on so many issues.

Although I’ll always love you guys, I have had to quit — for my own sanity and for the sake of our relationships — attempting to engage in intelligent conversation about politics and social issues with most of you. From now on, we’ll talk about the weather, recipes, our mutual friends, our children, our illnesses, thrift shop finds, and our old memories. I want to know what’s going on in your lives. What books are you reading? What home improvements are you planning? Hell, I’ll even follow you on Pinterest!

I very much appreciate those of you who can still have an intelligent conversation and listen to another point of view. Hopefully this small group of sane conservatives never changes.

Here is why I have to abandon attempts at intelligent conversation with most of you.

17. You don’t mind using force against “lesser” groups to get what you want.
Yes! Another convert to anarchism!

EDIT: wait, i'll make a thread lol
Why don't you apply this to Islam when there is a terrorist attack?

He was a progressive and atheists. That's what he was. Now it becomes clear that peoples self-identified believes aren't always the catalyst for horrible crimes. It would be nice if more people applied this to non-whites

Well 'progessive' is a general term for those on the left and stronger gun control is the party line position for those on the the left. Before this one guy, I have never seen a 'progressive' policy position of advocating for shooting people who take your parking place or shooting neighbors you don't like.

With regards to Islam, although it is not a majority view, there is a substantially large division of Muslims running a semi-state named the 'Islamic State' which seems to involve beheadings, kidnappings, genocide, ethnic cleansing, sexual slavery, and recently execution by burned alive. I did not name them Islamic state, they named themselves that.

When there a very large group of self-identified 'progressive' people that behave like this guy, I'll start calling such people 'progressives'.

BTW, why did you assume a Muslim was involved in your hypothetical terrorist attack?


This is semantics, and nothing more
Before this one guy, I have never seen a 'progressive' policy position of advocating for shooting people who take your parking place or shooting neighbors you don't like.

. . .

When there a very large group of self-identified 'progressive' people that behave like this guy, I'll start calling such people 'progressives'.

No, but seriously, this is the No True Scotsman fallacy. It has a Wikipedia entry and everything. If that's too mainstream for you, there's also a TVtropes page about it. Shit, even Conservapedia gets this, dude. Conservapedia!


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: America is ready for gay marriage

“The change in people’s attitudes on that issue has been enormous,” she said in an interview with Bloomberg. “In recent years, people have said, ‘This is the way I am.’ And others looked around, and we discovered it’s our next-door neighbor — we’re very fond of them. Or, it’s our child’s best friend, or even our child. I think that as more and more people came out and said that ‘this is who I am,’ the rest of us recognized that they are one of us.”


I don't find the article or her comments all that dramatic, but get ready for a new round of folks whining that she needs to recuse herself..


Unconfirmed Member
Is 2016 the year that the GOP finally realizes that PA is electoral fool's gold? Stay tuned!

Not a chance. They'll probably think black people in philadelphia wont show up to vote anymore since Hillary is white.
Bummed that Columbus didn't get picked, but not surprised.

We have shitty public transportation and we're never going to get events like these if we don't get some sort of rail system going.


So answer me this. why do republicans contest it every four years?

Because it's tempting.

There's a whole article about this.

538 said:
The fact that Pennsylvania is just slightly left-leaning and worth 20 electoral votes, tied for the fifth largest haul with Illinois, makes the state an attractive target for Republicans....

In addition, Pennsylvania has a lot of white, working-class voters....Pennsylvania is also relatively old, with the fourth largest share of residents 65 years and older....

But Pennsylvania may be fool’s gold for the Romney campaign. The state is relatively inelastic; it has few true swing voters, and turnout tends to be the final deciding factor. In other words, the state’s Democratic-lean isn’t severe, but it is hard to reverse. Yes, Republicans have carried the state six times in the last 15 presidential contests. But in each of those wins the Republican won nationally by at least seven percentage points, a margin that is unlikely this year no matter who wins.


Republicans always want to contest Pennsylvania because it's only a little bit more Democratic than the nation -- like 3 points -- and so it really looks like they should be able to crack it open. But just because it's close to the center does not make it a swing state. It needs to have actual swing voters to be a swing state, and it hasn't for years.
Bummed that Columbus didn't get picked, but not surprised.

We have shitty public transportation and we're never going to get events like these if we don't get some sort of rail system going.

yeah, the fact that we still don't have even light rail in a city of this size is kind of a joke

(though i do know why there isn't already a LRT line going to Port Columbus, at least: funding, low density, and the need to deal w/ the FAA)

So answer me this. why do republicans contest it every four years?

for the same reason that a quarterback down 4 at the end of the fourth quarter will throw a hail mary at their quadruple-covered best receiver, except in this case the best receiver has one leg and no arms


According to a VERY SCIENTIFIC Fox poll, trust in the federal government has fallen since Obama took office. I wonder why?
Oh yeah, people don't vote and let idiots into Congress.
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