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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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I can't stop laughing.


I mean the situation is awful, but, my god.
Wait, what's going on?

Cops gather outside Oregon governor's house

Oregon state police gathered outside Gov. John Kitzhaber's house on Thursday afternoon as he faced mounting calls to resign, over a scandal concerning his fiancee's consulting and policy work took. [sic]

Kitzhaber has been under criminal investigation by the state attorney general.


But the troopers were an ominous development in a day filled with bad news for the governor. Oregon state legislative leaders reportedly met with him to ask for him to step down, and his chief of staff and legislative liaison reportedly resigned.
Kitzhaber has been dogged by reports revealing his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes, advised state employees on energy policy while getting paid by a group advocating for a specific position. The Oregonian has called for him to resign, and he's facing both a recall effort and a criminal investigation by the state attorney general.


If the Republican nominee for president is elected in 2016 — even by one vote — America will become an effective one-party state with the GOP controlling the presidency, the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court.

The mortal threat to American liberalism is not in electing a Democratic president we agree with 90 percent of the time, who would nominate Supreme Court justices we agree with 100 percent of the time and would help elect more Democrats to the House and Senate. The mortal threat to American liberalism is in putting the legislative and executive branches of government under the unrestrained power of a Republican Party in the grip of intolerant and extremist factions, and imposing a partisan conservative Republican Supreme Court majority that would set back American justice for a generation.

I would note that the only people who want Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to run for president more than some Democratic liberals are Republican partisans and conservatives. They fear Clinton, who could win a substantial victory in 2016, according to polling. Republicans believe Clinton is the only Democrat standing between them and the one-party GOP state I warn about here. They desperately want Clinton to be bloodied up by Warren in bitterly divisive Democratic primaries.


I know Tom agrees with this.
I'm so sick of politics. It is just the same shit over and over and over again.

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans are advancing a series of tax cuts this week affecting millions of businesses and individuals, despite White House veto threats over adding more than $300 billion to the budget deficit over the next decade.

The debate highlights a dispute between Republicans and Democrats over whether tax cuts should be offset by spending cuts or other revenue increases, making it difficult to enact even popular tax breaks for businesses and families.

One small provision would expand the same college savings plans that President Barack Obama unsuccessfully tried to scale back. Others would make a series of expired tax breaks permanent, including ones that encourage charitable giving and others that make it easier for businesses to invest in new equipment or research and development.

"We are fighting to get people back to work, to get the economy moving, to increase take-home pay and to give businesses as many incentives as we can to get people back to work," said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. "That's what this is all about."

Many Democrats said they support the tax breaks, but they oppose adding so much to the budget deficit.

"We may have the same objective, but we want to pay for it," said Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J. "Somebody's got to pay the bill."
A cartoon I created years ago:
So evidently the cops are there because of the presence of the media who are reporting on the presence of the cops. Or something.

Media presence at Oregon governor's house draws deputies

Reporters who are camped outside the home of embattled Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber have been joined by deputies from the Washington County Sheriff's Office.

Oregon State Police provides security for Kitzhaber, but sheriff's Sgt. Bob Ray says the agency requested extra help because of the large media presence.

Ray says troopers wanted to ensure they can freely come and go from the governor's home in southwest Portland.


"Voters do not want a coronation"

says who? I have no problem with it and maybe the voters in the democratic primary have no problem with it either. If she blows out her challengers by 50-60pts then it is effectively what the media is calling it. How is it not a coronation if the opposition is so weak. Past is prologue. Maybe this time the D"s want a coronation and maybe Hillary they feel deserves it.


It's safe due to Philly and other urban districts. For now. Maybe things will change in a decade. I'd imagine Michigan will be more competitive in a decade or so as well.
Fuck no, PA is blue for life. In 2012 they flirted with gerrymandering it but that blew up in their face. With Wolf at the helm it's never going to happen now.

Philly (and surrounding counties), Pittsburgh, Erie and Harrisburg will always drown out the rest of the state in Presidential races. Even in 10 years.

Again, the only thing they can do is gerrymander the EV under a GOP Governor -- which is possible -- but not for at least another 4-8 years.

Now, a state like Michigan is definitely going to be up for grabs in 10 years.



The Dems could nominate Joe effin' Lieberman, and if he pledged to nominate Ginsburg clones I'd still crawl across broken glass to vote for him so that we get those jurists in place - and to prevent Scalia clones from being named to the bench.

2016 is a huge one. I'll be 38 when Election Day arrives, so the winning side will likely control the high court until I'm an old man. The GOP can rack-up all sorts of election wins after SCOTUS swings left, but having a liberal federal judiciary that kills anything controversial that they pass would be priceless. The ultimate veto. The best insurance that progressives can possibly have going into the future.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Damn it. Posted in the Toonami thread by mistake lol.

Noob question: it's said that the economy gets more revenue each year partly because of inflation. How exactly does that work?


Noob question: it's said that the economy gets more revenue each year partly because of inflation. How exactly does that work?

Prices in the economy are 'sticky' and take time to adjust to the reality of an increased money supply. Contracts are set, MSRPs are relatively fixed in the short term, and it takes time for firms and buyers in the marketplace to realize the dollar has lost value and what new price to adjust to. So all else equal, inflation generally follows an increase in the money supply, and this increase in the money supply combines with 'sticky' prices from the dollar's old value, and so people spend more, thus increasing economic activity and revenue.


No interest? Fine.

Since you guys like history so much I'll post a picture of Bill Clinton with ice cream on his nose instead.
There was a thread about it and PD even picked it up for is daily troll newsletter - the greatest honor a poligaf post can achieve.

Clinton ain't history, shit I personally remember ain't history.
Here's a picture of Harry Truman sexing up Lawrence Bacall -


Give em the d, Harry!


Unconfirmed Member
There was a thread about it and PD even picked it up for is daily troll newsletter - the greatest honor a poligaf post can achieve.

Clinton ain't history, shit I personally remember ain't history.
Here's a picture of Harry Truman sexing up Lawrence Bacall -


Give em the d, Harry!

Oh I missed that.

Let me rephrase. That picture is how the democrats lost the 2000 election.


will gain confidence one day
There was a thread about it and PD even picked it up for is daily troll newsletter - the greatest honor a poligaf post can achieve.

Clinton ain't history, shit I personally remember ain't history.
Here's a picture of Harry Truman sexing up Lawrence Bacall -


Give em the d, Harry!

Look at them gams


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Prices in the economy are 'sticky' and take time to adjust to the reality of an increased money supply. Contracts are set, MSRPs are relatively fixed in the short term, and it takes time for firms and buyers in the marketplace to realize the dollar has lost value and what new price to adjust to. So all else equal, inflation generally follows an increase in the money supply, and this increase in the money supply combines with 'sticky' prices from the dollar's old value, and so people spend more, thus increasing economic activity and revenue.

Muchas graycias.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Time for some gun politics news:

Judge rules federal interstate handgun transfer ban unconstitutional:

Reuters said:
A U.S. ban on the interstate sales of handguns by federal firearms dealers to buyers from other states violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal judge in Texas ruled on Wednesday.

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Reed O'Connor stemmed from a challenge to the ban brought by a Texas firearms dealer and a couple from the District of Columbia in July 2014.

The federal law prohibits a dealer from transferring a handgun, but not a rifle or shotgun, to an individual who does not live in the state in which the dealer's business is located.

. . .

O'Connor found that the ban violated the second and fifth amendments to the U.S. Constitution. He also distinguished the ban from other firearms restrictions such as those that target specific people, such as felons or the mentally ill.

"As law abiding, responsible citizens, the Hansons likely do not pose the threat to public safety that motivated Congress to enact the federal interstate handgun transfer ban," O'Connor wrote in his decision.

O'Connor said the government demonstrated a compelling interest in preventing handgun crime, but failed to show how the transfer ban alleviates the problem of prohibited people acquiring handguns by crossing state lines.

Texas senator proposes bill to allow concealed weapons nationwide:

The Guardian said:
A US senator from Texas wants to enable Americans to travel across state lines with their concealed weapons.

The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, introduced this week by US Senator John Cornyn, would allow concealed weapons permits issued in one state to be recognized in any state.

The nation’s largest gun rights group cheered the legislation, saying it would “respect the rights” of gun owners.

. . .

Under the proposed bill, a state would, be required to honor permits issued by other states. And under the bill, those barred under federal law from owning a gun would still be prohibited.

. . .

Cornyn proposed similar reciprocity legislation that fell three votes shy of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate. With Republicans controlling both houses, the bill may have a better chance of clearing Congress.

As much as this stuff still makes my stomach turn. (I really think the second amendment is a horrible anachronism)

I've just about given up on this issue. There's nothing in it for liberals anymore if they aren't willing to discuss bans. Maybe in a generation or two but guns are here in the US even if its a disgusting part of our culture, we like the idea of killing others.



A number of Republican-led states are considering tax changes that, in many cases, would have the effect of cutting taxes on the rich and raising them on the poor.

Conservatives are known for hating taxes but particularly hate income taxes, which they say have a greater dampening effect on growth. Of the 10 or so Republican governors who have proposed tax increases, virtually all have called for increases in consumption taxes, which hit the poor and middle class harder than the rich.

Favorite targets for the new taxes include gasoline, e-cigarettes, and goods and services in general (Governor Paul LePage of Maine would like to start taxing movie tickets and haircuts). At the same time, some of those governors — most notably Mr. LePage, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and John Kasich of Ohio — have proposed significant cuts to their state income tax. In an effort to relieve some of the added pressure, Mr. LePage’s plan includes a tax break for the lowest-income families.

A new report suggests that these states could be creating financial problems down the road. The strategy of shifting from income taxes to consumption taxes has caused huge budget shortfalls in Kansas and, more recently, North Carolina, which announced a budget shortfall of nearly half a billion dollars.

While the bottom fifth of earners pay more than 10 percent of their income in state and local taxes, the top 1 percent pays closer to 5 percent, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates. Percentage of income is, of course, only one way to measure the tax burden — in sheer dollar terms, the wealthy pay far more than the poor. Still, the Keystone report’s authors, Greg LeRoy and Stephen Herzenberg, argue that a less regressive tax structure is the answer to state budget woes, in what is basically a sophisticated pitch for a millionaire’s tax. “It’s time to have a clear debate about the impact of inequality on public finance,” Mr. LeRoy said.

Taxing the top fifth of earners at the same rate as the middle class would bring in $200.5 billion to state and local coffers, the report says. Taxing just the top 1 percent at the same rate as the middle class would bring in $88.5 billion, 10 times the amount needed to restore five years’ worth of cuts to higher education. The report also breaks it down state by state, saying that Texas and Florida, at the top of the list, would raise about $40 billion each if they taxed the top 20 percent at the middle-class rate, while Kansas and North Carolina would raise about $2 billion each.


The report also breaks it down state by state, saying that Texas and Florida, at the top of the list, would raise about $40 billion each if they taxed the top 20 percent at the middle-class rate, while Kansas and North Carolina would raise about $2 billion each.
FL doesn't have an income tax, does Texas?
So a coworker was telling me how crime (even violent crime) is at the highest point it has ever been. I pointed out to here the statistics show that crime, especially violent crime, is the lowest it has been in decades. She points out that that's not really true because the government redefined what it means to be "robbed", "raped", or what "attempted homicide" means.

Is any of this true?
So a coworker was telling me how crime (even violent crime) is at the highest point it has ever been. I pointed out to here the statistics show that crime, especially violent crime, is the lowest it has been in decades. She points out that that's not really true because the government redefined what it means to be "robbed", "raped", or what "attempted homicide" means.

Is any of this true?

Uh, no. Setting aside the fact that none of those terms have... like, any wiggle room, the "government" (assume your coworker meant federal) couldn't pass a law like that to save its life.


There is to a degree. Take rape statistics for example:

I highly doubt Sweden is the rape capital in the world.

"police-recorded offences" is the key word though. On top of cultural barriers, a lot of places the police can't / won't help people on this matter.
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