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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Unconfirmed Member
Isn't 50-50 impossible with Orman's position that he'll caucus with the majority party, whichever it is? Closest it could be before he decides is 50-49 (one way or the other,) which would mean he'd caucus with the 50 side, making it 51-49.

No, because 50-50 would make the democrats the majority because of Biden's tiebraking vote. If it's 49 D - 50 R, then there would be no majority decided yet and whatever Orman picked would become the majority.
I just can't see democrats holding the senate. Three losses are a given (WV, Montana, SD). The next two are pretty obvious: LA, AR. Barring some huge polling fuck up, AL would be #6. Colorado could be #7, Iowa #8. Of course, a Roberts loss in Kansas loss would negate the net total.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
anyone know what the most recent Walker/Burke polling shows? I don't think I want to know.


Leaning toward a 51 D/I - 49 R Senate (with 48 as the worst case and 53 as the absolute best case).

Also leaning toward D/I +6 in gubernatorial elections.

And as always, fuck the House.



Hello PoliGAF. I am going with 53 R - 47 D for the Senate. Gotta side with Nate Silver on this one, his track record is impeccable.


I'm going with 51-49 at the absolute best. It's possible but not likely...

I'll talk to you guys after we probably endure much worse.


This is my first and maybe last post to PoliGAF. I never do well posting about things I feel really passionate about on the internet. I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.

I live in Maryland and I'm really unhappy with how the entire election season has gone. No matter what party a person is a part of, or what position they are running for, every campaign in this state can be summed up as this: "Don't vote for other guy, other guy bad! Other guy will take something away from you and give it to people you no like." Especially for the Governor. Everyone running for Governor for Maryland has no business being Governor for Maryland but we need to pick one.

I know I can't complain too much as this is our fault. Apparently we love picking the lesser of two evils because we don't like change. Change scares us. The logical part of me thinks that no matter who wins, things won't change much. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, but society will still lumber along as it always has.

The irrational feeling part of me has a completely different perspective. This monster is feed on a diet of political ads and chicken little view of the long term. I'm going to describe my perspective of both major parties and I realize both are gross unfair generalization sweeping statements. No need to point that out. I don't mean to offend anyone.

The Democrats wants the status quo. No risks and no improvements. Don't rock the boat. Just watch the slow decay and drag it out as much as possible, hoping deus ex technology solves it for them or the voters lose interest before the real negatives kick in. They are for progressive reform and social equality but only after the country drags them kicking and screaming. They will look at problems and throw money at them but are rarely interested in solving problems because what's the point in that? Can't make a political career of addressing a problem if it gets fixed. As long as I keep voting for them, they promise they won't intentionally or actively make things worse. They are like a fat life guard who might throw you a life preserver if you start drowning, assuming they didn't eat it mistaking it for a doughnut.

The Republican party wants to kill me by taking away my health care (I was born disabled but didn't think ahead and got born rich too), starve me by putting me out of work (being a government worker is somehow worse than welfare queens these days) , and jail me for not believing in Jesus, Every poll says their goals are supported by only a tiny minority of Americans and yet somehow they are winning elections. At least I'm a white male so they aren't claiming I'm property and heterosexual so they aren't wanting to chop off my balls. But enough about the good points. There is also the Tea Party within the Republican party. Early 20th century fascism in a 21st century suit. If I vote for them they promise to keep my wages low, and my children's future bleak in exchange for all the firearms and crushing debt we could ever want.

Today I'm going to vote straight Democrat. Just because. I honestly looked at all the candidates of the local elections and even the independents don't offer anything. Everyone of my options are just party line idiots.

Thats my two cents of worthless opinion. That said, assuming there isn't a extended government shutdown and I end up begging for food on the corner, if the Republicans do win big, the next two years will be entertaining.
I just can't see democrats holding the senate. Three losses are a given (WV, Montana, SD). The next two are pretty obvious: LA, AR. Barring some huge polling fuck up, AL would be #6. Colorado could be #7, Iowa #8. Of course, a Roberts loss in Kansas loss would negate the net total.
LA we won't know until December anyway unless Landrieu or Cassidy breaks 50 (which is highly unlikely in both cases - but slightly less so for Landrieu).
So...there general agreement that GOP make some gains, may get majority, but lack the supermajority to override veto powers, leading to two more years of legislative gridlock?


So...there general agreement that GOP make some gains, may get majority, but lack the supermajority to override veto powers, leading to two more years of legislative gridlock?

Whoever wins, shit still won't get done. gOP has accomplished its goals of making Obama appear to be the least productive 2 term president in history.


So...there general agreement that GOP make some gains, may get majority, but lack the supermajority to override veto powers, leading to two more years of legislative gridlock?
Yup. Other than confirmations of presidential nominees, the consequences aren't too bad.

This might be a hollow victory for the GOP. With control of both chambers, their base will get frustrated that Santa Cruz isn't magically leading them to everything they've ever wanted, their party identity gets conflated with "Congress" (and its historically low approval ratings), and it gives the Democrats a convenient villain for the 2016 elections. Not a bad set-up, really.

Hanging around FreeRepublic this morning, and some of them appear to be catching-on that this year will only be a bandaid on their party's problems. A bit remarkable.
The race I'm most "enthusiastic" about voting in today (if you can call it enthusiasm) is the one for re-electing Jeanne Shaheen; I really hope that today will be the last we ever have to hear about Scott Brown...


Not time to go the polls ? Just vote via twitter just write the candidate of your choice and add the hastags ‪#‎anonymous‬ and ‪#‎vote‬
don't reall vote this way... you need to go to the polls!

anyways .. I would love for Dems to pull through but it likely wont. Seems most Americans have the ploitical attention span of a cocker spaniel.
Either gonna be 51-49 R in Senate or a tie. Difference will be negligible unless R's can somehow get above 55 because 2016 is shaping up to be another D sweep. The real impact will be felt in state legislature's where it looks like Republicans will clean up again, therefore extracting some policy pounds of flesh in the form of medicaid expansions, etc. Hopefully D's can win some Gubernatorial races to hold the tide at bay.

And learning that Colorado went all mail ballot, all I can do is laugh. There is perhaps no more form of voting that is more prone to fraud and abuse that mail in ballots. It's basically an art form down here in San Antonio (where the current Democratic party has managed to close the R early voting gap through 'miraculous' means). Hopefully Colorado has implemented some safeguards, although the last time I was there for elections it basically mirrored San Antonio. Maybe someone in Oregon can elucidate on their process, since it seems to go on without a hitch.

Ways to manipulate mail in ballots, a process:

1) Enlist 'volunteers' to patrol neighborhoods ostensibly to canvass
2) Wait for mailman, particularly in older neighborhoods where senior citizens live
3) Spot the very obvious mail ballots, as they stick out like sore thumbs
4) Follow mailman's path
5) Knock on doors where you witnessed mail in ballots delivered
6) Claim to be from elections commission, or other official sounding group, but not affiliated with campaign
7) "Help" senior citizens fill out (coincidentally with candidate of your choice) and mail or return their ballots. Alternately, don't return ballots of those stubborn seniors who voted against your guy.
8) If this process fails, deploy nuclear option...
9) Stack the mail in ballot verification with your most craven, shameless supporters and challenge a sizeable majority of your opponents mail in ballot signatures
10) Successfully gummed up the process
11) Win
The thing I think dems need to realize if we pick up govs kansas, fl, wi, mi, az. Is that conservatives aren't popular especially when they are governing.

The economy isn't great and this effects incumbents. Its not a wholesale rejection of the party.

What we need to do in 2016 is present a reason why you should vote for us, not why the other side is bad. You can talk about that but people need a reason to vote for you as well.
I can understand why Obama is so unpopular . . . the unemployment rate went from 10.1% to 5.9%, gas prices are the lowest in 4 years, the percentage of uninsured people is dropping, stock market is at record highs, the deficit has been cut by 2/3s, oil prices have dropped massively, inflation is low, interest rates are low, consumer sentiment is strong, etc. . . . Who wants THAT? So boring.

What we really need is another pointless war, a financial meltdown, and 19th century social policies!


The best thing that will happen tonight is Brownback is voted out and the new governor shout from the highest point in each state that tea party economics/trickledown does not work.
I can understand why Obama is so unpopular . . . the unemployment rate went from 10.1% to 5.9%, gas prices are the lowest in 4 years, the percentage of uninsured people is dropping, stock market is at record highs, the deficit has been cut by 2/3s, oil prices have dropped massively, inflation is low, interest rates are low, consumer sentiment is strong, etc. . . . Who wants THAT? So boring.

What we really need is another pointless war, a financial meltdown, and 19th century social policies!

Don't forget, his skin is kinda dark and his name sounds like a Muslim terrorist. Can't discount that.


I think it's going to be 52R 48D.

I'm gonna go cry in a corner now. :/

Nothing was happening even with a Dem controlled Senate, and nothing will happen after tonight. Obama will have to use the veto pen more often, but that's it. Dems will retake the Senate again in 2016 anyways.
Nothing was happening even with a Dem controlled Senate, and nothing will happen after tonight. Obama will have to use the veto pen more often, but that's it. Dems will retake the Senate again in 2016 anyways.

And we can expect the same trend of nothing happening then too.
Sprint stock is down 20% this morning.

As a shareholder, Im changing my vote to the tea party because Im mad as hell and I wont take it anymore.


And we can expect the same trend of nothing happening then too.

I'm sure the Clintons will have some sort of strategy to deal with that.

I mean, probably not a lot will happen anyway but they'll find a way to make it seem like Hilldawg is getting all sorts of stuff done.


And we can expect the same trend of nothing happening then too.

Well, yeah. Until the House changes hands (2020 at the earliest due to gerrymandering) or the GOP taking control of all three branches, nothing is all we're going to get for the remainder of this decade.
Just got back from voting, there weren't that many people there. But then again, it was 11 am and most people either vote early in the morning or early in the evening anyways.
Yeah.. Mary pointed this out and many down here shrieked at her for being so candid..

They really don't like looking in the mirror.

And she even couched it in very neutral language that pointed it out as just reality.

I think most conservatives are NOT racist . . . however, a pretty sizable subset of them are. And thus they'll vote against their own economic self-interest out of base tribalism.


Well, yeah. Until the House changes hands (2020 at the earliest due to gerrymandering) or the GOP taking control of all three branches, nothing is all we're going to get for the remainder of this decade.

That's a large part of why I focus on judicial appointments. Stacking the courts is one of our most obtainable goals, it's rather long-lasting, and (bonus!) it's pretty demoralizing to the opponent's base.

And she even couched it in very neutral language that pointed it out as just reality.

I think most conservatives are NOT racist . . . however, a pretty sizable subset of them are. And thus they'll vote against their own economic self-interest out of base tribalism.

I was shocked that she went there at all. What she said was reasonable and restrained, but as soon as she said it my mind said, "oh, Mary.."

And I don't think most conservatives are racist either, but the subset is large enough to where I'm immediately suspicious of anyone willing to hitch wagons with them. It's probably a bad bias on my part.
The fact that some pot initiatives and minimum wage initiatives are on the ballot may tilt turn-out numbers. This may end up proving some polls wrong due to their flawed likely-voter models.


50/50 after bringing Independents into caucuses. Joe Biden gets the opportunity to really run for President based on it.
Either gonna be 51-49 R in Senate or a tie. Difference will be negligible unless R's can somehow get above 55 because 2016 is shaping up to be another D sweep. The real impact will be felt in state legislature's where it looks like Republicans will clean up again, therefore extracting some policy pounds of flesh in the form of medicaid expansions, etc. Hopefully D's can win some Gubernatorial races to hold the tide at bay.

And learning that Colorado went all mail ballot, all I can do is laugh. There is perhaps no more form of voting that is more prone to fraud and abuse that mail in ballots. It's basically an art form down here in San Antonio (where the current Democratic party has managed to close the R early voting gap through 'miraculous' means). Hopefully Colorado has implemented some safeguards, although the last time I was there for elections it basically mirrored San Antonio. Maybe someone in Oregon can elucidate on their process, since it seems to go on without a hitch.

Ways to manipulate mail in ballots, a process:

1) Enlist 'volunteers' to patrol neighborhoods ostensibly to canvass
2) Wait for mailman, particularly in older neighborhoods where senior citizens live
3) Spot the very obvious mail ballots, as they stick out like sore thumbs
4) Follow mailman's path
5) Knock on doors where you witnessed mail in ballots delivered
6) Claim to be from elections commission, or other official sounding group, but not affiliated with campaign
7) "Help" senior citizens fill out (coincidentally with candidate of your choice) and mail or return their ballots. Alternately, don't return ballots of those stubborn seniors who voted against your guy.
8) If this process fails, deploy nuclear option...
9) Stack the mail in ballot verification with your most craven, shameless supporters and challenge a sizeable majority of your opponents mail in ballot signatures
10) Successfully gummed up the process
11) Win
Pretty sure James O'Keefe just got arrested trying to do that


That's a large part of why I focus on judicial appointments. Stacking the courts is one of our most obtainable goals, it's rather long-lasting, and (bonus!) it's pretty demoralizing to the opponent's base.

Yup, which is why I was glad Reid killed the judicial filibusters when he did and Obama was able to tilt the appeals courts into Dems favor.


Actually, the most depression thing about tonight would be the GOP making further inroads in stats legislatures.

It is there where those ridiculous abortion laws and regressive voter suppression laws are coming from. Dems really need to start putting more focus on fighting for control of state governments.

Expect more and more regressive voting laws to pop-up in he run up to 2016.


Unconfirmed Member
This is my first and maybe last post to PoliGAF. I never do well posting about things I feel really passionate about on the internet. I'm going to give it a go and see what happens.

I live in Maryland and I'm really unhappy with how the entire election season has gone. No matter what party a person is a part of, or what position they are running for, every campaign in this state can be summed up as this: "Don't vote for other guy, other guy bad! Other guy will take something away from you and give it to people you no like." Especially for the Governor. Everyone running for Governor for Maryland has no business being Governor for Maryland but we need to pick one.

I know I can't complain too much as this is our fault. Apparently we love picking the lesser of two evils because we don't like change. Change scares us. The logical part of me thinks that no matter who wins, things won't change much. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, but society will still lumber along as it always has.

The irrational feeling part of me has a completely different perspective. This monster is feed on a diet of political ads and chicken little view of the long term. I'm going to describe my perspective of both major parties and I realize both are gross unfair generalization sweeping statements. No need to point that out. I don't mean to offend anyone.

The Democrats wants the status quo. No risks and no improvements. Don't rock the boat. Just watch the slow decay and drag it out as much as possible, hoping deus ex technology solves it for them or the voters lose interest before the real negatives kick in. They are for progressive reform and social equality but only after the country drags them kicking and screaming. They will look at problems and throw money at them but are rarely interested in solving problems because what's the point in that? Can't make a political career of addressing a problem if it gets fixed. As long as I keep voting for them, they promise they won't intentionally or actively make things worse. They are like a fat life guard who might throw you a life preserver if you start drowning, assuming they didn't eat it mistaking it for a doughnut.

The Republican party wants to kill me by taking away my health care (I was born disabled but didn't think ahead and got born rich too), starve me by putting me out of work (being a government worker is somehow worse than welfare queens these days) , and jail me for not believing in Jesus, Every poll says their goals are supported by only a tiny minority of Americans and yet somehow they are winning elections. At least I'm a white male so they aren't claiming I'm property and heterosexual so they aren't wanting to chop off my balls. But enough about the good points. There is also the Tea Party within the Republican party. Early 20th century fascism in a 21st century suit. If I vote for them they promise to keep my wages low, and my children's future bleak in exchange for all the firearms and crushing debt we could ever want.

Today I'm going to vote straight Democrat. Just because. I honestly looked at all the candidates of the local elections and even the independents don't offer anything. Everyone of my options are just party line idiots.

Thats my two cents of worthless opinion. That said, assuming there isn't a extended government shutdown and I end up begging for food on the corner, if the Republicans do win big, the next two years will be entertaining.

It looks like the Democratic primary for Maryland governor was pretty active. Was there not anyone there you could get behind and vote for in the primary?
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