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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Do you guys think we can expect this going forward?

Dems dominate presidential elections, GOP dominate midterms?

Are we destined to have 20 years of Dem controlled WH and GOP controlled Congress?

The only good news is that 2020 is a Presidential and a Census year, so hopefully, with Presidential turnout, some purple state legislatures like VA and NC will go blue and we can have sane Congressional maps in those states.

Other than that, yup. At least for the next few years, until the demographics catch up. Or people under 50 begin voting in off year elections.


Seeing as how Dems got their asses handed to them 2010 style, I am interested to see how many of those batshit ballot amendments got passed in certain states.

Oh well. GOP may have the Senate, but gays win the marriage war!


2014 making 2006 look like amateur hour.

Obviously very different scenarios, but still. We're not going to need to stay up tonight.


Guys I'm scared... What if Brown is actually right in not conceding yet? Fuck I don't even want to think about that...

Just saw this on the news. There had to be something in the numbers that caused it to be called so early.

Baker also just took back the lead in MA gov.




I'll just believe in my own little world that the reason Democrats didn't turn out is because most of them were not able to get off work, while most of the people voting Republican were old farts, or rednecks with no jobs.


Goddman, it looks like 2010.

Dems are getting slaughtered. So much shitty rightwing legislation is going to getting through in these last two years, and Obama won't veto them all.

Edit: Christ, Scott Brown may pull it off?!


Looking forward to 2 years of vetos, Obama getting rolled because he got tired of having to veto all the time, zero congressional appointments....and probably another shutdown attempt.
Looking forward to 2 years of vetos, Obama getting rolled because he got tired of having to veto all the time, zero congressional appointments....and probably another shutdown attempt.
Obama needs to follow Bill Clinton's last two years in office when he left the children in the congress squabbling while he tried to use the most muscle an executive branch has: overseas.


PoliGAF 2014 |OT3| The Shellacking: Part II

I'm resigning to the fact that Dems are going to get slaughtered every mid term. Dems constituents just don't have the drive to go out and vote like GOP constituents do in non-Presidential election years. 2006 was an anomaly that I can't see being repeated any time soon.

Dems have to over perform in Presidential election just to stay competitive, but every presidential elect won't have an Obama or his ground game to lift other candidates nationally.


Unconfirmed Member
Gotta say, I'm extremely surprised that polls seem to be ending up biased towards democrats. Really anxious to see the final turnout numbers, margin of victories, and exit polls to see where exactly this went wrong. Early indications seem to point at Democrats losing young people harder than anyone expected, but we'll see.

I can't believe a 46 D - 54 R senate is even a possibility at this point, and it might even be worse than that.


Take solace in the fact that the GOP likely has to compromise *audible gasp* to pass any legislation through the senate.
unless the Dems fold faster than superman on laundry day


Take solace in the fact that the GOP likely has to compromise *audible gasp* to pass any legislation through the senate.
unless the Dems fold faster than superman on laundry day

I don't think Obama will fold. He'll probably compromise on stuff, but he's not going to roll over for the GOP. He doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Gotta say, I'm extremely surprised that polls seem to be ending up biased towards democrats. Really anxious to see the final turnout numbers, margin of victories, and exit polls to see where exactly this went wrong. Early indications seem to point at Democrats losing young people harder than anyone expected, but we'll see.
Look to the "independents" in the polls. D and R data is noise.


I'm going to retreat into FFXIV and never come out again...

...until Hilary announces she will run. Then I'll be all over it. I can't take 2 more years of stupid GOP nonsense.


I'm going to retreat into FFXIV and never come out again...

...until Hilary announces she will run. Then I'll be all over it. I can't take 2 more years of stupid GOP nonsense.

Look on the brightside, we'll have a lot to laugh at over the next two years.
He doesn't give a fuck anymore.
People have been saying that for a long time, but honestly I dont think we will ever see Dave Chapelle Black President any time soon. I can guarantee you 100% he will go on golf dates with boehner and try to compromise again and again.


Republican Governor candidates now up in Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, MARYLAND, Connecticut, not to mention Rick Scott's win. Them plus Walker were all supposed to be getting their asses handed to them like two weeks ago.


I'm going to retreat into FFXIV and never come out again...

...until Hilary announces she will run. Then I'll be all over it. I can't take 2 more years of stupid GOP nonsense.

Honestly, what are you worried about? It's not as if the once-flowing spigot of legislation is going to come to dry up. You're already lived through the least productive congress on record.


Now it looks like Brownback may win. Jesus Christ.

Sorry, but I'm not feeling any sympathy tonight. The people of Kansas deserve the government and policies that are coming. Ditto for Florida.


I'm going to retreat into FFXIV and never come out again...

...until Hilary announces she will run. Then I'll be all over it. I can't take 2 more years of stupid GOP nonsense.

I've already moved 270ToWin.com to my bookmarks bar and downloaded the app on my iPad.

The GOP doesn't really have two years.. once primary season begins, not much will get done at all. They'll be too busy fighting amongst themselves. :p


GOP will continue to take steps to diminish the role of the fillibuster, if not vaporze it instantly - citing the steps Reid took as precedent.

Honestly I think this is a good think in the long term and am HOPING they go down that road. But it will lead to some crazy shenanigans and showdowns.
2006 was an anomaly that I can't see being repeated any time soon.
It took 6 years of antibush buildup, Katrina, Iraq, a host of convergent Congressional corruption issues, among other things, to get to 2006. I'd be surprised if I see a midterm like that for the democrats more than one or two more times in my lifetime. Maybe that's me being dramatic, but even so, the differences in the turnouts has gotten completely crazy.
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