Sad, this might be true.
She basically called out Trump and his rhetoric, even if she didn't do it by name.
If the rank and file don't get that, I'm sure Trump's campaign will be happy to point it out for them.
Sad, this might be true.
They lost for more simple reasons. McCain had the illusion of old and the worst VP in modern history. Romney lost because he was out of touch and by being a conservative in the primaries had to run away from any accomplishments he had.
The other issue is they basically radicalized the right by convincing them Obama had a radical liberal agenda, so the only way to fight back was to go further right. You can't have candidates spend 6-12 months being hardcore conservative and 3-4 being a moderate trying to win then General.
The primary system has hurt the GOP way more than the Democrats admittedly in the last few elections.
McCain lost because he was facing a once in a generation campaigner and orator. Let's be honest, I think McCain wrecks HRC (mostly because I think he doesn't get convinced to go Palin against HRC) in the General Election.
No way, 2008 was the Dem's election to lose. Between Iraq and the financial crisis it was a perfect electoral storm for them.
The financial crisis would have ruined McCain, all the same.I think it was closer than people like to admit. W definitely helped the Dems going into 2008 - but had McCain not shifted so hard to the right during the primary, I think he would have had a really good chance of beating HRC. (I worked for Obama when he was in the IL Senate and the US Senate run, so you can guess who I voted for)
Holy shit, considering the mood of the GOP base for this cycle, this ad (courtesy of a Cruz SuperPAC) is rough as fuck on Marco:
Talk about no lube and no kiss.. daaamn..
The financial crisis would have ruined McCain, all the same.
But it would have been closer, sure.
Is it bad that a little part of me at the time wanted a GOP candidate to win (when we thought HRC would win the primary) just so they would get stuck with the consequences of GWB's idiocy? I wanted to believe that the economy fully crapping during a GOP president's reign would destroy the GOP for a generation. Thankfully Obama won, though.
That, and being from IL, I wanted Obama to come back and be governor in IL; we sort of needed it (and still do). Many of us were also terrified something would happen to him on the campaign trail.
Thankfully it didnt took much more for the GOP to destroy itself for a generation (in the presidential level, at least). And thank god Obama didnt settle for Illinois. Him winning changed politics forever in the US. The left was reborn thanks to Obama.
FreeRepublic: In GOP Response to Obama, SC Governor Defends Immigrants
Here's a decent idea of how a portion of the GOP base appears to be reacting to her speech.
And the live FR thread for the evening is: here
(Link goes to page where she begins her speech)
The rhetoric is pretty rough.
Obama starkly contrasts with Clinton and Carter. I don't understand the disillusionment either.If the left was reborn thanks to Obama why do they think he's a sellout shill?
Jesusss this has to be the best attack ad of the cycle yet. Good ass editing from the Cruz PAC too.Holy shit, considering the mood of the GOP base for this cycle, this ad (courtesy of a Cruz SuperPAC) is rough as fuck on Marco:
Talk about no lube and no kiss.. daaamn..
Obama starkly contrasts with Clinton and Carter. I don't understand the disillusionment either.
If the left was reborn thanks to Obama why do they think he's a sellout shill?
I remember people saying for a certainty that Obama would be assassinated even a year into his first term.Many of us were also terrified something would happen to him on the campaign trail.
I remember people saying for a certainty that Obama would be assassinated even a year into his first term.
There were always two types of people who'd say this, people who (whether they supported him or not) were genuinely fearful for the man's life and 100% certified assholes who wanted to rub it in as many peoples' faces as they could.
My sister was of the former and was actually considering voting for McCain because of it.
Maybe a little early, but thank God for the secret service.
Damn, I can feel the viciousness.Holy shit, considering the mood of the GOP base for this cycle, this ad (courtesy of a Cruz SuperPAC) is rough as fuck on Marco:
Talk about no lube and no kiss.. daaamn..
Ah, yeah, I also had the same fear even as an ignorant teenager. Even I knew racial hatred was still alive and well. A black man running for POTUS definitely amplified the threat level.There's an email chain among many of his IL Senate staffers as well as folks who worked on the US Senate campaign talking about this. We were all terrified. I know a couple of the staffers (who were much closer to the Obamas) went and actually talked to Michelle about it. Hell, I even made a comment about it to Barack directly the day he announced he was running for President.
(This was when there was significant scuttlebutt that Colin Powell's wife had squashed him running for the presidency in '96 due to the same fear)
It's funny how people went from worrying about winning in 2008 and 2012 to this inexplicable hubris of not only thinking 2016 is a sure thing, but that any candidate at all can win easily.
I truly worry that people are in for a rude awakening.
The primary system has hurt the GOP way more than the Democrats admittedly in the last few elections.
McCain lost because he was facing a once in a generation campaigner and orator. Let's be honest, I think McCain wrecks HRC (mostly because I think he doesn't get convinced to go Palin against HRC) in the General Election.
Is it fair to say that this Selzer poll tomorrow is going to be the biggest poll in PoliGAF history? The implications are MASSIVE.
The primary system has hurt the GOP way more than the Democrats admittedly in the last few elections.
McCain lost because he was facing a once in a generation campaigner and orator. Let's be honest, I think McCain wrecks HRC (mostly because I think he doesn't get convinced to go Palin against HRC) in the General Election.
I was out for the evening, did the Republican Governor of North Carolina seriously go after the Republican front runner for president during the rebuttal to the SOTU? What a time to be alive
SOTU was kind of embarrassing to watch imo. Not saying Obama is a bad speaker or he was bad here but I have a really hard time listening to the theatrics and bloviating that it requires.
He's tied right now (on the 2nd table) If the Selzer poll shows a lead, he'll pull ahead.Sounds like a problem with a very easy solution, don't watch it. You already know what you're going to get.
In other news, we are 1 point away from the tipping point. The day when Donald Trump leads or ties for the lead in predictwise for the first time.
Can everyone please calm down. Take head in Black Mamba's advice and chill. We have 3 weeks left with plenty to change.
I'm the most ardent Hillary stan here and you don't see me panicking.
And that law student's name?
The difference is how people perceive themselves , And that's significant. As an example: I know a conservative who donates to World Vision but is supportive of locking refugees who arrive by boat up in abysmal conditions. The recipients / victims are both non-white. The difference is how the person perceives themselves "Helping someone in need" vs "Defending the borders" / "Keeping out economic migrants". That difference in self-perception leads to radically different actions. You get much more support for being horrible to the Other when you can justify it (even if the justification is bullshit) because people in general don't like to see themselves as bad or cruel or unjust even to the Other.
I never suggested anything about the politicians responsible, I don't think I even mentioned them in anything more than passing as an enabler. So I don't see how I'm being disingenuous.
Okay. You are considering the self-perception of the people who do these things. I suppose I'm more concerned with the results of their actions. Because other people have to deal with those actions. Because I have to deal with those actions. And on that end, rationalizations are meaningless. Those refugees don't know that your conservative acquaintance is a charitable person, and they won't care if all they hear from him is "I think you should get locked up when you get here."
Selzer poll:
Cruz: 25 (-6)
Trump: 22 (+2)
Rubio: 12 (+2)
Carson: 11 (-2)
Selzer poll:
Cruz: 25 (-6)
Trump: 22 (+1)
Rubio: 12 (+2)
Carson: 11 (-2)
Those Trump second choice numbers aren't great.
Would love to see the cross tabs there.
Not great? They put him ahead of everyone except Cruz in one of his worse states! Besides, Trump is trending better relative to Cruz; Cruz fell by way more than the margin of error from the last Selzer Iowa poll. He may not need those second choices to clinch a narrow Iowa victory, which is what he needs for his media narrative.
Carson dropping out would probably be the first huge get for the other candidates. still 10% in Iowa and 7-8% nationally is pretty amazing for non politician with questionable foreign policy
If the left was reborn thanks to Obama why do they think he's a sellout shill?
If Bernie ends up as President, they'll do the same to him. The reality of governance just doesn't fit their fantasy West Wing scenario where the right wing gets brutally shamed by cutting dialogue from their rockstar candidate while all the policies they want get passed by magic TV political treknobabble writing.
I remember this one young guy on irc who was the biggest Obama mark you ever saw, the world was gonna change, fierce urgency of now, this is our time, political revolution, etc, etc, right up until the PPACA was passed. Then it was all he let us down, sellout, the corporations got to him, why do I gotta buy insurance I'm healthy this is bullshit, politics sux, democrats sux, and so on. I asked him if he voted for any other offices besides President, he said no. My eyes rolled up into my head so hard they sit higher on my face permanently now.
Thankfully, this is a pretty small and irrelevant segment of the electorate. They're loud and embarrassing, but they can't cause that much damage.
Ugh, I managed to miss the State of the Union. Had a seizure (the first I've had in five and a half months) earlier. Ended up missing most of the day.![]()
I'll watch it online later but it's not the same....