Set me on fire:

If Hillary had that majority, I think we would see passage of EDNA, movement on her college plan, definitely going to pick up gun violence if she can, and definitely work on passing paid leave, except not Gillibrand's bill.
I think she'd focus on some aspects of Obamacare. Not sure she would bring up the public option in a first term, but she's running on a platform to strengthen the ACA. I'm sure there are a few things she could get enough votes on to do.
Set me on fire:
My hope is if Democrats ever got the trifecta again they would just get rid of the filibuster. I think certain procedures (SCOTUS appointments, Constitutional amendments, veto overrides/impeachment convictions etc.) should have higher thresholds, those are delegated to the Senate for a reason, but day-to-day legislation shouldn't require 60 votes. Like come on that's bullshit. Even with a GOP majority I'd support that on principle (Dem president would serve as a check & balance, and if the GOP won the presidency as well... well, we dug our own grave on that one!).Raising the minimum wage would be huge. This is something that will affect every low-income citizen in the country. A public option for Obamacare would also be major as well, but I can't see that passing without the Democrats having a sixty seat majority in the Senate.
This is far more succinct and less wishlist-y. Although I would also add immigration reform, what better way to thank the 80+% Hispanic vote she's going to get against Trump.adam387 said:If Hillary had that majority, I think we would see passage of EDNA, movement on her college plan, definitely going to pick up gun violence if she can, and definitely work on passing paid leave, except not Gillibrand's bill.
I think she'd focus on some aspects of Obamacare. Not sure she would bring up the public option in a first term, but she's running on a platform to strengthen the ACA. I'm sure there are a few things she could get enough votes on to do.
You can't argue with the arch Nate Silver defenders. They will keep claiming that people "didn't read what Silver actually said." Dude just didn't take into account how this elections media climate is completely different than other ones. You didn't have a populist running. You didn't have a voting populace as frustrated as this one. You didn't have a candidate riding on media hyper and controversy. Numbers can't predict everything.
If you, like us here at FiveThirtyEight, were initially skeptical of Donald Trump’s chances of winning the GOP nomination in part because you assumed that the Republican Party would go out of its way to stop him, then you’ll find the following pretty remarkable
It should have been perfectly obvious, but it became clearer to me after spending the past week in Iowa: The campaigns competing against Trump are acting in their own narrow best interests, and not necessarily in the best interest of the Republican Party.
So unless the Republican National Committee itself were to buy airtime to run negative ads against Trump, the question is which individual candidates might benefit from doing so. This answer is more complicated than you might think..
When Trump used to cite polls to prove that he is the frontrunner I used to think typical Trump hubris. But the more I think about it, the more it seemed like a strategic move. He used it repeatedly to create the narrative to his electorate that he's not a flash in the pan. His base bought it. Media kept repeatedly showing him saying he's leading polls, which in turn fueled his support and his durable lead. Like everything about Trump, it's all about projecting.From Trump's Twitter
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Does it matter?Can Fiorina drop out of the race already? Trying to compare Hillary to El Chapo, attacking Hillary's marriage at the debate, the outright desperation is getting too much. Same interview as the Chapo remarks she tries to spin Cruz and Trump as "insiders". Only Carly can save us from all these Washington insiders, she's not tainted by Washington since she lost the last election she ran.
Can Fiorina drop out of the race already? Trying to compare Hillary to El Chapo, attacking Hillary's marriage at the debate, the outright desperation is getting too much. Same interview as the Chapo remarks she tries to spin Cruz and Trump as "insiders". Only Carly can save us from all these Washington insiders, she's not tainted by Washington since she lost the last election she ran.
The weird thing about it is how they use Obama and Hillary interchangeably.I wasn't politically savvy during the Bush years, but did Democrats strawman Bush as hard as Republicans have been doing with Obama and Hillary?
I wasn't politically savvy during the Bush years, but did Democrats strawman Bush as hard as Republicans have been doing with Obama and Hillary?
Where's that poster who got upset the other day when I said sexism is playing a role in attacking Hillary?Set me on fire:
Where's that poster who got upset the other day when I said sexism is playing a role in attacking Hillary?
Yeah, ENDA has 60 votes in the Senate. Heller, Hatch, Murkowski, Flake, and Collins would vote for it (in this scenario McCain is not in the senate lololol dreams), and I imagine others like Moore Capito and a few surprises might go for it.
When Trump used to cite polls to prove that he is the frontrunner I used to think typical Trump hubris. But the more I think about it, the more it seemed like a strategic move. He used it repeatedly to create the narrative to his electorate that he's not a flash in the pan. His base bought it. Media kept repeatedly showing him saying he's leading polls, which in turn fueled his support and his durable lead. Like everything about Trump, it's all about projecting.
My hope is if Democrats ever got the trifecta again they would just get rid of the filibuster. I think certain procedures (SCOTUS appointments, Constitutional amendments, veto overrides/impeachment convictions etc.) should have higher thresholds, those are delegated to the Senate for a reason, but day-to-day legislation shouldn't require 60 votes. Like come on that's bullshit. Even with a GOP majority I'd support that on principle (Dem president would serve as a check & balance, and if the GOP won the presidency as well... well, we dug our own grave on that one!).
Ideal Dem president/Congressional agenda would include:
- Full undoing of the sequester
- Minimum wage increase, as you mentioned
- Obamacare expansion (public option, an option for those whose states didn't expand Medicaid, extend Medicare to ages 55-64)
- Social Security reform ("reform" here meaning lifting the payroll tax cap and expanding benefits, no COLA shenanigans)
- Restoring and strengthening Voting Rights Act (including some checks against gerrymandering and voter ID, if legally possible)
- Restoring and strengthening McCain-Feingold (within legal limitations under conservative SCOTUS, if the Court balance flips then ban SuperPACs)
- Employee Free Choice Act (bring the unions back)
- Employment Non-Discrimination Act
- Immigration reform (the 2013 bill would be fine)
- Gun control (ditto)
- Universal pre-K
- Student loan/tuition reform (Hillary's plan seems pretty solid, just throw in Obama's free community college)
- Billions in funding pumped into renovating schools and roads, including high-speed railway (American Jobs Act pt 2?)
- Cap & trade legislation
- Now that Obama mentions it - wage insurance
- Repeal the Hyde amendment
Whew I think that's it.
This is far more succinct and less wishlist-y. Although I would also add immigration reform, what better way to thank the 80+% Hispanic vote she's going to get against Trump.
The WSJ's editorial page has also come out in defense of Trump over Cruz. And Murdoch is singing the former's praises on Twitter.GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is defending GOP frontrunner Donald Trump against Ted Cruz's criticism.
The Cruz campaign is pointing to Trumps interview with Tim Russert from 1999, in which, according to the Cruz campaign, Donald Trump asserts that New York views and attitudes are different than other places in the country, such as Iowa.
Huckabee was asked if he thinks Trump is now sincere in what he says. I have no reason to doubt him. Hes pretty outspoken, you got to give him credit for that.
Huckabee went on to criticize Cruz, although not by name.
"If you want to talk about a candidate whose switched positions you got a bunch of them out there who changed themselves on Trans Pacific Partnership, on ethanol and on foreign policy and all over the board. So you know, Donald Trumps positions if they changed, they changed over 15 years not the last 15 minutes".
Sure! It's hard to include everything.How about rescheduling Marijuana? Seems like there are even some Republicans that support the move. Drug reform would do wonders for this country, especially for minorities.
"The Party Decides" is based on statistics. They found that party endorsements had a strong predictive effect of how well a candidate would do in a presidential nomination.
The problem with "The Party Decides" isn't the statistics, it's actually the theoretical underpinnings. The theory gives no evidence of any mechanisms that could explain how endorsements could have a casual effect. That made the theory highly questionable from the start, but Political Science in general can be hard for presidential elections.
Basically, "reg primary_votes endorsements money polls controls" gave a really high t-score and coefficient for endorsements, but the theory itself couldn't explain why, making using it for predictive proposes highly questionable.
Does it matter?
Hillary successfully pulling Bernie to the left.Dan Merica ‏@danmericaCNN
NEW: Sanders announces he now supports a gun bill in Senate that amends his 2005 vote that gave gun manufacturers immunity from liability.
Too bad we couldn't gerrymander them out.The fun thing about "New York Values" is the the there are currently 9 Republican in the NY congressional delegation, which is more than in most red states.
Lol flip-flopper.Yellowtail said:Hillary successfully pulling Bernie to the left.
Hillary successfully pulling Bernie to the left.
Hillary successfully pulling Bernie to the left.
JUST IN: Clinton calls for new sanctions on Iran
About damn time he saw the light on that vote, there was no good reason for him to have voted the way he originally did.
this is so dumb
She read Maureen Dowd's editorial.??????????????
this is so dumb
this is so dumb
Of course there was. He is a career politician and Vermont is high on gun ownership (while having the lowest murder by gun rate in the country). He had to represent the particular scenario of his electorate if he wanted to keep his job.
You could try and make a thread, I suppose. Don't know if many outside of PoliGAF would shell out though.Would people be interested in a compendium of important downballot races and where to spend their $ if they want to give?
You could try and make a thread, I suppose. Don't know if many outside of PoliGAF would shell out though.
this is so dumb
So he's trading his values for pragmatism, eh?
Of course there was. He is a career politician and Vermont is high on gun ownership (while having the lowest murder by gun rate in the country). He had to represent the particular scenario of his electorate if he wanted to keep his job.
So... he's flip flopping.Probably regaining them now that he can free himself from the particular context of his previous electorate.
I dont personally hold Sanders on the idealistic pedestal most of his supporters do.
The WSJ's editorial page has also come out in defense of Trump over Cruz. And Murdoch is singing the former's praises on Twitter.
It really looks like the establishment increasingly prefers Trump to Cruz. Just how bad is Cruz in private?
So... he's flip flopping.
Just like Hillary I'm sure.But in an ideologically pure, consistently liberal way , of course.
So what happens when he says he will raise middle-class taxes to pay for medicare for all?Probably regaining them now that he can free himself from the particular context of his previous electorate.
I dont personally hold Sanders on the idealistic pedestal most of his supporters do.
NBCs Chuck Todd asked Sanders on Sunday morning if paid family leave was the only measure Sanders would raise taxes for. Is that the only thing you plan on raising taxes on the middle class on? Todd said.
Yes, thats right, Sanders said. Look, we have seen a huge transfer of wealth from the middle-class to the top one-tenth of 1%.
Just like Hillary I'm sure.
I don't know why Bernie doesn't phrase it as you'll be using some of the money you're already paying for health insurance to taxes for medicare for all.
Actually, I think I've heard him say that in the past actually? But you know this country has an aversion for taxes like it's nobody's business. And since he's promised none of his other proposals will raise taxes on the middle class, it's not an excuse that would work.I don't know why Bernie doesn't phrase it as you'll be using some of the money you're already paying for health insurance toward taxes that cover medicare for all.