Bernie fumbled on the gun issue. Hillary was able to hit him hard on that. Again, he cannot formulate a response to that because his position is and has always been wrong. He won't come out and admit it, although he did take a look at it. Bernie again showed he cannot answer a single question without going back to his stump speech. I'm not sure if he lacks the instinct to do that, or he simply just don't want to do that. If I had to guess, it's a little bit of both.
The sound bite will be Bernie admitting he is going to raise taxes. Because he is. He's going to raise taxes on everyone. When we get into the "Ya...but...." I still don't think that's an argument he's going to win.
Hillary was the only one who mentioned LGBT issues tonight. She's the one who brought up Flint. Again, Bernie missed the whole point of the point of the Bill Clinton question, and managed to get his "disgusting" line in there again. Which...again, was the entire problem from the beginning.
I think Martin had a decent enough night. I don't think it changes anything because there's nothing there to change.
Hillary, wisely, reminded voters that she's the Democrat in the race. Her embrace of Obama was smart, politically and electorally. She also used it to subtly remind Democrats that Bernie hasn't been there like she has been.
There were several VERY bad optical moments for Bernie. His refusal to look up during the gun exchange, his sighs and the repeated question weren't great looks for him. (Only two of which were his fault.)
So, basically....nothing has changed. I think Hillary did what she needed to do. Bernie didn't land any blows to Hillary. Martin was adorable, and I want to have his babies.