Oh, tonight was probably the last time we'll see O'Malley on a debate stage.
What about when Hillary picks him as VP to be able to out-attractive Trump's running mate, Marco Rubio?
Oh, tonight was probably the last time we'll see O'Malley on a debate stage.
God I hate Yglesias. I have no idea how the dude became a prominent internet user.
Klein is also extremely overrated.
Please... abuela no...What about when Hillary picks him as VP to be able to out-attractive Trump's running mate, Marco Rubio?
Eh, if we're going to have an heir to David Broder as King of the Washington Press Corps, Ezra Klein is the best possible option.
As for Yglesias, it's really issue to issue with him. When it comes to monetary policy, he's awesome. When it comes to teacher unions or free trade, he's basically a Republican. But yeah, he's basically got a cushy job because he hopped on the train with Ezra nearly a decade ago and went to Harvard.
As somebody who used to quasi-regularly read Pandagon in the ancient days of 2004 and 2005, it's really weird.
This shit is a death sentence in a Presidential election.Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Plus, they paid for the trip for him.
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Plus, they paid for the trip for him.
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Plus, they paid for the trip for him.
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
Why do you think the term Sandernista is so fitting?For one moment, I read "300 Sandinista" as meaning 300 Sanders supporters :/
Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Plus, they paid for the trip for him.
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
One of the issues with being a real candidate is the scrutiny that comes with it :-/
Yes and there was no way in hell that Donald Trump who once supported abortion, gay rights, single payer healthcare, gun control and Hillary Clinton would ever get anywhere in the Republican primary, right?
I really can't guess how a Bernie candidacy will be viewed by the national electorate, but it's worth taking the risk over Hillary who'll just be viewed as snake by everyone.
Yes and there was no way in hell that Donald Trump who once supported abortion, gay rights, single payer healthcare, gun control and Hillary Clinton would ever get anywhere in the Republican primary, right?
I really can't guess how a Bernie candidacy will be viewed by the national electorate, but it's worth taking the risk over Hillary who'll just be viewed as snake by everyone.
The ACA was not incremental change from healthcare previous to it. The ACA is huge change. Was and still is. That doesn't mean it doesn't have issues. But it was a big fucking deal and still is.
Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
Me neither. But that doesn't mean I've always voted republican.Down the line every time. Long hair don't care.
One time when there was a two-way race between a Libertarian and a Republican for a local school board seat, and I flipped a coin and ended up voting for the Libertarian. To this day I have never once voted for a Republican.
I don't think Hillary supporters are abusive. Despite the heavy Hillary tilt here, it's still relatively civil and coherent political discussion.I'm always fascinated by the cognitive dissonance that occurs by some Sander's supporter. Every thread we see the same - people talking about how Gaf is completely Hilaryland and how abusive Hilary supporters are.
Yet I've never seen a Hilary supporter drive by a thread and call him a monster, a republican, a traitor, an emotionless robot, a manipulative evil shrew, or any of the other insults we see slung about every thread. People seem to rush to tell us how much they *hate* Hilary, and yet it's Hilary supporters who are abusive.
It's as if Gaf was the only place where they encounter criticism of Bernie, and that takes them by surprise.
(I also love the attacks on Hilary in terms of her not being a democrat and ruining the party. From supporters of someone who literally isn't in the party, and who said we should primary a sitting Democratic president. Compared to someone who has spent he last 30+ years supporting and building up the party).
Ben Carson stole a lot of money this election season, but he also lost his reputation in the process.
Remember how socialism wasn't going to be a thing?
What Sanders Learned in Nicaragua
Plus, they paid for the trip for him.
Ya, that won't be an issue at all. Nope. Not at all. It's all good.
Nuu said:I fail to see Sanders being a socialist matters when the right never shut the hell up about Obama being a "socialist".
I fail to see Sanders being a socialist matters when the right never shut the hell up about Obama being a "socialist".
Because unlike Obama, Bernie is repeatedly and unashamedly on record as being a Democratic Socialist, and so it's the type of thing that one can nail a candidate down on. Whereas with the attacks on Obama, they worked really well with the Republican base, but never seemed particularly plausible to Independents and Democrats (because of course Obama is not a socialist and is not on record as being one, whereas Bernie is).
I can't believe this has to be stated but the key difference here is Sanders actually being a socialist.
....and? Most of the American public already believes Obama is a Socialist whether or not he claims to be. Perception is matter much more than reality.
....and? Most of the American public already believes Obama is a Socialist whether or not he claims to be. Perception is matter much more than reality.
Critics of Obama have stopped using the socialist attack as frequently because it so unsuccessfully stuck to him. Critics of Bernie would have no such problem, because perception would equal reality in the case of his socialism.
I can't believe this has to be stated but the key difference here is Sanders actually being a socialist.
Ignorance level +4,000! Sanders is not a socialist. He likes the term, and that's great, but he's not a socialist. He's a Social Democrat, a reformist capitalist.
Holy shit...No. He says he's a Democratic Socialist, and he is a Social Democrat, but he's not working for the dictatorship of the proletariat so much as he's looking for relief and increased income for the consumer base so that Capitalism doesn't devour itself. He wants to trim down the contradictions of capitalism in order that Capitalism can actually function better than it does when left to its own devices.Perception mattering more than reality only works as a saying when the reality actually isn't the same thing or "worse."
Bernie actually is a socialist. He has said, on record, on videotape that he is a socialist. The socialist attack proved to be unsuccessful against Obama ultimately because independents didn't buy it, and Democrats of course didn't care. Bernie is a socialist, so there's nothing for independents to buy or not. He IS a socialist, and most Americans hate socialism.
Critics of Obama have stopped using the socialist attack as frequently because it so unsuccessfully stuck to him. Critics of Bernie would have no such problem, because perception would equal reality in the case of his socialism.
Which would matter nothing in a general election, because people don't care to research a difference.
Holy shit...No. He says he's a Democratic Socialist, and he is a Social Democrat, but he's not working for the dictatorship of the proletariat so much as he's looking for relief and increased income for the consumer base so that Capitalism doesn't devour itself. He wants to trim down the contradictions of capitalism in order that Capitalism can actually function better than it does when left to its own devices.
I'm a socialist. I'm a Marxist. I want to see the economic system radically transformed. Sanders does not, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Right, and he gets an entire spotlight in the general to explain what the difference is - and he has models to point to that prove that his policies don't lead to the hellscape of post-Stalin Soviet Russia.
To make that battle worthwhile you have to convince voters that you're not only more dedicated to the issue, but also that your opponent is inadequately dedicated to it. You can make the case that Hillary is further left than Sanders on gun control, but can you make the case that Sanders is unsatisfactory on the issue? I'm not sure. I think most people who prefer Bernie's platform would find his gun control stance to be "good enough" even if they like Clinton's more. If Hillary wants to chip away at Bernie with this, she has to make the case that he's "not good enough" on the issue.
Politics are not about convincing people. It's about mobilizing people who already agree with you
It doesn't matter even if you believe Bernie isn't a TRUE SOCIALIST. He has admitted it on record, he has defined himself as a Democratic Socialist, and that's what voters are going to rely upon. Voters showed a troublesome enough understanding of socialism when the label was being cast upon Obama and his laughably un-socialist policies. You think they're going to further delve into the nuance of the term when they have a candidate that fully admits to being one? please.
That would indeed make a winning ad for Bernie in the general.
"I'm Bernie Sanders. I am a Democratic Socialist, but I'm not working for the dictatorship of the proletariat so much as I'm looking for relief and increased income for the consumer base so that Capitalism doesn't devour itself. My policies won't lead to the hellscape of post-Stalin Soviet Russia."
He just has to explain it more and the American people will come to understand.
philosophically, i'm much aligned with bernie and his call for UHC, but just on a practical level, it's not going to happen for a very long time. and i'm really sympathetic to the notion that even attempting to marshal something resembling UHC through congress (in altenrate reallity world where dems again have supermajorites, and no other pressing domestic issues) could seriously imperil the ACA.
it's like finally getting the Mercedes benz you've been clamoring after for 60 years and then when getting it, saying eh, not good enough time for a Ferrari! if i'm on the other side, shit's not going to fly.
yes, the ACA has issues and certainly can be improved, as Hillary and bernie alluded to last night, but going from ACA to UHC isn't going to happen. the goal should be to work within the ACA to get to UHC, no matter how painstakingly slow and incremental it is.
please name a single major position that's changed since 2008
Yes, Hillary's history only goes back to 2008. LMAO. "Only critique the newest version of Hillary-bot 2000. The '90s didn't exist. No one ever wore pleated khakis. Pants never had waists that sat right under the belly button."
Hillary has baggage from so far back and the Republicans can't wait to drag it all back up. I wouldn't be surprised if Monica Lewinsky made an appearance! I've already seen Linda Tripp in the news.