Man, she's going to be as good as her mom, maybe better.
Ted Cruz really should have tried to make at least some friends before running for office.
It almost isn't fair
Man, she's going to be as good as her mom, maybe better.
2012 and 2004 had one "villain" for everybody to line up against, so they spent less time attacking each other until the last days before and after IowaIs it just me remembering badly, or is this the most personally aggressive primary season for a long time?
She's going to destroy Meghan McCain I tell ya.I don’t consider myself a “political leader” or even “influential.” I’m just like every other normal American. The things I write about here on my blog are what used to be known as just plain common sense.
Examiner ( order for Ted Cruz to have "become" a US citizen at birth in 1970, his mother would have had to retain exclusive citizenship to the US and filed a CRBA (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) to "obtain" exclusive US citizenship at the time for her son Ted and renounced his automatic "naturally acquired" Canadian citizenship. The process in itself is considered a very abbreviated form of "naturalization", thereby making such persons born outside of the OFFICIAL territories of the United States absolutely ineligible to become President of these United States in at least this one circumstance alone. Given that Canadian law did not allow dual citizenship at the time, then IF his mother filed a CRBA in 1970, his Canadian citizenship would likely have needed to be renounced before a new US citizenship could be granted.
That's a pretty deep rabbit hole:I just heard this regarding Cruz' eligibility is more in question due to Canada's changing laws during that time. Apparently Cruz mom would have needed to file a special CRBA form for Ted in order for him to be a US citizen:
Examiner (
Not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes or if it has any merit. But if Cruz cannot produce the CRBA document filed by his mother he is in a very tangled mess.
If indeed that was just assumed and nothing was ever filed to correct that erroneous assumption, then he never has become a US citizen and referring to a previous article, Ted Cruz must show naturalization papers to keep his US senate seat.
Even though Marco Rubio also can't be a natural-born citizen and is instead considered an "anchor baby", his parents did become US citizens 4 years after his birth. He is therefore legally able to serve in the US Senate regardless of your interpretation of birthright citizenship.
Contrary to recent blatantly false headlines, there have been at least now 5 lawsuits filed in 5 different states challenging Ted Cruz' eligibility to become President, a majority of these also equally challenge Marco Rubio's eligibility even though it is rarely reported. The states are/were: NH, VT, FL, IL and TX. Every Republican candidate running for President should be immediately filing lawsuits to have both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio removed from the presidential contest as their continued participation presents an unlawful detriment to everyone else's candidacy.
I just heard this regarding Cruz' eligibility is more in question due to Canada's changing laws during that time. Apparently Cruz mom would have needed to file a special CRBA form for Ted in order for him to be a US citizen:
Examiner (
Not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes or if it has any merit. But if Cruz cannot produce the CRBA document filed by his mother he is in a very tangled mess.
That's a pretty deep rabbit hole:
2012 and 2004 had one "villain" for everybody to line up against, so they spent less time attacking each other until the last days before and after Iowa
Trump just attacks people normally instead of using the phony politician decorum and newspeak, and it makes others feel more willing to drop the act too.
She's going to destroy Meghan McCain I tell ya.
I just heard this regarding Cruz' eligibility is more in question due to Canada's changing laws during that time. Apparently Cruz mom would have needed to file a special CRBA form for Ted in order for him to be a US citizen:
Examiner (
Not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes or if it has any merit. But if Cruz cannot produce the CRBA document filed by his mother he is in a very tangled mess.
I just heard this regarding Cruz' eligibility is more in question due to Canada's changing laws during that time. Apparently Cruz mom would have needed to file a special CRBA form for Ted in order for him to be a US citizen:
Examiner (
Not sure how deep this rabbit hole goes or if it has any merit. But if Cruz cannot produce the CRBA document filed by his mother he is in a very tangled mess.
When birtherism happened to Obama people postulated that it would miss Cruz because the GOP would essentially be hypocrites regarding the issue. The fact that it is affecting him speaks volumes about him. Crazy how disliked that man is.
The GOP hatred for Cruz is amazing. I haven't seen anything like it.
I am kind of outraged about that HRC endorsement. They should have remained neutral at best, considering the problematic credentials of both candidates (specially of Clinton, who actively worked against lgbt rights).
When birtherism happened to Obama people postulated that it would miss Cruz because the GOP would essentially be hypocrites regarding the issue. The fact that it is affecting him speaks volumes about him. Crazy how disliked that man is.
I'm not sure anyone has. It's also in pretty stark contrast to McCain, who had the entirety of the senate back him up when the issue of him being born on a US military base in Panama came up.
I think you can kinda see the establishment coming around to accepting a fate of Trump if only because of how much they hate Cruz and the possibility Trump could win. Yet Cruz is the most popular candidate among the voters. (In terms of support + 2nd choice + acceptable...Trump still has a decent amount against him despite his first choice poll lead.)
Guess how many Senators or Governors, both current and former have endorsed Ted Cruz.
I am kind of outraged about that HRC endorsement. They should have remained neutral at best, considering the problematic credentials of both candidates (specially of Clinton, who actively worked against lgbt rights).
Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas
David J. Porter, Texas Railroad Commissioner
Ryan Sitton, Texas Railroad Commissioner
Could you please show me where she actively worked against LGBT rights?
The going narrative in and around DC is that the Trump assault has been an eye-opening phenomenon to the GOP Establishment. Maybe, maybe not. I have my doubts about Mitch McConnell and gang’s ability to learn anything, and they are moreover already cozying up to the Trump organization anticipating that he will win the nomination.
On the other hand, it has been an alarmingly eye-opening phenomenon to millions of ordinary conservative Americans who enjoyed consuming talk radio and the serial works of conservative authors, under the (apparently naive) belief that they meant what they said. Because when Trump – who spent his entire life believing in none of those things – came along and started getting ratings, almost all of them to a man jumped on board the train, because the Trump boomlet was so easy to monetize.
It is one thing for people like Rush, or Hannity, or Palin or whoever, to jump on board with a likely ideological weathervane like Mitt Romney after the die had already been cast for his nomination, especially in a 2012 field without viable challengers. But the 2016 field was loaded with genuine conservative stars, and the speed with which they were abandoned by almost every major conservative personality who earns their money directly from either ratings or book sales was dizzying and depressing. Limbaugh, in particular, has been a depressing listen for the last year for me and a whole host of other people who have been listening to him for over two decades – my only hope is that he has some as-yet-unplayed ace up his sleeve.
If you could have predicted, back in February 2015, that Glenn Beck would be mounting virtually a one-man crusade against the proposition that Trump is any way conservative, you would have probably been able to make a hefty amount of money in Vegas. At least Levin seems to have realized, albeit somewhat late in the game, that the monster he helped create truly is a monster. Meanwhile, Rush opened his show last week by chortling with good natured humor at Trump’s decision to start his rallies by playing “Born in the USA” – that’s right, the nation’s leading talk radio host is now engaging in playful indulgence of Cruz birtherism.
Which brings us back, sadly, to Palin. Palin was a tremendously powerful force for good as recently as 2010, in helping many conservatives to oust moderates whose anti-conservative heresies paled noticeably compared to Trump’s. Somewhere along the way, though, Palin realized that there was a lot of money to be made by presenting herself as the victim of a smear campaign orchestrated by a so-called “smart set,” which she in her wily caginess was always able (in her own mind) to outsmart.
The end result has been predictably disastrous. The last time she endorsed a candidate, it was in the Alaska gubernatorial race – a race in which she endorsed a Democrat and an Independent over what can only be described as a petty personal feud with her ex-running mate. These feuds have sadly become one of the defining characteristics of Sarah Palin’s public persona, as all of us at this website well know.
By all accounts, there is literally no excuse for Sarah Palin not to endorse Ted Cruz, if she believes even half the things she’s been saying over the years about mavericks and people who have taken on entrenched Republican interests. Donald Trump has done none of this. In fact, he specifically attacked Ted Cruz over the weekend on the basis that the Establishment does not like him.
Trump has spent his entire life using crony capitalism to enrich himself while espousing socially and economically liberal ideas. The only thing that makes him “non-Establishment” is that he doesn’t have the basic human decency that God granted to every person who doesn’t realize that making fun of disabled people is wrong.
Trump is, however, great for ratings. Wherever he goes, television cameras are sure to follow. And moreover, he has plugged in to the “Isn’t it terrible how the media thinks they are smarter than us” sentiment to a degree that one could argue that it is the single animating force for more than half his support.
Say what you will about Palin, but she is no dummy. She’s smart enough to realize which side her bread is buttered on and it is the side that increases her personal profile by siding with Trump. What she is doing is a rather shrewd way to keep her personal profile high.
It may not be especially principled, or honorable, or in keeping with anything she has professed to believe in since she burst onto the national scene in 2008, but it isn’t stupid.
RedState: Sarah Palin Expected to Continue Endorsing Sarah Palin Today
yesssss both sidessss, everything's coming up benji
can't wait for the Libertarian Party and then "YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR LEAST BAD WHICH IS GOP" infighting!
I would consider this an active role into negating marriage rights to gay people.
One thing is saying "I dont think gays should marry, civil unions are ok" (I know she was for civil unions since 2007) and then change your mind like most of the west did, but spit out such bigotry, to the point of getting awfully close to the "gays are pervs, poor kids" argument?. Ugh, no.
I wont deny she has been a great champion of LGBT rights worldwide, but I think HRC shoud´ve remained neutral. Anyway, the endorsement is there so Yaas Queen.
adam, don't look at the comments on that video
for the rest of us, yesssss morrreeee
I would consider this an active role into negating marriage rights to gay people.
One thing is saying "I dont think gays should marry, civil unions are ok" (I know she was for civil unions since 2007) and then change your mind like most of the west did, but spit out such bigotry, to the point of getting awfully close to the "gays are pervs, poor kids" argument?. Ugh, no.
I wont deny she has been a great champion of LGBT rights worldwide, but I think HRC shoud´ve remained neutral. Anyway, the endorsement is there so Yaas Queen.
lol at the conservative/Republican bloodbath nexus being Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin (and Canada)
a year ago i probably would have said that's nuts, you're nuts
I wont deny she has been a great champion of LGBT rights worldwide, but I think HRC shoud´ve remained neutral. Anyway, the endorsement is there so Yaas Queen.
I'm just waiting for Bachman to jump in so the Voltron of stupidity can be fully formed.
Trying to find out whatever happened to her I came across this amazing from her autobiography:I'm just waiting for Bachman to jump in so the Voltron of stupidity can be fully formed.
Bachmann writes about her political conversion as a young adult when Jimmy Carter, whom she voted for, let her down. "It was in the perilous fires of the Carter administration that my ideology was forged," she wrote. "In the seventies, Carter taught me what I was against, and then in the eighties, Reagan taught me what I was for." She also details why she went to work for the Internal Revenue Service. She says it was because she wanted to change the tax code, "from the inside out." She also commented on her role as a Tea Party leader. "I once said that the Tea Party represents 90 percent of Americans. I now realize that I misspoke," she admitted. "I should have said 100 percent, because I believe that nearly all Americans retain faith in the ordered liberty that the Constitution offers."
Bachmann walks the hosts through the frantic and demanding life of a presidential candidate. She'd usually done an interview by 7:00 a.m. each morning before even leaving her hotel room, often taking a phone call for radio while getting her hair and makeup done. Then she'd eat something "out of a Styrofoam box" and it was out the door, for a day that could "easily" include more than 10 public events.
And at those events, Bachmann did her best to keep up her appearance, even in weather that made that tricky. "Hair and humidity don't mix," she says, adding that she "learned a lot of girl tricks" during her run for the presidency. While on the road, Bachmann often made multiple outfit changes during the day, dressing to match her environment.
This leads to the bombshell: Bachmann says her experience leaves her with "great empathy" for Hillary Clinton "Mrs. Clinton," she calls her as a front-running woman in the presidential field.
"The hill [Clinton] has to climb, on appearance, is just a different hill than men have to climb," Bachmann says. "I'm not whining about it, it's just reality."
That's one of several memorable and, frankly, likable moments in Bachmann's interview. She dishes, and laughs, about the infamous Newsweek cover that made her look like "the bride of Frankenstein" (her words), saying she was made to sit on a ladder rung while the photographer flashed a strobe in her face.
Guess how many Senators or Governors, both current and former have endorsed Ted Cruz.
Also this literally got posted two hours ago:
Michele Bachmann is cool, nice to Hillary Clinton in fascinating interview
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaa, this is so overtly ridiculous I can barely read it with a straight face. Basically, if someone wants to endorse Clinton they should just "stay neutral", but "yeah, endorse Bernie, we'll even make an OT thread for each one, FEEL THE BERN!!!!!"
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 53m53 minutes ago
Our polls-plus forecast in N.H.:
Trump 40% chance of winning
Rubio 16%
Kasich 14%
Cruz 13%
Bush 8%
Christie 6%
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 51m51 minutes ago
You can read that as "Trump's the clear frontrunner" (which is true). But also means that some non-Trump candidate has a 60% chance to win.
Trying to find out whatever happened to her I came across this amazing from her autobiography:
Also this literally got posted two hours ago:
Michele Bachmann is cool, nice to Hillary Clinton in fascinating interview
I would consider this an active role into negating marriage rights to gay people.
One thing is saying "I dont think gays should marry, civil unions are ok" (I know she was for civil unions since 2007) and then change your mind like most of the west did, but spit out such bigotry, to the point of getting awfully close to the "gays are pervs, poor kids" argument?. Ugh, no.
I wont deny she has been a great champion of LGBT rights worldwide, but I think HRC shoud´ve remained neutral. Anyway, the endorsement is there so Yaas Queen.
Could you please show me where she actively worked against LGBT rights?
The Warren endorsement will have traitor written all over it.
Ted Cruz ‏@tedcruz 11m11 minutes ago
I love @SarahPalinUSA Without her support, I wouldn't be in the Senate. Regardless of what she does in 2016, I will always be a big fan.