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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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can someone explain Predictt to me in a PM. Extreme details would be nice.

Just in case anyone else is curious:

You can buy Yes or No shares on an outcome. Each share will be priced somewhere between 1 cent and 99 cents. All shares can either resolve to $1 or $0. If you buy a Yes share and that thing happens (Trump winning New Hampshire), every yes share pays out at $1 and they add money to your account, and if he doesn't win New Hampshire, every share is worth $0 and they subtract money from your account.

Buying No shares works the same way, except it's less risky because the outcome is less specific. For example, buying a No share on Christie winning New Hampshire resolves to $1 if anyone but Christie wins the state. As a result, No shares are usually more expensive than Yes shares if the outcome is still in doubt.

In a market with lots of buyers and sellers, Yes and No prices will match each other closely. So if a Yes share of Trump in New Hampshire costs 55c, a No share will cost around 45c. This is because for every Yes share on the market, someone else is holding a corresponding No share. So if an event starts looking more likely to happen and people start bidding up Yes shares, the price of No shares will decrease, and vice versa.

One area where it gets more complex is risk-based pricing. Let's say you buy a share of Christie No in New Hampshire for 90c. Now you want to buy a Rubio No share in New Hampshire, which is priced at 85c. They won't actually debit your account 85 cents for the Rubio share. It will be somewhat less than that, because only one outcome can resolve to Yes, so there's no way you can lose money on both bets. There's a formula that calculates your total risk and debits your account accordingly.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I find white people totally irrational about de Blasio. My parents are totally hipster liberal wack jobs and they blame de Blasio for making ny less safe and for creating more homeless people despite every stat suggesting otherwise. I don't know if it's because his personality is grating or if the republican media has just been so successful but people haaaaate him.




Pretty proud of black turnout rates. Hope the trend continues through 2016.


I find white people totally irrational about de Blasio. My parents are totally hipster liberal wack jobs and they blame de Blasio for making ny less safe and for creating more homeless people despite every stat suggesting otherwise. I don't know if it's because his personality is grating or if the republican media has just been so successful but people haaaaate him.

It sort of reminds me of the hysteria that comes with a progressive in the executive, and not unlike what's happening with Corbyn in the UK (obviously not an apples to apples comparison). The press does an amazing job tearing down progressives.


No Scrubs
I find white people totally irrational about de Blasio. My parents are totally hipster liberal wack jobs and they blame de Blasio for making ny less safe and for creating more homeless people despite every stat suggesting otherwise. I don't know if it's because his personality is grating or if the republican media has just been so successful but people haaaaate him.

I honestly don't get why he isn't more popular. He's done a lot of good stuff. Could just be the feud with Cuomo.
I find white people totally irrational about de Blasio. My parents are totally hipster liberal wack jobs and they blame de Blasio for making ny less safe and for creating more homeless people despite every stat suggesting otherwise. I don't know if it's because his personality is grating or if the republican media has just been so successful but people haaaaate him.

I blame police culture, actually.

Seems like the police threw a massive tantrum when De Blasio so much as suggested that there might be a problem with excessive force.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My mom (who commutes through port authority every day-- problem #1) is mad that a homeless village has popped up on the subway grates outside of the station because of the heat ventilation. white people, no matter how progressive and how liberal, seriously have no patience or empathy for people tucking up their commutes. Kinda weird. It's like a racial trigger issue.

Like mom. They live outside. But I'm sure I'd be angry too. Once I hit someone with my umbrella gently when they were sprawled out on the subway steps. Don't sit on the godsamn steps omg.


No Scrubs
I blame police culture, actually.

Seems like the police threw a massive tantrum when De Blasio so much as suggested that there might be a problem with excessive force.

They absolutely did and they are still a bit of a sacred cow among white New Yorkers of a certain age despite everything that's happened.

Having an African-american wife and admitting to giving his kids the "careful around cops" talk probably didn't help either.

Despite all that, I'm still pretty confident he'll win reelection when the time comes.

My mom (who commutes through port authority every day-- problem #1) is mad that a homeless village has popped up on the subway grates outside of the station because of the heat ventilation. white people, no matter how progressive and how liberal, seriously have no patience or empathy for people tucking up their commutes. Kinda weird. It's like a racial trigger issue.

Like mom. They live outside. But I'm sure I'd be angry too. Once I hit someone with my umbrella gently when they were sprawled out on the subway steps. Don't sit on the godsamn steps omg.

Yea, he stopped bussing out the homeless and decided to try and tackle the issue head on instead of sending them all to Jersey.


Professional Schmuck
The color coding on those is fucking me up. Why use "skin tones" instead of brights? Especially if you aren't going to "match" them lol

LOL this exactly. Then again matching them up could go really, really wrong. Just go with the rainbow, fellas. red orange (not yellow!) green blue purple

it ain't hard.


I haven't even seen a homeless person yet. That's been the biggest surprise of moving to NYC compared to everywhere else I've lived.


Unconfirmed Member
LOL this exactly. Then again matching them up could go really, really wrong. Just go with the rainbow, fellas. red orange (not yellow!) green blue purple

it ain't hard.
Green / blue is susceptible to confusion with certain forms of color blindness but yes, use brights pls.


aka andydumi
Do we have a thread for the SC taking up immigration? Or just in here? I'd like to hear people's take on it. Or am I horribly late to the discussion?
Palin's First Run-in with a Trump

Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana.

And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist.

''We want to see Ivana,'' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ''because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.''


This is one of the most Sarah Palin things I've ever read. Ever.
I find white people totally irrational about de Blasio. My parents are totally hipster liberal wack jobs and they blame de Blasio for making ny less safe and for creating more homeless people despite every stat suggesting otherwise. I don't know if it's because his personality is grating or if the republican media has just been so successful but people haaaaate him.
This Long Islander in my dorm keeps saying how everyone loathes De Blasio in NY and everyone loved Bloomberg. But he's obviously only surrounded by white people.


No Scrubs
This Long Islander in my dorm keeps saying how everyone loathes De Blasio in NY and everyone loved Bloomberg. But he's obviously only surrounded by white people.

Of course he's from Long Island :lol

Your assumption is correct, also he isn't even in a part of the state deBlasio controls. Long Island is a completely different thing than NYC.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy
Oh, I'm gonna serve crow. I'm gonna serve that crow and then when Trump wins the nomination I'm gonna buy a round of beers for NYCPoliGAF with my winnings.

God, I wish I had put down as much a Cerium had.

Could you make mine Peanut Butter vodka? It's kinda my thing.


No Scrubs
I live in Brooklyn and went to the natural history museum the other day.

Yea, there's no issue with the homeless on the streets in the boroughs that aren't Manhattan and even in Manhattan it's just a thing in parts of midtown. It's not some insane menace, we're just not bussing them out of the city anymore so rich people have to look at them on occasion.

Could you make mine Peanut Butter vodka? It's kinda my thing.

Sure, what the hell.


There's a small story out about Jeb mispronouncing Obama's daughter's name. It's totally nothing. But if I were the president, I wouldn't want any politician ever even mentioning my daughter's name. Like, why is Jeb Bush, some old white dude running on the republican side even saying my daughter's name? It's odd, has no relevance to anything, and is borderline creepy. Am I alone in thinking this?
I haven't even seen a homeless person yet. That's been the biggest surprise of moving to NYC compared to everywhere else I've lived.

My trip last month to [mostly] Manhattan surprised me. I hadn't been since '07 and the previous 2 times were '05 and as a kid in I think '96.

I barely saw any homeless people. In fact, I had to walk around the city a bit just to give away my leftover food we couldn't keep (no fridge in our hotel).

NY still has the people who come on the Subway begging for money yet wearing brand new Nikes (I don't bother with these people) but the amount of actual homeless and destitute people in the city has plummeted by my personal experiences. Compared to 1996, Manhattan is almost a different city. I remember being told we couldn't go places at night back then!

Yea, there's no issue with the homeless on the streets in the boroughs that aren't Manhattan and even in Manhattan it's just a thing in parts of midtown. It's not some insane menace, we're just not bussing them out of the city anymore so rich people have to look at them on occasion.

over Xmas I couldn't even find them in most of midtown! Only near the Macy's did I find any homeless at all. The streets were very clean and you seriously had to look for the homeless to find them at that time.


My trip last month to [mostly] Manhattan surprised me. I hadn't been since '07 and the previous 2 times were '05 and as a kid in I think '96.

I barely saw any homeless people. In fact, I had to walk around the city a bit just to give away my leftover food we couldn't keep (no fridge in our hotel).

NY still has the people who come on the Subway begging for money yet wearing brand new Nikes (I don't bother with these people) but the amount of actual homeless and destitute people in the city has plummeted by my personal experiences. Compared to 1996, Manhattan is almost a different city. I remember being told we couldn't go places at night back then!

I live in BK, and used to live in Manhattan - the city is an adult theme park for the most part.
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