"Right-winging, bitter-clinging, PROUD clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions, and our Constitution"... I think we may have an early contender for the next OT title.
So basically the Jed Bartlet strategy. At least this confirms that Rubio watches more than just football!
Patraeus was indicted, he copped a plea and is serving probation
Agreed. If she can steal Iowa.. Would it be fair to say it's over?
"Right-winging, bitter-clinging, PROUD clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions, and our Constitution"... I think we may have an early contender for the next OT title.
It'd be a body blow. Winning NH would be game over.
Do you really think Sanders will give up that easily, though? Ron Paul didn't throw in the towel until June '08, and I can't see Sanders or Sanders supporters conceding with the early primaries, even if they are his best shots.
Do you really think Sanders will give up that easily, though? Ron Paul didn't throw in the towel until June '08, and I can't see Sanders or Sanders supporters conceding with the early primaries, even if they are his best shots.
Nate Silver tweet
I really can't wait to wake up to the announcement that the FBI cleared Clinton on everything.
It'd be a body blow. Winning NH would be game over.
A few weeks ago, no. However, with the polls being a bit tighter, and Bernie actually trumpeting how close he's gotten in Iowa...ya, I think so. The narrative is now she won a competitive race as opposed to walking through Iowa on her way to the coronation. NH is going to mean nothing to the narrative when Bernie wins because we all know that's coming. Unless, of course, he managed to win it by like 20 points or something, which I don't think is going to happen. If she manages to string wins in NV and SC, on top of Iowa, it's definitely over. Super Tuesday is going to be gross for him. Really, really bad.
I think it would be effectively over if she wins Iowa. If she loses Iowa, it may be worse than a lot of people are willing to admit. For all the talk of a national ground game, nearly all her resources are deployed in the first 4 states, and a prolonged primary fight would be extremely costly and eventually get bloody. But, I think she wins in the end no matter what.
Big blow to Bernie. If she comes back with a surprise win in NH then its over no matter how his campaign spins it.
I told myself I was going to stop posting in OT political threads until the election (or at least the primaries) are over with. I'm not doing well here.
I am definitely eager to see the FBI's findings. If they come down hard on her, I will certainly factor that into my view of Hillary. That being said, if nothing is found, that really is the end of it.
I just hope that all of the Republicans that have argued that we need to pay attention to the ongoing FBI investigation acknowledge Hilldawg's innocence if they rule that she did nothing wrong. I know they won't, but I certainly hope the Clinton campaign sings their FBI found innocence from the rooftops if that is the case.
So...business as usual?you know they would spin it as an Obama conspiracy.
Except that Bartlet won NH since he was the governor there, he didn't need to campaign there so he could spend the money someplace else. Rubio doesn't have that advantage.
I see.. Thank you all. If somehow he wins NH.. What other states can he currently hope to win? As far as I recall it's Iowa and NH and then the electorate becomes more diverse and he's still not improved them by and large and these comments he made now certainly can't win him over more diverse support.
Just take a deep breath.. Let it go. I enjoy reading them though. It boggles the mind sometimes.
Do you really think Sanders will give up that easily, though? Ron Paul didn't throw in the towel until June '08, and I can't see Sanders or Sanders supporters conceding with the early primaries, even if they are his best shots.
See the Party does Decide, they just settled on Trump!
I see.. Thank you all. If somehow he wins NH.. What other states can he currently hope to win? As far as I recall it's Iowa and NH and then the electorate becomes more diverse and he's still not improved them by and large and these comments he made now certainly can't win him over more diverse support.
Just take a deep breath.. Let it go. I enjoy reading them though. It boggles the mind sometimes.
I actually kinda agree sideways w/ Palin here.
People do come back FUCKED UP from war.
So hey GOP - lets try to not do that as much k.
I think Clinton would take all of the Blue Wall states for the most part after Iowa and New Hampshire. Too optimistic?
On Super Tuesday, Vermont is a given. Oklahoma is pretty white, so maybe there, Colorado or Minnesota.
I wouldn't give him good chances in any of these outside Vermont, but, demographically, they aren't going to be the devastation he's going to get in the rest of the SEC Primary.
If he loses IA and NH?
Vermont and that's probably it as far as "winning" goes. He would still do well and get delegates though.
Loses IA and win NH?
idk. any idea guys?
South Carolina
American Samoa
North Carolina
North Dakota
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia
Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Dakota
I told myself I was going to stop posting in OT political threads until the election (or at least the primaries) are over with. I'm not doing well here.
Hillary Obama Hillary 16 ??? Bernie
* Alaska * Alaska *
Arizona * * Arizona *
Arkansas * * Arkansas *
California * * California *
* Colorado * Colorado *
* Connecticut * Connecticut *
* DC * DC *
* Delaware * Delaware *
Florida * * Florida *
* Georgia * Georgia *
* Hawaii * Hawaii *
* Idaho * Idaho *
* Illinois * Illinois *
Indiana * * Indiana *
* Iowa * Iowa *
* Kansas * Kansas *
Kentucky * * Kentucky *
* Louisiana * Louisiana *
* Maine * Maine *
* Maryland * Maryland *
Massachusetts * * Massachusetts *
Michigan * * Michigan *
* Minnesota * Minnesota *
* Mississippi * Mississippi *
* Missouri * Missouri *
* Montana * Montana *
* Nebraska * Nebraska *
Nevada * * Nevada *
New Hampshire * * New Hampshire *
New Jersey * * New Jersey *
New Mexico * * New Mexico *
New York * * New York *
* North Carolina * North Carolina *
* North Dakota * North Dakota *
Ohio * * Ohio *
Oklahoma * * Oklahoma *
* Oregon * Oregon *
Pennsylvania * * Pennsylvania *
Rhode Island * * Rhode Island *
* South Carolina * South Carolina *
South Dakota * * South Dakota *
Tennessee * * Tennessee *
Texas * * Texas *
* Utah * Utah *
* Vermont * Vermont *
* Virginia * Virginia *
* Washington * Washington *
West Virginia * * West Viriginia *
* Wisconsin * Wisconsin *
* Wyoming * Wyoming *
you know they would spin it as an Obama conspiracy.
Unless there's a big shift in Bernie's support among african-americans, then no it's not too optimistic.
Dibs on the Town Hall. I've already got the thread stuff saved up, I can just use the crap I didn't get to use the last time.
Obama won Utah over Hillary in 08? da fuck lol
She's hypocritically using a cause to justify her son's actions while simultaneously attack Obama.
Obama won Utah over Hillary in 08? da fuck lol
didnt even know about this, should be really good!
That's amazing to me too.
"I think it's a tough situation. I think it's really sad," Trump said on "Fox and Friends" when asked about the lack of black nominees.
He then mentioned Fox News contributor Stacey Dash's earlier comments on the show, where she said, "If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you are only awarded if you are black."
"I saw someone on your show today saying, ‘Well, what do we do with BET, Black Entertainment?’ Right?" Trump asked on "Fox and Friends." "The whites don’t get any nominations."
"And I thought it was an amazing interview actually. I never even thought of it from that standpoint," Trump continued.
Not sure if Dash or Trump sound worse here. Both are clueless. (BTW, that pun/whatever was not intended when I wrote that)
Utah was also Cain's best state in 2012 before imploding, and Carson is still fighting for first place there according to recent polls. So...That's amazing to me too.
Utah was also Cain's best state in 2012 before imploding, and Carson is still fighting for first place there according to recent polls. So...
It's fine. Ostern's the one who has a deep hole to climb out of. Sununu's a proven loser, though.Ugh at those Hassan/Ayotte numbers, though I know we have so long to go.
It's fine. Ostern's the one who has a deep hole to climb out of.
New Hampshire's one of those weird states where there are a lot more high-information voters than the national average though, so they'll learn all about him in the next year.His name rec is so low so I wonder if that's an easier hurdle.
Not sure if Dash or Trump sound worse here. Both are clueless. (BTW, that pun/whatever was not intended when I wrote that)
I see..![]()
Utah was also Cain's best state in 2012 before imploding, and Carson is still fighting for first place there according to recent polls. So...
If he loses IA and NH?
Vermont and that's probably it as far as "winning" goes. He would still do well and get delegates though.
Loses IA and win NH?
idk. any idea guys?
South Carolina
American Samoa
North Carolina
North Dakota
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia
Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Dakota
.@KenDilanianNBC sources say SAP program in Clinton emails is drones http://nbcnews.to/1S5lPcV Echoes our report Tues http://politi.co/1njvLo8
Oh the super secret drone programme that nobody knows about.
Seems like the Hillary email that was flagged was about drones.
August 14, 2015
The drone exchange, the officials said, begins with a copy of a news article about the CIA drone program that targets terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere. While that program is technically top secret, it is well-known and often reported on. Former CIA director Leon Panetta and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, have openly discussed it.
The copy makes reference to classified information, and a Clinton adviser follows up by dancing around a top secret in a way that could possibly be inferred as confirmation, the officials said. Several people, however, described this claim as tenuous.