Time to save this thread from the Dame Edna scale, rose tinted glasses, that Adam appears to have been liberally handing out, to all and sundry, on PoliGAF, with another decisive slap down from the awesome team on Morning Joe

On the previous day's show, they made a stark comparison between Bernie's 7k showing at the MLK rally, in
Alabama, and a recent Hillary event (single video link; the event snapshots were scaled to reflect the level of grassroots support each campaign is attracting (that's a happy looking bunch, there Adam)

Oh, and Hillary's attack over Bernie's vote for the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, in the debate was, of course, more horseshit, and entirely dishonest, as the act was included in an Omnibus Spending Bill, that all but four members of Congress voted against, thus avoiding a government shutdown. This was
highlighted by Thom Hartmann, another hero of our fight, on The Big Picture RT.
P.S. Yeah, I know Erasure has already highlighted my last point, but it bears underlining
