http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/12113788/Jeremy-Corbyn-warned-that-Labour-faces-triple-whammy-of-election-blows-in-May.html And now labor is set to get annihilated.
Sure, nobody denies this. However the reason people picked Jeremy Corbyn over the other candidates in the UK are the same reason people are backing Sanders. A. He advocates the things the young/disenfranchised/working class people want and need in their lives. and B. They have a hope that he will inspire the base (and non-political people who like left wing ideas) to get more involved with politics and vote for people in congress who will support Sanders vision. Sanders can't pass any laws on his own, but if more dems (particularly lefty ones) are voted in, this could change. Hilary isn't likely to inspire anyone to vote in mid-terms, especially not young people. Her campaign is blackmail; shut up and accept me because Sanders is scary. People are done listening to this kinda shit.
As for becoming the establishment, this has basically happened with every leftist politician except communists, it's not surprising and we expect it because you're still working within a system that intrinsically benefits/encourages bourgeois ideas. The game is always stacked against the left regardless of our leaders/politicians. Hilary is already that person, Bernie at least has a chance of remaining an FDR-type while in office.
It's almost guaranteed Bernie won't get half of what he wants done, but Hilary won't either (unless what you want done is aggressive jingoistic foreign policy, surveillance, corporate-friendly laws etc. that stuff will pass congress easy). Bernie can use the power of the pulpit to edge the country in a more progressive direction and motivate young people/the disenfranchised, unemployed, etc. to become interested and hopeful in politics again (what people wanted Obama to be). Hilary will be another Obama. If that's what you guys want it's fine but a lot of people don't. I still think Hilary is likely to win despite the recent good news but it is what it is, the left is used to losing all the time so I don't bother getting too upset about it.