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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Daniel B·;192916823 said:


I don't mean to derail, but I'm so excited to see the reemergence of Sarah Palin in politics in a way only Sarah Palin could pull off. She mangled a stump speech from 2008 (drill baby drill!) while making Trump obviously uncomfortable.

Her endorsement basically mirrored the election episode from It's Always Sunny. JJDubz reminded me that it exists, so he gets the credit.
Had an interesting thought just now, wanted to see if other left-leaning posters feel kind of the same way.

Trump is the one guy on the Republican side that I wouldn't be terribly upset about seeing Hillary lose to.

Don't get me wrong: I'd much prefer to see Hillary Clinton win, and I'd be pretty upset if she lost to Trump. But not as upset.

The reason is that I wasn't really a partisan for most of my life up until the 2008 election. I grew to dislike GWB, but I didn't actually care too much about parties. When I started seeing Obama's speeches in 2007, I knew he was the guy I supported to replace Bush. Then Republicans started talking. "He's a Muslim." "He's a Communist." "Death panels." Etc. Then he won, and they kept talking. "He hates America and wants to destroy it." Or, after he'd been in office for a couple months and we hadn't magically regained millions of jobs, "How's that hopey changey thing working out for you."

What I realized is that I really fucking hate those people. Like I never wanted to be partisan until they forced it on me.

Trump is the one guy who, if he won, it wouldn't feel like "those" people won. Sure, "those" people would vote for him. Sure, he's pandering to them. But it doesn't feel like he comes from them the same way that a Cruz or a Rubio does. He's like this alien force that descended on the country and up-ended everything.

Hillary losing to Rubio would feel like I was Vegeta losing to Goku.
Hillary losing to Trump would feel like I was Vegeta fighting Goku, and suddenly some demon king showed up and trashed both of us. It would suck to lose, but at least I didn't lose to fucking Kakarot.
Had an interesting thought just now, wanted to see if other left-leaning posters feel kind of the same way.

Trump is the one guy on the Republican side that I wouldn't be terribly upset about seeing Hillary lose to.

Don't get me wrong: I'd much prefer to see Hillary Clinton win, and I'd be pretty upset if she lost to Trump. But not as upset.

The reason is that I wasn't really a partisan for most of my life up until the 2008 election. I grew to dislike GWB, but I didn't actually care too much about parties. When I started seeing Obama's speeches in 2007, I knew he was the guy I supported to replace Bush. Then Republicans started talking. "He's a Muslim." "He's a Communist." "Death panels." Etc. Then he won, and they kept talking. "He hates America and wants to destroy it." Or, after he'd been in office for a couple months and we hadn't magically regained millions of jobs, "How's that hopey changey thing working out for you."

What I realized is that I really fucking hate those people.

Trump is the one guy who, if he won, it wouldn't feel like "those" people won. Sure, "those" people would vote for him. Sure, he's pandering to them. But it doesn't feel like he comes from them the same way that a Cruz or a Rubio does. He's like this alien force that descended on the country and up-ended everything.

Hillary losing to Rubio would feel like I was Vegeta losing to Goku.
Hillary losing to Trump would feel like I was Vegeta fighting Goku, and suddenly some demon king showed up and trashed both of us. It would suck to lose, but at least I didn't lose to fucking Kakarot.

Well, I'm whiter than sour cream so Trump and Rubio's presidencies would be equally as not good for me, but for people less white than me, Trump's presidency would be a lot worse.

Politics are more important than feuds and vengeance. I despise Establishment Republicans, but their policies are probably better than Trump's.


Besides all the obvious havoc it could wreak, I really don't want Trump to be president because we'd be the laughing stock of the world. I've been getting kind of physically ill/stressed out about the whole thing. This is going to be a tough time.
Politics are more important than feuds and vengeance. I despise Establishment Republicans, but their policies are probably better than Donald "A lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive" Trump's.

I'm not even sure that's the case anymore.

Trump likely wouldn't repeal the ACA without getting some kind of near-universal replacement program in place first. He probably wouldn't get us in a ground war in the Middle East in his first 90 days.

I'm coming around to the idea that he's just the best GOP candidate besides Kasich.
Every election features Democrats who don't turn out because they don't care for the candidate or even might vote Republican. The same holds true for Republicans. There are also those in both parties who vote for their nominee as a vote solely against the other nominee. I can't imagine the number of people in these groups is very significant.

But I wonder if that changes for Trump. How many people either stay home to not vote for Trump/cross the aisle (Republican-wise) or are more enthused to vote against Trump (Indie/Dems/non-Bernie stans)? Maybe it stays insignificant, and hoping for people to simply vote against someone is always a loser, but it feels like it might be different this time.


W wasn't just a laughing stock, he was actively reviled in many parts of the world.

Pretty much any POTUS will be in certain places though I guess.


Stay losing, Carly.


Carly Fiorina’s latest campaign stop in Iowa has upset some Des Moines-area parents, who say the GOP presidential candidate “ambushed” a group of kids on a preschool field trip — and led them to an anti-abortion rally.

On Wednesday morning, Fiorina attended the Iowa Right to Life Presidential Forum, where she emphasized her support for defunding Planned Parenthood and passing a national abortion ban.

The anti-abortion event was held at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden. At the same time, a group of preschoolers was also visiting the botanical garden for a field trip.

According to the Des Moines Register, Fiorina “headed straight for a group of giggling 4- and 5-year-olds” when she first arrived at the botanical garden. She reportedly ushered them toward the makeshift stage set up for the anti-abortion event — which featured a large poster of a fetus — without asking permission for the children to sit with her.

During the hour-long event, Fiorina reiterated her opposition to Planned Parenthood, which has become a central feature of her campaign. The candidate has accused the national women’s health organization of illegally harvesting babies’ brains. (That claim, which sprung from a misleading video campaign spearheaded by Planned Parenthood opponents, has been widely and thoroughly debunked.

Gotta love the idea of traumatizing children to push your agenda.


I'm not even sure that's the case anymore.

Trump likely wouldn't repeal the ACA without getting some kind of near-universal replacement program in place first. He probably wouldn't get us in a ground war in the Middle East in his first 90 days.

I'm coming around to the idea that he's just the best GOP candidate besides Kasich.

So on day 1 when congress sends up their repeal of Obamacare he's going to veto it? He's going to "bomb the shit out of Isis" by stopping and thinking about it? What you leads you to believe any of that?
The right is really going full-steam ahead with this.

Clinton's Emails - A Criminal Charge is Justified

The groundwork is fully in place for Clinton to be an illegitimate president just like Obama was.

Edit: most relevant parts:

The FBI’s criminal investigation of messages on the server initially related solely to Mrs. Clinton’s possibly unlawful mishandling of classified information. The investigation has now metastasized to include “the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed” as Fox News’s Catherine Herridge reported Jan. 19, quoting an intelligence source.

Which is to say, the FBI wants to know whether those messages, combined with other evidence, show that donors to the Clinton Foundation received special consideration in their dealings with the agency Mrs. Clinton headed.

Whatever the findings from that part of the probe, intelligence-community investigators believe it is nearly certain that Mrs. Clinton’s server was hacked, possibly by the Chinese or the Russians. This raises the distinct possibility that she would be subject to blackmail in connection with those transactions and whatever else was on that server by people with hostile intent against this country.

No criminality can be charged against Mrs. Clinton in connection with any of this absent proof that she had what the law regards as a guilty state of mind—a standard that may differ from one statute to another, depending on what criminal act is charged.

Yet—from her direction that classification rules be disregarded, to the presence on her personal email server of information at the highest level of classification, to her repeated falsehoods of a sort that juries are told every day may be treated as evidence of guilty knowledge—it is nearly impossible to draw any conclusion other than that she knew enough to support a conviction at the least for mishandling classified information.

This is the same charge brought against Gen. David Petraeus for disclosing classified information in his personal notebooks to his biographer and mistress, who was herself an Army Reserve military intelligence officer cleared to see top secret information.

The simple proposition that everyone is equal before the law suggests that Mrs. Clinton’s state of mind—whether mere knowledge of what she was doing as to mishandling classified information; or gross negligence in the case of the mishandling of information relating to national defense; or bad intent as to actual or attempted destruction of email messages; or corrupt intent as to State Department business—justifies a criminal charge of one sort or another.

But will it be brought? That depends in part on the recommendation of FBI Director James Comey, a man described by President Obama, at the time the president appointed him, as “fiercely independent.” If no recommendation to charge is forthcoming, or if such a recommendation is made but not followed by the attorney general, what happens then?

Would the public stand for it? My guess is not. However, my guess is also that we won’t be put to that test because our public officials will do their duty.
I think I figured out where the disconnect is between Republicans and everyone else when it comes to the Hillary email thing.

Republicans essentially approach this like a prosecutor going after a known mob boss. They know he's guilty of serious crimes beyond counting, but they need to find one that can stick. Can't tie him to any murders? He's never been at the scene of any drug deals? Tax evasion. We can get him on tax evasion. Something, anything, just get this guy off the streets.

Whereas for the rest of the world it's kind of a big deal to file criminal charges against a former cabinet official for what seems like, at worst, some carelessness on the part of Clinton and her aides. I think to a sane person, if you were going to charge the Secretary of State who served under the sitting president with a felony, there would have to be something there to really warrant it, right? It's not just, "Do we have the bare minimum we need to charge under this statute?"

Partisan hatred of Hillary has turned this into a kind of derangement where the government declining to treat this like a huge criminal investigation is itself evidence of corruption.
Houston, We Have a Problem
National Review was asked by the RNC to partner in the GOP debates. We agreed. Our initial partner was NBC, with whom we were to help moderate the pre–Super Tuesday debate, originally to be held on February 26 in Houston, then suspended by the RNC in retribution over the antics of CNBC moderators in its now infamous debate last month. A new main host was picked this week — CNN. National Review was to partner, along with Salem Radio and Telemundo, the debate rescheduled for February 25. Tonight, a top official with the RNC called me to say that National Review was being disinvited. The reason: Our “Against Trump“ editorial and symposium. We expected this was coming. Small price to pay for speaking the truth about The Donald.
The RNC has Trump's back.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Trump is a total wildcard and while I have a feeling he'd be much more amenable to compromise and generally less toxic and hostile than he appears right now (in other words: I am inclined to buy the idea that this is mostly an act to feed his ego), but I don't have a lot of hard evidence to go on. I mean, on the face of it, he's exactly what you hate about angry partisan Republicans: he was a birther, after all.
But why would you believe he'll set his ego aside after being elected? Trump's entire life is his ego.
The RNC has Trump's back.

But why would you believe he'll set his ego aside after being elected? Trump's entire life is his ego.

I kinda of feel like Trumps ego is why he's running for president, but that his policy stances and bombastic approach are more about the path that's getting him there. Just like he screwed up saying second corinthians, I think much of what he's doing is an act. For this reason I think his actual presidency is a crap shoot. He'll have to center himself during the national anyway. I really feel like nobody know what we're getting in a trump presidency.

I feel like a Cruz presidency is much more scary because I know what that asshole would try to do from day one.


Just when you get think it can't get any better, it does.

Holy shit do they hate Cruz, they hate Cruz so much they're literally helping Trump prop himself up. Let's see if they help with the bludgeoning too.
If Cruz won the nomination, by some miracle I seriously doubt the RNC would let him keep it or do some shady shit to take it from him.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Had an interesting thought just now, wanted to see if other left-leaning posters feel kind of the same way.

Trump is the one guy on the Republican side that I wouldn't be terribly upset about seeing Hillary lose to.

Don't get me wrong: I'd much prefer to see Hillary Clinton win, and I'd be pretty upset if she lost to Trump. But not as upset.

The reason is that I wasn't really a partisan for most of my life up until the 2008 election. I grew to dislike GWB, but I didn't actually care too much about parties. When I started seeing Obama's speeches in 2007, I knew he was the guy I supported to replace Bush. Then Republicans started talking. "He's a Muslim." "He's a Communist." "Death panels." Etc. Then he won, and they kept talking. "He hates America and wants to destroy it." Or, after he'd been in office for a couple months and we hadn't magically regained millions of jobs, "How's that hopey changey thing working out for you."

What I realized is that I really fucking hate those people. Like I never wanted to be partisan until they forced it on me.

Trump is the one guy who, if he won, it wouldn't feel like "those" people won. Sure, "those" people would vote for him. Sure, he's pandering to them. But it doesn't feel like he comes from them the same way that a Cruz or a Rubio does. He's like this alien force that descended on the country and up-ended everything.

Hillary losing to Rubio would feel like I was Vegeta losing to Goku.
Hillary losing to Trump would feel like I was Vegeta fighting Goku, and suddenly some demon king showed up and trashed both of us. It would suck to lose, but at least I didn't lose to fucking Kakarot.

I've said it many times, but as silly as Trump is, he'd probably be the least shitty Republican president among the mouth breathers he's running against.

Stay losing, Carly.


Gotta love the idea of traumatizing children to push your agenda.

Case in point.


No Scrubs
If Cruz won the nomination, by some miracle I seriously doubt the RNC would let him keep it or do some shady shit to take it from him.

They'd reenact the Ides of March, with Cruz as Ceasar, before giving him the nomination.

I'm saying they'd murder him, with knives, brutally, before letting him be the nominee.
Did you guys miss the possible significance of the following part of my recent [post=192907199]post[/post]?

"If you were me [Trump, a week ago], would you rather run against Bernie San...", I cut him off; I'd rather run against Hillary Clinton".

That, Joe personally spoke to Trump, a week ago, and they agreed that Bernie would be a tougher candidate to go up against, in the GE? You may want review the associated video, to confirm.

Perhaps you did recognise the significance, and are thinking "Nope, I"m not having it", or, Trump has said as much before (my cursory Google search didn't turn up anything)?

P.S. I won't be replying soon, as I need to grab forty winks, so I can hopefully grab some of my Homestead Creamery 2% (comes in 1/2 gallon redeemable ($2) glass bottles) from Kroger, first thing tomorrow morning, as my foresight (shopping a day early, to avoid snow), didn't pay off, as they were totally out (semi-skimmed (water) doesn't count)...
Daniel B·;192932162 said:
Did you guys miss the possible significance of the following part of my recent [post=192907199]post[/post]?

That, Joe personally spoke to Trump, a week ago, and they agreed that Bernie would be a tougher candidate to go up against, in the GE? You may want review the associated video, to confirm.

Perhaps you did recognise the significance, and are thinking "Nope, I"m not having it", or, Trump has said as much before (my cursory Google search didn't turn up anything)?

P.S. I won't be replying soon, as I need to grab forty winks, so I can hopefully grab some of my Homestead Creamery 2% (comes in 1/2 gallon redeemable ($2) glass bottles) from Kroger, first thing tomorrow morning, as my foresight (shopping a day early, to avoid snow), didn't pay off, as they were totally out (semi-skimmed (water) doesn't count)...

I think both Hillary and Bernie have pros and cons in a general election, but you have to recognize that Trump might be saying all this because he actually thinks Bernie would give him an easier win. Offering encouragement to Bernie and talking him up as the stronger candidate hurts Hillary, obviously, and that may be his real goal with that statement.


It just struck me how supremely ironic it would be if Trump manages to win IA, NH and proceed to run the table while Hillary gets bogged down in a state by state slugfest with Bernie. The GOP race becomes the coronation and the Dem race becomes the bloodbath.



As Supreme Court Clerk, Ted Cruz Made Death Penalty His Cause

Cruz seemed to get on pretty well with Rehnquist and Katyal. At this point it's more interesting to find people who don't hate Cruz's guts.

The year Mr. Cruz and the others clerked, many of the roughly 80 cases taken up by the justices made major news. For a case about the constitutionality of a law regulating Internet pornography, Mr. Cruz watched X-rated sex scenes on a computer with Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice O’Connor.

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