Hey, I'm sure Hillary and Bernie will do something about AMT.I want a tax cut. This is why jebra is surging and Bernie sanders is losing among minorities. My taxes are too high.
Hey, I'm sure Hillary and Bernie will do something about AMT.I want a tax cut. This is why jebra is surging and Bernie sanders is losing among minorities. My taxes are too high.
Here we go:
You're right. Promising to cut taxes for those making 200k would've been killer. But I think Sanders is just very stubborn, it's very obvious by the way he reacts to when other people challenge him, ask how he'll get stuff done, or bring up the fact that other left-wing people/organizations have endorsed Hillary. Very "us or them" mentality and I do believe he thinks he can win on promising to raise taxes.
You're right. Promising to cut taxes for those making 200k would've been killer. But I think Sanders is just very stubborn, it's very obvious by the way he reacts to when other people challenge him, ask how he'll get stuff done, or bring up the fact that other left-wing people/organizations have endorsed Hillary. Very "us or them" mentality and I do believe he thinks he can win on promising to raise taxes.
I see the Trump defenders are out in force in that Trump won't be at the debate thread. I guess they feel like they need to defend Trump since he's making such a bold move.
You can defend the move and not be a Trump defender.
FWIW I don't know if it's a wise decision, but I don't think Trump is "scared" of Kelly or anything.
I agree. But they're not defending the move, in particular they are defending Trump being a racist.
But I was just commenting that it's interesting to see them coming out because usually they are quiet. I think the move has even them a little nervous.
Oh yeah, that semantic "not a race" shit is so stupid.
C'mon brah, don't you know a breath of fresh air when you smell it?I see the Trump defenders are out in force in that Trump won't be at the debate thread. I guess they feel like they need to defend Trump since he's making such a bold move.
Is Obama hosting Sanders going to result in something or are they just having dinner together?
@mxdkays said:A number of black youth were given green wristbands in order to allow us to stand behind Bernie on stage. One of us were accused of being a disrupter. A group of us were then approached & verbally harassed. A man even approached the accused disrupter with a pair of scissors with the intention to physically cut off her wristband. This settled down after much yelling (from Bernie's campaign staff) & we lined up to stand on stage. They let a number of people through & suddenly cut us off & pushed us back. They said they were trying to make sure they don't let any disrupters through. Oddly enough, all of the people they were trying to keep out were black youth, some of whom had 0 association with the accused disputed. It was very obvous profiling - there were about 10 black youth who came present 0 threat being told they're a threat.
C'mon brah, don't you know a breath of fresh air when you smell it?
So basically:
Lots of new turnout in Iowa: Trump crushes Cruz and it's a tossup between Hillary and Bernie.
Very little new turnout: Hillary crushes Bernie and it's a tossup between Trump and Cruz.
So basically:
Lots of new turnout in Iowa: Trump crushes Cruz and it's a tossup between Hillary and Bernie.
Very little new turnout: Hillary crushes Bernie and it's a tossup between Trump and Cruz.
So basically:
Lots of new turnout in Iowa: Trump crushes Cruz and it's a tossup between Hillary and Bernie.
Very little new turnout: Hillary crushes Bernie and it's a tossup between Trump and Cruz.
Is Obama hosting Sanders going to result in something or are they just having dinner together?
Nate Silver said:Not sure how meaningful this is, but number Google searches for the term "caucus" in Iowa is not particularly high. http://bit.ly/1nQ36Xx
He's probably trying to get Sanders to stop blocking his appointment to the head of the FDA, but no one will say that out loud.
Nate's grasping for indicators. Interesting, nonetheless. 2008 dwarfs 2016 thus far.
This is an ongoing theme. I think down the line, no matter what happens, we'll be talking about how the Sanders campaign was hijacked by young, white males and yes men.There was a Bernie Sanders rally last night in Minnesota. I'm too old for this Twitter thing, but I'd like to quote @mxdkays, who was at the rally.
TL;DR Black youth profiled at Bernie Sanders rally and prevented from being on stage, even though they'd already been given wristbands to stand behind Bernie on stage.
Your move, Killer Mike.
It's always the same poster with that shit. Thank god I'm not a mod or I'd have gone scorched earth on that shit ages ago. It just pisses me off so much.
Ughhhhhh. Nothing more than something to some people.C'mon brah, don't you know a breath of fresh air when you smell it?
I've only been seeing this on the Dem side of polling but who wins Iowa on the R side among previously caucused voters?
So this was a joke probably, but she totally is. She's a billionaire, she commands considerable influence, she's part of the elite group of Hollywood's A-List, she controls a portion of the media.How long has she [Oprah] been in the public eye? She's obviously establishment.
So this was a joke probably, but she totally is. She's a billionaire, she commands considerable influence, she's part of the elite group of Hollywood's A-List, she controls a portion of the media.
You get an establishment, and you get an establishment, and you get an establishment.
So this was a joke probably, but she totally is. She's a billionaire, she commands considerable influence, she's part of the elite group of Hollywood's A-List, she controls a portion of the media.
You get an establishment, and you get an establishment, and you get an establishment.
Ah, yes. I did read that now I recall.It wasn't necessary to bus people around in 2008 because college kids were already at home on break.
So, she's not endorsing anyone this primary cycle, but a study - the intricacies I didn't bother to look into to be clear - found that Oprah's establishment endorsement in 2008 influenced about a million voters towards supporting Obama.
Which led me to looking at celebrity endorsements this cycle. There's no one that high profile. I don't think Susan Sarandon or Katy Perry are really moving the needle much.
Maybe if Ellen got off the fence.
Also, I'm not sure if there's a better source than entrance polling for caucus demographic breakdowns, there probably is. But out of curiosity I looked up 2008 results..
This could be wrong in terms of the actual outcome since it's just an estimate etc, but Edwards actually took the plurality of first time caucus goers?
On the topic of busing people places - did Obama do or have to do anything of the sort to spread his vote around, or was his organisation just that much better?
Many of PoliGAF have not watched this video.
On the topic of busing people places - did Obama do or have to do anything of the sort to spread his vote around, or was his organisation just that much better?
happens every few weeks in SF, it's really sadSomeone killed themselves walking in front of the public transport train in my city. I was on the train, super sad. Driver was torn up.
I know I've said this a lot but its my pet issue that major depression alone is going to overtake cardiac issues very soon (in a few years) as the most disabling disease in the US and it already costs a shit ton in money and lives. We really need better treatments and better access. Also get rid of schedule 1 so researchers can do their job making better treatments based off of schedule 1 drugs.
I agree. We also need to deal with the stigma around mental health issues. I don't know how we do that, but we really, really need to. I think a big part of this would be helping train primary care physicians to be more involved in this aspect of health care. Take my mom, for instance. She suffers from depression, and has since she was very young. She also takes medicine that can make her symptoms worse, because she has other medical issues that require these treatments. She was going through a rough patch and actually brought it up with her GP. His response was "You should probably see a psychiatrist if you think you're having problems, but there aren't any good ones, so I'll just increase your anti-depressant." It was completely flippant and completely ignored what she was trying to bring up with him.
When I lived in Florida, before I lost my vision, I was an ophthalmic technician who worked with low vision patients. We worked with people who were recently diagnosed with vision ending/changin disorders, or those who had become (or we're becoming) blind. We made sure we had a psychologist and social worker on staff at all times, because to ignore the mental health aspect of it would have been insane. It was integrated into our practice, not outside of it. Just hoping someone would self-refer to get help coping is ridiculous.
Lol at sanders debate response only gonna do the debate if he gets three other with omalley in each
Lol at sanders debate response only gonna do the debate if he gets three other with omalley in each
So what, he's gonna force O'Malley to stay in the race to keep the heat off him? I'm calling bullshit here.
I agree. We also need to deal with the stigma around mental health issues. I don't know how we do that, but we really, really need to. I think a big part of this would be helping train primary care physicians to be more involved in this aspect of health care. Take my mom, for instance. She suffers from depression, and has since she was very young. She also takes medicine that can make her symptoms worse, because she has other medical issues that require these treatments. She was going through a rough patch and actually brought it up with her GP. His response was "You should probably see a psychiatrist if you think you're having problems, but there aren't any good ones, so I'll just increase your anti-depressant." It was completely flippant and completely ignored what she was trying to bring up with him.
When I lived in Florida, before I lost my vision, I was an ophthalmic technician who worked with low vision patients. We worked with people who were recently diagnosed with vision ending/changin disorders, or those who had become (or we're becoming) blind. We made sure we had a psychologist and social worker on staff at all times, because to ignore the mental health aspect of it would have been insane. It was integrated into our practice, not outside of it. Just hoping someone would self-refer to get help coping is ridiculous.
His campaign will write it off as him standing up for more fair elections, and say it's to show is respect for his fellow candidates no matter what their polling numbers are.
It feels like a weird comment for the campaign to make. "We have momentum now, so we don't want another debate." generally translates to "We think that debates will probably do more harm than good to our candidate."