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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Fun politico read from Tucker Carlson (RIP Crossfire, lol. I'm sad Stewart didn't take you to task more often). As messed up as it is - fun insight into why he thinks the Republican voters and the Republican party elites are butting heads.


PS: That article is 10x more entertaining if you read it in your head like Carlson yelling at someone as if he were on Crossfire.

“It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.

off to a great start
You gotta see it from the other side!

He's polling THAT HIGH while commanding a ship filled with brain-dead twats and going against the strongest opponent the american electoral system has seen since Reagan! Just IMAGINE what he could do with people who could remove their heads from their posteriors! If he had access to Obama's people! Surround hills with incompetent cretins like the ones he's got to work with and see what would happen to her! The revolution is nigh, my friend, the revolution is nigh!

It's time for Bernie to take off the weighted clothing/spirit cuffs/go bankai/final form then.


FGC Waterboy
“It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.

off to a great start

Trump! With the Exclamation!

I read that first line and was like...yeah, this is going to be schadenfreude delicious. I am most definitely enjoying the GOP reaping what they have sown the last 20 years or so.
Bernie's campaign also used AARP's logo and their Take a Stand Campaign in a mailer without permission

In response to the Sanders campaign mailing featuring AARP and the Association’s Take A Stand campaign, AARP does not endorse candidates, have a political action committee (PAC), or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates.

While we have encouraged the presidential candidates to lay out their plans to update Social Security, AARP did not authorize the Sanders campaign to mention AARP or use the AARP logo, and we did not participate in its production.

- See more at: http://states.aarp.org/aarp-statement-in-response-to-sanders-mailing/#sthash.BT8oUW4C.1tIFI0ar.dpuf

Hahaha, on NBC Nightly News, they said Trump's campaign said they'd debate Cruz one-on-one if Cruz gets a judgement saying he's eligible for the Presidency.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I had a good talk with my dad today about how disheartening Trump's campaign is. Dad is a very conservative Catholic, and he says he's going to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is if Trump wins the nomination. It's anecdotal, but I do wonder how many disgruntled Republicans will either switch sides or stay home in November.
Bernie Sanders is Democrat's Top Beneficiary of Outside Spending, Like it or Not

At many of these stops, he was accompanied by members of National Nurses United, a seven-year-old union, fanning out from a bright-red bus in matching red scrubs to corral potential Sanders votes.

But the union is not just busing nurses into Iowa. The union’s “super PAC” has spent close to $1 million on ads and other support for Mr. Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate who has inspired liberal voters with his calls to eradicate such outside groups. In fact, more super PAC money has been spent so far in express support of Mr. Sanders than for either of his Democratic rivals, including Hillary Clinton, according to Federal Election Commission records.

No union has spent as much money in the Democratic primary as National Nurses United, which was born out of a 2009 merger of three smaller unions and has unapologetically embraced liberal politics and movement-building. In 2011, union nurses provided health care at the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Lower Manhattan, and the organization has lobbied forcefully for single-payer health care and a financial transaction tax.

So, #NotAllPACS then.
Sorry for the misread man. It's just that the spend whatever, use taxes not as funding but as a redistributive scheme (the latter of which I agree with) set off some pretty loud MMT bells in my head.

And I agree with the increased deficit spending rn, that is super Keynesian and I love Keynes.

No worries. I just wanted to make that clarification. I'm very mainstream in my economics.

And I can see how what I said can come up that way, especially given how much MMT discussion can go on here (like most, it probably is on the right track with certain ideas that will eventually be incorporated into the mainstream).

I just get annoyed by how much people look at gov't spending like a household check book balancing act when it's not so sometimes my responses can seem to be more flippant towards that thinking.

Hahaha, on NBC Nightly News, they said Trump's campaign said they'd debate Cruz one-on-one if Cruz gets a judgement saying he's eligible for the Presidency.

Trump truly is a master class troll. Holy shit, even I didn't see this angle. Fucking hell.
I had a good talk with my dad today about how disheartening Trump's campaign is. Dad is a very conservative Catholic, and he says he's going to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is if Trump wins the nomination. It's anecdotal, but I do wonder how many disgruntled Republicans will either switch sides or stay home in November.

I talked with a few very conservative friends and it went like this:

"If it's Trump versus Hillary, I'd rather vote for Hillary."
"And if it's Trump versus Bernie?"
".....I'm staying home."
He has asked them to desist I think and he definitely doesn't coordinate.

Well, technically no one coordinates...wink wink nudge nudge. (And if you believe that, then I have a really nice bridge to sell you.)

He actually didn't tell them to stop, Weaver kinda sorta did, though.

Bernie Sanders Doesn't Like Super PACs, But He Won't Speak Out Against This One

"What I have said over and over again is that I have not and will not raise a nickel for a super PAC," Sanders said. "I am the only Democratic candidate who does not have a super PAC. I will not have a super PAC. They are nurses and they are fighting for the health care of their people. They are doing what they think is appropriate. I do not have a super PAC."

I don't have a problem with the nurse's union running ads. I just enjoy pointing out double standards when I see them. I'm sure Priorities Action USA is only doing "what they think is appropriate."

Oh, and Bernie's mental gymnastics on Nightly News tonight regarding the ad he released was amazing. The ad isn't negative because it didn't have a picture of Hillary nor mention her directly by name.
Well, technically no one coordinates...wink wink nudge nudge. (And if you believe that, then I have a really nice bridge to sell you.)

He actually didn't tell them to stop.

Bernie Sanders Doesn't Like Super PACs, But He Won't Speak Out Against This One

I don't have a problem with the nurse's union running ads. I just enjoy pointing out double standards when I see them. I'm sure Priorities Action USA is only doing "what they think is appropriate."

Oh, and Bernie's mental gymnastics on Nightly News tonight regarding the ad he released was amazing. The ad isn't negative because it didn't have a picture of Hillary nor mention her directly by name.

Well the point is everyone else is wink wink nudge nudging and bernie isn't. Also his definition of negative is more character based, would be very difficult to run without commenting on other people's policy choices, no?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well the point is everyone else is wink wink nudge nudging and bernie isn't. Also his definition of negative is more character based, would be very difficult to run without commenting on other people's policy choices, no?

True as long as those policy positions are represented accurately.
“Once you’ve gotten that ruling from the federal judge and you’re the last man standing in this presidential contest next to Donald Trump, we’ll be happy to have a debate with you one-on-one, anywhere you want, because that’s the way the system works. But, as it stands right now, we don’t even know if Ted Cruz is legally eligible to run for president of the United States.”

— Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I talked with a few very conservative friends and it went like this:

"If it's Trump versus Hillary, I'd rather vote for Hillary."
"And if it's Trump versus Bernie?"
".....I'm staying home."
It's funny, my dad likes Bernie better, and is convinced that Obama is further left than Sanders. I didn't want to get into how backwards he had all of that. I don't think he'd admit it to himself, but he's definitely Diet Racist and maybe a little more openly sexist. He said he vote for Hillary, but he doesn't trust her.
So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.

My dad was, my mom less so.
Being gay really helped me see people for more then what they look like.


Someone in a OT Bernie thread is claiming Millenials are the largest voting bloc. Holy shit.

They are.

This year, the “Millennial” generation is projected to surpass the outsized Baby Boom generation as the nation’s largest living generation, according to the population projections released by the U.S. Census Bureau last month. Millennials (whom we define as between ages 18 to 34 in 2015) are projected to number 75.3 million, surpassing the projected 74.9 million Boomers (ages 51 to 69). The Gen X population (ages 35 to 50 in 2015) is projected to outnumber the Boomers by 2028.

The times they are a changin...


The thing with millennials is that they are all too busy down the pub getting drunk.

Source: Am millennial down the pub.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.

It's weird with my dad. He's got all kinds of awful opinions about minorities as a whole, mainly that "they all want free stuff from the government" while ignoring that he knows, likes and works with minorities on a regular basis, including people from Mexico that are probably not here legally. I think in his heart, he's not a racist, he was just raised by one. My grandpa was a piece of work.
Someone in a OT Bernie thread is claiming Millenials are the largest voting bloc. Holy shit.

On Reddit, maybe.

So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.

It's something that's interesting to me too. I grew up in a house where my dad, by all rights, should have been a big old homophobic, sexist bigot. He was born in the 20s. He grew up in a rural area. Yet, he was probably the least racist person I've ever met. In the 40s, he worked with an African American guy at a steel mill. He was in Ohio from Alabama trying to get enough money to move his family north. My dad and his first wife let him stay with them for months. This actually got the attention of some people. My dad almost lost his job and there were threats made against them.

So, I kinda lucked out. I was brainwashed as a liberal from an early age.
So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.
Yep. Definitely not overtly mostly, but I have heard my dad drop the "model minority" line a few times. It's not an easy thing to come to terms with


The thing with millennials is that they are all too busy down the pub getting drunk.

Source: Am millennial down the pub.

Actually when you look into the post-materialism happening in Europe (and quickly the US.) you see that growing generations are choosing a different approach to politics entirely. The rise of "far" left political parties re-enforces that. Slowly but surely we're asking for a new way to govern ourselves that better reflects equilibrium between man and nature.

Anybody interested should check out the work Ronald Inglehardt has been doing since the 70's about it.


Actually when you look into the post-materialism happening in Europe (and quickly the US.) you see that growing generations are choosing a different approach to politics entirely. The rise of "far" left political parties re-enforces that. Slowly but surely we're asking for a new way to govern ourselves that better reflects equilibrium between man and nature.

Anybody interested should check out the work Ronald Inglehardt has been doing since the 70's about it.

Quoting so I look this up when I'm sober.


Sidhe / PikPok
Hillary's gotten incredibly lucky with having deeply flawed Republican opposition this year. If they can come-up with someone good in 2020, she's going to have a challenge on her hands, especially if the general public thinks it's finally "time for a change" after three Democratic terms.

I think the only Republican candidate who would prompt a clear "time for change" stance from the Republican base is Cruz. HE is the embodiment of the "not conservative enough last time" double down, and him being the Republican candidate only to get trounced in the general might prompt some "we went too far" introspection.

Trump is problematic in terms of him being the nominee leaves too many excuses for why he might lose the general. For example, not "Christian" enough, no political experience, he is a billionaire the common man can't relate to, etc. There would be enough questions that I could see them going back to the old strategy rather than forward to a new (and more moderate) one.

Rubio becoming the nominee then losing the general still leaves open the "should have gone more conservative with Cruz" line of thinking, especially given Clinton vs Rubio would probably end up relatively close (closer than Clinton vs either of Trump or Cruz anyway).

Regardless of who ends up being the nominee, my expectation is to see some sort of group splinter off the Republicans in some doomed in the short term way. Either the disgruntled Tea Party crowd will break away to do their own thing, or the frustrated "libertarian" crowd will. As a result, I'm not sure the Republican party can recover in time to make a strong showing in 2020.


Wait, what??????????

So it's already been commented on, and I may be guilty of it myself at times #hypocrite, but could we cool it a bit on the "omg this person in this other thread is so dumb I must post it here where I can call them dumb and they won't see it" posts.

The degree of animosity is really reaching stupid levels.
So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.

My dad was... idk if he was a racist. One hell of an islamaphobe, not great on lgbt stuff, and economically pretty far right. One of those "I'm an independent because I've never registered as a Republican" types.

My mom's got some latent issues but is much much much better.
Wait, what??????????

Thats kinda clever, tbh. "Sure, we'll do it...if you agree to three more."
I think the only Republican candidate who would prompt a clear "time for change" stance from the Republican base is Cruz. HE is the embodiment of the "not conservative enough last time" double down, and him being the Republican candidate only to get trounced in the general might prompt some "we went too far" introspection.

Im of the opinion that what facilitates introspection is a massive loss. Thus, if either Cruz or Trump go up and get absolutely rekt, whatever rethoric they were pushing will become poisonous, forcing a reorientation.

Obviously, this stance also implies that if they lose by a very small margin, you're stuck with the narrative for the next cycle.


So many of you guys and gals have racist and bigoted parents. Maybe not very overtly, but to some extent.

I'm glad y'all worked around that. Geez. I'm so thankful I didn't grow up in such a household. I have a really well off cousin who doesn't like Obama because their taxes were raised, but that's a rational position. Race plays no factor.

Racially... insensitive mother, homophobic father, sexist brother. Democrat, Republican, and "I see through the system, maaaan", respectively.

It's a cornucopia of awfulness.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I don't know why I didn't touch on my mom when talking about racist parents. She's so active in the Pro-Life movement. I think I've mentioned before that she's the regional director for a crisis pregnancy center. Because of this, I think she has this idea that any minority woman in the inner city is either supporting her kids on welfare, or making monthly trips to PP to get an abortion. It's really hard to talk politics with her. In her own way, she's a sweet person who actually does spend most of her free time helping single mothers instead of protesting abortion clinics, but she's just soooooo invested in this one issue that it's the only lens by which she can view politics. Dad is pretty moderate in comparison. I think she'd be a Cruz supporter, and I know dad is a Kasich guy.
So much for not being a politician.

That fell by the wayside the moment he joined the dems to run for prez. Now he just says he's not a "career" politician, which he then goes on to qualify as RAH RAH FIGHT THE POWER.

Because yknow, people would immediately ask "but havent you been in congress for a quarter of a century?"
It's a weird release to put out, as the Clinton campaign has already called this bluff so to speak and said they're ready and willing to discuss scheduling debates in April and May.

A segue into turnout and registration, I think someone looked at it before already but thought I'd take a gander at IA voter registration. I may be reading it wrong.

Between Oct and the start of Jan 2008, Dem registrations increased by just over 7.5K and independent registrations by about 8.5K. Obama effect?
Between Oct and Jan this cycle, Dem registrations are basically flat (-39) and independents up by 8.8K. Sanders effect? Trump effect?

(And yeah, I'm aware you can register on the day.)

There's breakdown by county, but I don't know whether one is meant to register where they intend to vote, or based on their residential address etc. etc. so I didn't know if it was worth looking at specific counties e.g. those around university towns.


It's a weird release to put out, as the Clinton campaign has already called this bluff so to speak and said they're ready and willing to discuss scheduling debates in April and May.

A segue into turnout and registration, I think someone looked at it before already but thought I'd take a gander at IA voter registration. I may be reading it wrong.

Between Oct and the start of Jan 2008, Dem registrations increased by just over 7.5K and independent registrations by about 8.5K. Obama effect?
Between Oct and Jan this cycle, Dem registrations are basically flat (-39) and independents up by 8.8K. Sanders effect? Trump effect?

(And yeah, I'm aware you can register on the day.)

There's breakdown by county, but I don't know whether one is meant to register where they intend to vote, or based on their residential address etc. etc. so I didn't know if it was worth looking at specific counties e.g. those around university towns.

If you are a CA resident but in school in IA you get to vote twice?
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