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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Earlier today I envisioned Jeb on election night, writing his own name on the ballot.

If the voting booth is private enough in Florida maybe he can hide in there and cry


Seriously. What happened with Jeb?

I remember back in August, myself and a lot of others just assumed it was Clinton's and Jeb's for the taking. I have never seen a shoo-in sink so badly, like in anything ever. I mean even without Trump I still think it goes to Cruz or Rubio.
August was around the time it became clear JEB! would never win. Everytime he opened his mouth it was something stupid and totally out of place. The more people got to know him, the less they liked him.

That was the time he started pushing the release of his governer office e-mails which contained private constituent information, as well as the, "Actually, Asians are the ones having anchor babies," comment. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/26/living/my-asian-american-story-feat/

Edit: in addition, August was when his poll numbers dipped below Carson.


Seriously. What happened with Jeb?

I remember back in August, myself and a lot of others just assumed it was Clinton's and Jeb's for the taking. I have never seen a shoo-in sink so badly, like in anything ever. I mean even without Trump I still think it goes to Cruz or Rubio.

I was listening to a group of body language experts months ago analyze Jeb and the other candidates. They turned the sound off and just ticked off how awful Jeb looked.

For starters he had lost so much weight because of his paleo diet he looked emaciated and weak. His clothes are all two sizes too big. The body language experts said if they didn't know him they would have thought he had cancer. If I was a red meat conservative looking for someone to make me feel safe, hungry Jeb wouldn't be my guy.



For starters he had lost so much weight because of his paleo diet he looked emaciated and weak.

The correct phrase is, "low energy."

God, and the not having any plan for when people ask you about Iraq and your brother? I feel like Apu yelling at Skinner for coming up with "Billy and the Cloneasaurus." What were you thinking sir!?
Private automobiles are unnecessary (and parking is a motherfucker anyway). In 'Murica, we have more than enough land, no need for luxury apartments.

We can't all live like rock stars yet, but I don't feel comfortable living in luxury while so many live desperate lives. We can express our excellence in a way that doesn't require running up the score while other people live shitty lives. Even just a basic income would help.

But that's a long way off.

Private automobiles are necessary to a lot of people. You may not care but many people do. The way people show that they care is by spending their money, which sends a signal to produces on what type of cars and what features people value. Again, you seem to be deciding for everyone that they don't want high-end living quarters. That is the definition of authoritarianism. Some people value high-end living more highly than others, some people prefer to put their money into cars, but for each individual the capitalist system does the best job of ensuring that people's varying needs are met.

Another point is that there isn't plenty of land that most people actually care about. There is only so much prime space in NYC, San Francisco, etc, which is evidenced by sky-high rent prices. The capitalist system of letting landlords charge as much as they can get away with ensures that only those who value that prime city area the most will get that apartment, which is economically efficient.

My main criticism of your thinking is that you are deciding what other people should want. That's why overly centralized planning organizations always fail because they are unable to know what people want better than the individuals themselves do overall (there are a few examples where paternalistic government policies are actually effective, but these are quite small in comparison).


Hopefully I didn't give that impression, cause that's definitely not what I meant. If I did, I apologize. My point is that the people that really feel the Bern do tend to be young and white. Others are still attracted to his positions, definitely, but he hasn't done enough to shave them away from Hillary. He's not showing those groups that he's the better choice. I don't think any Democrat thinks he would be bad on LGBT, AA, Hispanic, or women's issues. (And if they do, they're wrong. He'd be fine, but I question how much of a priority they would get in a Sander's Administration, which I think is a valid critique.) The only area in which I completely question Bernie's ability is foreign policy. He's not strong on it, and he's not surrounding himself with people who can help him brush up.

I do think a better candidate (not person, but a better actual candidate) could have grown the Bernie coalition broader than mostly young, white voters.

No no, wasn't talking about you at all. Maybe in a decade or so another Obama like candidate will carry Bernie's torch, being able to push that agenda, now that Americans in part thanks to Bernie are more open to it. One can only hope.

Or if a miracle happens, or a disaster depending who you ask, and Bernie wins, maybe Bernie can work some magic once those in the party start putting their support behind him. We have some great talent in our party and I think Bernie, with actual access to it, would surround himself with capable people being able to get things done.
No no, wasn't talking about you at all. Maybe in a decade or so another Obama like candidate will carry Bernie's torch, being able to push that agenda, now that Americans in part thanks to Bernie are more open to it. One can only hope.

Or if a miracle happens, or a disaster depending who you ask, and Bernie wins, maybe Bernie can work some magic once those in the party start putting their support behind him. We have some great talent in our party and I think Bernie, with actual access to it, would surround himself with capable people being able to get things done.

Okay, good. I read some of my older post and realized I sounded way more dickish than I meant to. When I'm critical of Sanders, I'm being critical of "Sanders 2016," but it may have come off as like I'm completely marginalizing him and his supporters. He's my rival at the moment, but I don't want to be a total asshole. Just like 60-70% asshole. :p

If the worst happens
and Bernie gets the nod, I think he has to pick someone establishment to be his Veep. I'm not saying he has to heal the party, but he needs someone who is strong on foreign policy and who can work the system to get the party to fall in line and love with him and his agenda.

No point in even trying for Ohio. It's a state that Republicans can easily steal, unless Hillary knocks the top off (and she won't).

Please don't tell me there's no point. There is a point. We won Ohio the last 2 elections. We managed to bitch slap Josh Mandel. We have one of the most progressive Senators in the country, and we're going to work our asses off to get rid of Portman too. So, I don't sit home clutching at conspiracy theories. I prefer to try and hope for the best.
Hopefully I didn't give that impression, cause that's definitely not what I meant. If I did, I apologize. My point is that the people that really feel the Bern do tend to be young and white. Others are still attracted to his positions, definitely, but he hasn't done enough to shave them away from Hillary. He's not showing those groups that he's the better choice. I don't think any Democrat thinks he would be bad on LGBT, AA, Hispanic, or women's issues. (And if they do, they're wrong. He'd be fine, but I question how much of a priority they would get in a Sander's Administration, which I think is a valid critique.) The only area in which I completely question Bernie's ability is foreign policy. He's not strong on it, and he's not surrounding himself with people who can help him brush up.

I do think a better candidate (not person, but a better actual candidate) could have grown the Bernie coalition broader than mostly young, white voters.
It really doesn't matter. He's imperialistic re: foreign policy. One of my major disappointments with Bernie, actually.
This isn't very relevant, but Hillary would be so much better at giving speeches after major international events than Bernie. I'm worried that President Bernie would start talking about SuperPACs if Russia invaded Finland.

I mean, I have limited faith in either candidate's foreign policy, but I'm just talking about the speeches alone.
You do know that Obama won Ohio twice, relatively comfortably, correct?
Yes, but he likely won by more than was reported. He won so thoroughly that stealing the state wouldn't be believable. Hillary won't win by that much.

Which means that she'll lose Ohio (even though she probably will have won).


No Scrubs
Disastermouse, seriously you need to learn how to multiquote. We're going to reach a point where you've got like 4 or 5 posts in a row for no reason soon. It's annoying.
Yes, but he likely won by more than was reported. He won so thoroughly that stealing the state wouldn't be believable. Hillary won't win by that much.

Which means that she'll lose Ohio (even though she probably will have won).

Oh, we're talking conspiracy theories now. Nevermind.

(yes there was some voter suppression but the turnout, especially the black turnout, was still impressive.)


After reviewing the polls, neither Rubio or my man Carson seem to have ANY hope in beating Trump, makes me sad. Gonna become a demmy this week just to vote in primaries. It feels soooooooooo weird being NPA and doing this, this would be the first time I do it because I feel the stakes are that high.

Any other NPA peeps feel weird about registering as something just to vote in primaries, or do you get used to it after a while?
Get invited to an open bar grad party
Go to said party
Place aint even packed
AC aint even remotely capable of handling it
Servers decide to leave just two guys in charge of pouring drinks.
Mixed drinks only
Lines 20 people deep

Can't get drunk.
Cant stop sweating.
Ahh hell.

That's an unfortunate quote at the top of that book....

If memory serves, he has been saying for quite a while that he doesn't want to repeat bam's "yo, you helped me get here, but now i got this so fuck off" approach.


And if it hypothetically happens after the convention? Basically screwed?
Uh, it really depends on the timing. If it happens soon after, then the party can decide on a replacement, I believe. If it happens really close to the election, when voting has already begun and the millions and millions of ballots have already all been printed out, well... tough shit I guess.
After reviewing the polls, neither Rubio or my man Carson seem to have ANY hope in beating Trump, makes me sad. Gonna become a demmy this week just to vote in primaries. It feels soooooooooo weird being NPA and doing this, this would be the first time I do it because I feel the stakes are that high.

Any other NPA peeps feel weird about registering as something just to vote in primaries, or do you get used to it after a while?

The Ben Carson voter still exists.


No, their computerized voting is Republican controlled. Sorry, Ohio, but you don't really count anymore.
This is conspiracy theory level nonsense without a single shred of real evidence to back it up. No different than Obama birth certificate or 9/11 was a inside job nonsense.

Obama won Ohio twice lets not forget.
This is conspiracy theory level nonsense without a single shred of real evidence to back it up. No different than Obama birth certificate nonsense.

Obama won Ohio twice lets not forget.

Yeah, because Obama DESTROYED Ohio twice, by such a wide margin that they couldn't steal the vote. The sure did re: marijuana legalization, though. The numbers don't add up.

Yeah, they'll leave evidence. The guy who controlled it is....wait for it....


A Human Becoming

More than a Member

That's an unfortunate quote at the top of that book....
Eh, that feeling from progressives has been around for years. It's okay for people in the same party as the president to criticize him; you just hope it's more reasonable (Obama's a socialist who hates whites and isn't American). I don't like how Obama has used drones, but I do like how he's handling the US military in the Middle East. He's done quite a few things lately I agree with, but he lied about what the NSA was doing and denounced Chelsea Manning of guilt before a trial was held. I just try to look at what he could have done, like closed Gitmo, not what he had no power over.


No Scrubs
Eh, that feeling from progressives has been around for years. It's okay for people in the same party as the president to criticize him; you just hope it's more rationale (Obama's a socialist who hates whites and isn't American) I don't like how Obama has used drones, but I do like how he's handling the US military in the Middle East. He's done quite a few things lately I agree with, but he also lied about what the NSA was doing and denounced Chelsea Manning of guilty before a trial was held. I just try to look at what he could have done, like closed Gitmo, not what he had no power over.

Gitmo is one of those things he had no power over, congress fucked him when he tried to do it. Hell, it was like the first thing he tried to do.


Why would I stop existing?
Because Ben Carson openly had said hateful things about gays, has expressed racist views against arabics, and is woefully out of his depth when discussing foreign policy issues.

I mean if you hate gays and arabics then sure he is your guy, but there is little else to his candidacy other than that at this point.

If someone supports Carson it is a fair assement they are very very religious and do not like gay people. That's really all his campaign has left at this point.


If someone supports Carson it is a fair assement they are very very religious and do not like gay people. That's really all his campaign has left at this point.
I'd say that point of view is quite close minded and wrong, but that's just me. Specially since I'm queer myself.
You are still supporting the guy that seems like he is over medicating himself at every debate? Through his literal babbling, what exactly are you agreeing with? The flat tax I guess?
Well, among other things, yes.


Seriously. What happened with Jeb?

I remember back in August, myself and a lot of others just assumed it was Clinton's and Jeb's for the taking. I have never seen a shoo-in sink so badly, like in anything ever. I mean even without Trump I still think it goes to Cruz or Rubio.

He was just a shit candidate.

On paper, at the outset, the GOP probably thought he looked strong.

He had a gubernatorial record in a critical swing state, so he could talk up experience but also not be labelled a Washington insider.

He had a Mexican-American wife and spoke Spanish, so he could appeal to the Latino voting bloc like his brother so successfully did.

He could hit Obama and Clinton on Iraq, saying they fucked up the job his brother did so sucessfully.

Where they miscalculated of course was that the GOP base now makes no distinction between a Washington insider and someone who has had any political experience whatsoever.

Oh and there's a sense of existential dread within much of the white voting base of the GOP that thinks they're losing their country because they have to press 1 for English, which the GOP should have learned to expect after what happened to Eric Cantor.

On top of that he's a shitty uncharismatic politician.


You are still supporting the guy that seems like he is over medicating himself at every debate? Through his literal babbling, what exactly are you agreeing with? The flat tax I guess?
I am assuming it's due to Carsons stances on homosexuals. He has by far the most hardcore anti-gay views of any of the other candidates and that is saying something. It's really all he stands out from the pack on at this point. That and his weird hardcore niche Christian denomination he is way into.


Unconfirmed Member
You should see a shrink. They have pills that can help whatever it is you have.

(Mental health joke).
Seriously though - you are obsessing.

It's actually a different person responding to you because it's super obnoxious and multiple people are annoyed.

I was going to make a comment the other day when fm said multi quote was not hard on mobile and that was before I noticed all the double posting.


I couldn't stomach supporting Carson even if I did agree with him on most other issues.

His homphobia is off the charts. Just this last week he was calling LGBT people abnormal and saying it was the end of America if the next POTUS didn't roll back their civil liberties.
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