Oh you mean our time? No![]()
IT'S ONLY 2:40
Oh you mean our time? No![]()
If we suppose that Betfair's markets are reasonably accurate (they tend to perform marginally better than polls), they currently have Sanders as 35% to win Iowa and 19% to win the Democratic nomination. Given Sanders' chance of winning the nomination if he loses Iowa is 0%, we can say that his chance to win the Democratic nomination if he wins Iowa is considered to be 55% by the markets (0.55*0.35=0.19). Obviously not irrevocable damage, but heavy damage none the less; she'd go from an 81% favourite to a 45% underdog.
He doesnt want to drink or smoke but lets just have some opiate tea(btw caffeine makes you anxious so does lack of sleep)?
We'll get this in November. And it'll be even more tragic and better then.I kinda want to see Trumps reaction to losing, imagine the scorched earth
If Bernie wins tonight, do Republicans start to shift any of their attention to him?
We'll get this in November. And it'll be even more tragic and better then.
If Bernie wins tonight, do Republicans start to shift any of their attention to him?
adam I would shoot you with a tranquilizer if I could to calm you down.
I just can't eat, sleep or sit still. Otherwise, I'm fine.
ever done heroin?
ever done heroin?
So among those who lean left, are you afraid of a Rubio/Haley ticket? Basically, you want a Trump victory so he'll get crushed in the general by Billary and Castro?
I'm so anxious brahs.
Bing said Trump was gonna win by nine points.MSNBCs Media Center is being run my Microsoft.
Microsoft is also helping the Dems report the results.
The establishment fix is in.
There's been talk about it, but it's a huge commitment (especially time wise) that most people wouldn't want to do. Someone posted an article about it but I'm not sure how many pages back that was. I can't imagine this would even affect a double digit percentage of his supporters.Anybody seen any data (or anecdotes) on busing/driving Bernie supporters back to their home precincts?
Bing said Trump was gonna win by nine points.
There's been talk about it, but it's a huge commitment (especially time wise) that most people wouldn't want to do. Someone posted an article about it but I'm not sure how many pages back that was. I can't imagine this would even affect a double digit percentage of his supporters.
None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
According to MSNBC, 2 hours and 2 minutes is just "minutes away" from the Caucus.
Nine points.
Nine nine.
Nine nine nine.
You know, Iowa is my favorite : gag : Big Ten football team. : gag : Totally. Go : gag : Hawkeyes.
Ugh, I feel dirty.
But wait!
Iowa is in the Big Ten.
Ohio State is in the Big Ten.
I am in Ohio.
I am a $hilLIARy supporter.
How deep does this rabbit hole go!?
According to MSNBC, 2 hours and 2 minutes is just "minutes away" from the Caucus.
None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
I want him to win every state so I can laugh at the endorsement/favorablity guys some more.None of you guys would rather see Trump lose in Iowa? He's probably going to win a bunch of the upcoming states, so personally I'd rather see things a bit messier, and more important, see what kind of meltdown he would have.
It's from top down when you look at individual tweets. It's basically just saying that someone contacted Matt Breunig saying that Sarah Jeong should be "called out" or some shit and that he "did his part" for the calling out which really was just a long harassment campaign against Jeong.
Also Fallout 4 was my GOTY. Amazing game.
More like a celebratory shot or three. I can't afford to get drunk, I have a conference call in the morning.