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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Nah dog, every poll shows that Trump is weak head-to-head. Cruz wins Iowa he becomes the anti-Trump candidate and keeps Rubio on the sidelines. The weaker Cruz looks the better it is for Rubio.

A weaker Cruz is still going to stay in the race for a long time and keep splitting the vote. A Trump victory in Iowa doesn't result in a two person race.


I've been watching Fox News all week and they really want Bernie to win. If Hillary takes it tonight (which I think she will) they will have nothing to talk about on the Dem's side.

I think Trump has a good chance at underperforming too. #prayingfortrump




Home from work. Donuts procured. Dog walked. Chinese food en route. Avatar ready for 7PM, Central Time. I'm in my jammies and ready to roll.
A weaker Cruz is still going to stay in the race for a long time and keep splitting the vote. A Trump victory in Iowa doesn't result in a two person race.

True, thats why I think Trump is the favorite now, despite not even being that popular among Republicans. The other candidates are too proud to drop out before Super Tuesday. Just saying that limiting the field as much as possible is Rubio's best chance.


Trump just told his supporters to beat the hell out of anyone who was getting ready to throw a tomato at him. He promised he'd pay their legal fees.

I mean....holy hell.

He's like a living example of how messed up our justice system really is. Dude I'm rich, I can buy my way out of anything. Please commit a crime for me.

But his supporters probably think that's totes awesome!!!!


He's like a living example of how messed up our justice system really is. Dude I'm rich, I can buy my way out of anything. Please commit a crime for me.

But his supporters probably think that's totes awesome!!!!

If the government would get out of their business and stop supporting mooching minorities they'd be rich any day now and have the same privileges!!!!!
Rumors? I know the Rubio ones, but Haley? Dish dude, dish.

Seriously, it'll make your brain hurt.

You didn't even see Trump making it this far, did you? Most also seriously thought that she would brush aside Bernie with little effort at all.

Instead, she's fighting to win a caucus that it would have been unthinkable for her to lose just a few months ago.

Hillary will not beat Trump, if that's the way the nominations go.


You didn't even see Trump making it this far, did you? Most also seriously thought that she would brush aside Bernie with little effort at all.

Instead, she's fighting to win a caucus that it would have been unthinkable for her to lose just a few months ago.

Hillary will not beat Trump, if that's the way the nominations go.


What? Hillary will slaughter Trump.


You didn't even see Trump making it this far, did you? Most also seriously thought that she would brush aside Bernie with little effort at all.

Instead, she's fighting to win a caucus that it would have been unthinkable for her to lose just a few months ago.

Hillary will not beat Trump, if that's the way the nominations go.

Calm down man, they are both projected to beat Rump.


FGC Waterboy
MSNBC needs to stop talking about how Trump is going to win over 10% of the black vote, unions and New York. This is supposed to be my safe bubble, they need to quit it,

Would not be surprised in the slightest.

Do yourself a favor and record that until November. We'll all have a good laugh then.

You know according to CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations) - Trump is currently getting 7% of Muslim support.

Which is more than the rest of the GOP candidates combined.


Don't underestimate his appeal.
Would not be surprised in the slightest.

You know according to CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations) - Trump is currently getting 7% of Muslim support.

Which is more than the rest of the GOP candidates combined.


Don't underestimate his appeal.

You've all seen Trump masterfully manipulate the Republican debates and he's likely going to win Iowa. Clinton has such low enthusiasm that neither the minority vote nor the youth vote will show up for her in the general.

I feel like Cassandra, but there it is.
You didn't even see Trump making it this far, did you? Most also seriously thought that she would brush aside Bernie with little effort at all.

Instead, she's fighting to win a caucus that it would have been unthinkable for her to lose just a few months ago.

Hillary will not beat Trump, if that's the way the nominations go.

I do also think Hillstans are underestimating Trump, specially once he moderates his message. I mean, I dont want to underplay Sanders appeal, but the fact that Bernie has put her into a corner says a lot about her weakenesses.


You've all seen Trump masterfully manipulate the Republican debates and he's likely going to win Iowa. Clinton has such low enthusiasm that neither the minority vote nor the youth vote will show up for her in the general.

I feel like Cassandra, but there it is.

Low enthusiasm = The new "Low energy"?
I could see it being an issue if the Democratic nomination drags on for months and they keep damaging each other and polarizing the support base, while Trump basically strolls to the Republican convention. But the other GOP candidates also probably have enough money to stay in for a while.

Something that has been brought up a few times by MSNBC anchors tonight is the fact that Trump will ruthlessly change course for the general and spend more time talking about some of his - rather liberal - economic and trade policies. He could even walk back his rather recent change of heart in becoming fully pro-life (unlikely, but he is a loose cannon). The most interesting thing to watch will be how Fox News and Conservative punditry deals with the leader of their party spouting views antithetical to the rhetoric they have been selling for the last decade.

Will Fox be vindictive after the bs he has been pulling with them?
How will the truly conservative religious right (Huckaby, Cruz, etc.) talk about their candidate?
Will the convention devolve into a segment of the party publically admonishing their presumptive candidate in hopes to force him to fall in line with their views that he obviously doesn't care about?
I do also think Hillstans are underestimating Trump, specially once he moderates his message. I mean, I dont want to underplay Sanders appeal, but the fact that Bernie has put her into a corner says a lot about her weakenesses.

This is what I don't understand about the resistance to the idea that Trump could win.

Hillary is being legit shook by a 74 year old self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist who is stumping on one primary message. Teflon Don has resisted getting destroyed by statements that would have savaged any other republican contender. "47%" would probably boost Trump's ratings, for God's sake! Romney lost because the voters who would have been 'fuck yeah, 47%, man!' didn't believe Romney believed it enough.

If it's Trump vs. Hillary, he gets to take the mantle of Bernie's 'bought and paid for' message and ramp it up to eleven. He gets to go protectionist economically and pull any economic liberalist wind right out of her sails as well.

If it's Hillary vs. Trump, Trump wins.
You know according to CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations) - Trump is currently getting 7% of Muslim support.

Which is more than the rest of the GOP candidates combined.


Don't underestimate his appeal.
Muslims are a conservative voting bloc, in fact they used to be heavily GOP until Islamophobia pushed them into the Democratic Party. The fact that Trump is still winning an insignificant chunk of them isn't very surprising.
I do also think Hillstans are underestimating Trump, specially once he moderates his message. I mean, I dont want to underplay Sanders appeal, but the fact that Bernie has put her into a corner says a lot about her weakenesses.

Lol, if anything Bernie showed he can't run a campaign. Also I fail to see on how Sanders put Hillary into some kind of corner, as Hillary pretty much always had a guaranteed chance of winning and pretty much had near universal support among Democrats. If you are talking about her views Hillary already announced many of her views before he ran or gained traction. Bernie lucked out in a climate that was slightly skeptical of the establishment( for dems) and a chunk of the demographic that supported more social democratic policies and a demographic that really only cared about economic policies. He was the only one that focused extremely on that subject, so in hindsight isn't unreasonable to think that someone that was laser-focused on those subjects, would get a big chunk of the voting population.


This is what I don't understand about the resistance to the idea that Trump could win.

Hillary is being legit shook by a 74 year old self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist who is stumping on one primary message. Teflon Don has resisted getting destroyed by statements that would have savaged any other republican contender. "47%" would probably boost Trump's ratings, for God's sake! Romney lost because the voters who would have been 'fuck yeah, 47%, man!' didn't believe Romney believed it enough.

If it's Trump vs. Hillary, he gets to take the mantle of Bernie's 'bought and paid for' message and ramp it up to eleven. He gets to go protectionist economically and pull any economic liberalist wind right out of her sails as well.

If it's Hillary vs. Trump, Trump wins.

I'm of the mind that Trump looks significantly weaker when using his rhetoric on a woman. It hurt him with Fiorina that time in the early debate, he has trouble with Megan kelly, and I think that going against Clinton would expose his misogyny moreso than Bernie. But either way, we know the socialist card will get played all year if Bernie gets the nom. So neither will have an effortless run against him. In the end, I don't think trump has the minority vote to beat either Dem.
You've all seen Trump masterfully manipulate the Republican debates and he's likely going to win Iowa. Clinton has such low enthusiasm that neither the minority vote nor the youth vote will show up for her in the general.

I feel like Cassandra, but there it is.

Despite data (DMR poll for instance) completely and repeatedly proving this refrain false, it continues to be repeated.

It's getting tiring.
Young black Americans don't vote. They showed up for Obama, but they won't show up for Clinton in the same way. The youth backing Trump are rabid and they will show up.

I suppose the fact that 1/3 of young Republicans also picked the "flee the country option" if Trump was elected, or that 40% of Iowa Republicans have negative opinions of him, or that his overall negatives are already higher than any nominee in modern political history concern you either?

Trump has managed to develop a committed base of working class white men who can pull him through a divided Republican field but he's very unpopular among whites with college educations, women, and minorities. You can't get anywhere close to a majority in the general election with those numbers.


I do also think Hillstans are underestimating Trump, specially once he moderates his message. I mean, I dont want to underplay Sanders appeal, but the fact that Bernie has put her into a corner says a lot about her weakenesses.

Hilary has been running against every candidate on both sides. And Republicans have been running against her since Obama won his second term, Bernie has been running against just Hilary.

Just compare how many times either is spoken about by either the candidates, their campaigns or the networks they like to appear on.


Hillary is being legit shook by a 74 year old self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist who is stumping on one primary message.

Trump RCP National Average: +16.2% "LOL Trump has got the Republican nomination in the bag."
Clinton RCP National Average: +14.4% and over 50% "This race is neck and neck!"
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