Current CBS estimates:
Hillary 51
Bernie 42
O Malley 3
Trump 28
Cruz 23
Rubio 22
Rubio completely folds on stage, he's got no presence. I worry about Cruz the most of the top 3
Entrance polls don't matter much in a caucus. They're arguing and debating inside those precincts. The fact that Trump doesn't have many precinct captains tells me that a smart campaign could steal his supporters.
I'm sinking or sailing with the Cruz ship fellas.
Nate Cohn: The winner of the early 2012 entrance poll in Iowa was... Ron Paul.
I mean, if Sanders can't even get the Paul numbers to start out with...
sanders is a snowball, paul was an egg
Current numbers for Dem side
52 Hillary
44 Bernie
2 Martin
4% reporting per CNN.
Cruz into first at the moment, hope that doesn't hold.
I do agree Cruz is as dangerous as Trump but like him he's far too bigoted to have a chance in the general.Rubio completely folds on stage, he's got no presence. I worry about Cruz the most of the top 3
Isn't there literally 1% in
I know its not statistically significant, I'm diablosing.
MSNBC has them at 52% Hillary, 48% Bernie.
Also 4% reporting.
Why not just use this website? currently has 8% in and saying 53/46.
The percentages are delegate split, not votes, correct?
Can someone explain 'diablosing'?
If those numbers hold, I feel like the polling was way off for Iowa Dems.
If those numbers hold, I feel like the polling was way off for Iowa Dems.
That makes sense. I'm pretty happy either way, but rooting for Hillary.It'll take a while to do Bernie's strongholds (bigger cities) so he should catch up later.
?:^VMartin Omalley breaks every statistical model and comes ahead in the 80% of precincts not reporting.
Jeb wins the republican as well.
Your face when?
It'll take a while to do Bernie's strongholds (bigger cities) so he should catch up later.
How is it still early? When does this end? I thought you cuckussed for like an hour?
I can feel Jim Gilmore picking up steam, that zero vote count will only hold for so long.