Brawndo Addict
Yawn, bored now. When's NH?
Cant wait to read some articles tomorrow
Rubio is a legit threat, but this speech is garbage
I know now isn't the time for pragmatism but if you actually care about the place you live, then Rubio's surge means we're less likely to get a Cruz or Trump as a nominee. That's promising.
But it likely means we'll have a neocon hawk as a president.I know now isn't the time for pragmatism but if you actually care about the place you live, then Rubio's surge means we're less likely to get a Cruz or Trump as a nominee. That's promising.
Really hoping Hillary has some really good data to claim victory.
I know now isn't the time for pragmatism but if you actually care about the place you live, then Rubio's surge means we're less likely to get a Cruz or Trump as a nominee. That's promising.
This is how it fucking starts.If I can't have Carson, I'd gladly take Rubio over Cruz or Trump.
Someone talk me out of my depression
I can't see any other way tonight isn't apocalyptic.
This is how it fucking starts.
He's a tea party hawk
Tonight fucking sucks.
Next week.Yawn, bored now. When's NH?
Cant wait to read some articles tomorrow
This is how it fucking starts.
He's a tea party hawk
Tonight fucking sucks.
Ross Douthat ‏@DouthatNYT 43m43 minutes ago
He's losing his bravado, next thing you know his hairpiece might fall off.Congratulating Cruz, praising the people of Iowa and generally being humble (for Trump standards)? Trump is finished.
Reading this thread, one does wonder how you all reacted when santorum took it. Yall diablosing too hard.
Also yaaaas bern! Hills once again screwed up so grotesquely that she managed to let a grumpy ancient soviet jew running a campaign with the help of a bunch of mentally challenged twats nearly tie with her while she had every freaking advantage possible in the freaking book. Good goinh there, kween.
Now gimme my horse race narrative, lieberal media!
Not only are ya'll losing your shit over the Iowa fucking caucus, you're losing your shit over Marco fucking Rubio.
Get a grip dammit.
Reading this thread, one does wonder how you all reacted when santorum took it. Yall diablosing too hard.
Also yaaaas bern! Hills once again screwed up so grotesquely that she managed to let a grumpy ancient soviet jew running a campaign with the help of a bunch of mentally challenged twats nearly tie with her while she had every freaking advantage possible. Good going there, kween.
Now gimme my horse race narrative, lieberal media!
Naw the Establishment wasn't supposed to have this kind of night. And maybe the Dems have some blame in this, Trump and Cruz have shifted the narrative to a point where fucking MARCO RUBIO is a centrist candidate.You're freaking out over 3rd place. There's almost 0 chance an Establishment candidate wasn't going to get at least 3rd. So you're freaking out over something that was going to inevitably happen.
Actually is starts with normalizing far right ideas while shutting out the left from the national discuasion but since that's a fault that falls partially on the Democratic party no one wants to say it.
LOL at the establishment gloating
You have NYT op ed peoples tweeting in all caps
lol at caucus thread:
We had this problem before, but you know Douthat's kidding right?
It's the Trump loss combined with the Rubio surge and Jen no show.I don't get all the Trump's finished talk. We all knew Iowa was filled with evangelicals who would lean Cruz, and Trump is going to do better in southern states.
Also, Bernie has done just well enough to keep him in the race, but not well enough to actually gain a shot at winning. The best possible outcome for progressives.
i knew it would be close but under1%? daaaaaaaaamn
DMR got both % wrong on both sides now?
Also, Bernie has done just well enough to keep him in the race, but not well enough to actually gain a shot at winning. The best possible outcome for progressives.
Trump didn't lose. He spent a fraction of the money and got the same results. He's doing fine.It's the Trump loss combined with the Rubio surge and Jen no show.
This isn't fine.Trump didn't lose. He spent a fraction of the money and got the same results. He's doing fine.