So, you want to know what I'm pissed about? It ain't Bernie, surprisingly.
It is whoever in the Clinton camp made that statement to Andrea Mitchell that Hillary had "won." I don't care if it was a low level staffer or if it came from Queen YAASSSSS herself. Shit like that pisses me off. It shits on the work of people on both sides who worked to get out the vote. You get to claim victory when you actually effing win, not a minute before that. The optics of that were ludicrous. MSNBC was running with it like it was a gosh darn award winning pie or something. If your campaign has the air of being....I don't want to say questionable, but some people still remember some of the stupid shit you pulled in 2008, don't feed the damn fire! You know a tie is going to be spun by the media as a Bernie victory, and any win you get, at that point, is so inconsequential it doesn't matter, so don't freaking shoot yourself in the foot! Ugh.
A tie is fine. Whatever. Bernie needed to get more delegates out of Iowa unless he can drastically change the narrative going into NV, SC and Super Tuesday. So a good night for him. I was happy to see he actually managed to get his people out there. He did that in the face of a better, more experienced ground game. I want to look at trends from other states that aren't NH before I start to worry. I'm not happy with the estimates of Dem turnout, though. A Bernie tie SHOULD have had a higher turnout, and I know it's just estimates but still.
Also, what is it with our stupid party and an inability to freaking do something simply? Get rid of this shit and go to a primary. I don't care that it's tradition. It's ludicrous that we allow this to be the first steps of Democracy in an election year.
I'm also not pleased about Rubio doing as well as he did.
And finally, and this may shock a lot of people, but I may have been happier if there was someone else in the race other than Bernie. If I am completely off base on where the party is in relation to Clinton, then we're basically going to go down a path where we'll elect someone by the skin of their teeth (i.e. Clinton) or we elect someone that I still don't believe is electable in a GE campaign. Like I said, I still support Clinton, and I will until the bitter end, one way or the other, but i want to see some more data points to see if I need to re-evaluate where the party is in relation to my support.
That's called pragmatism, btw.