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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Turnout was 180k, actually, second highest to date - not bad for a two candidate race.

Regardless of whether Sanders wins or not, I want him to push Clinton as much as is possible. I think she will abandon most progressive issues if left to her own devices, so the more Sanders can force her to publicly commit to particular issues now, the happier I am. CNN continuing to concern troll Clinton is a win for me. A 3 point Clinton win would more or less have ended that.

You underestimate just how little CNN cares about objective facts. It could have been 5 points and they'd still troll somehow. They want a race that spans for months.


Turnout was 180k, actually, second highest to date - not bad for a two candidate race.

Regardless of whether Sanders wins or not, I want him to push Clinton as much as is possible. I think she will abandon most progressive issues if left to her own devices, so the more Sanders can force her to publicly commit to particular issues now, the happier I am. CNN continuing to concern troll Clinton is a win for me. A 3 point Clinton win would more or less have ended that.

Basically my feelings on the matter. I think a Clinton win is better for the party overall, but I'm more than happy to have Sanders stay in till the bitter end and push her as far left as possible.

You underestimate just how little CNN cares about objective facts. It could have been 5 points and they'd still troll somehow. They want a race that spans for months.

Yet another reason I'm not that worried about Trump. He certainly isn't going to give up, the caucus format really wasn't good for him, and the media will keep him relevant as long as they possibly can.


Iowa was a must win for Sanders. Yeah, he'll win New Hampshire, but I think this should give anyone pause on his ability to compete on a national level. Nevada and South Carolina will go Clinton, then March 1st happens, and it's over.


I said so too! :p I also said Sanders would win the popular vote, so I'm 2 for 2 so far. :D

I don't think it's a given Sanders won the initial popular vote. Given O'Malley was non viable most places and his supporters seemed to mostly go Sanders, it seems plausible that it was about even in the popular vote but the extra 2-3% from O'Malley allowed him to get so close :p


Unconfirmed Member
I think Bernie was at least successful in extending the game clock. His campaign could have easily ended tonight, but he's now staying alive until South Carolina.

He can't really use Iowa as a boost, but he's been slowly gaining momentum everywhere as time goes on, so it is possible he doesn't need it, and it's not like it's such a bad result that it'll kill that momentium.

If he does tie or win South Carolina, then that would change everything, and I would start believing in him winning being possible. I don't believe he'll do that well in South Carolina, but I do see the path of it being feasible. Remember 3-4 weeks ago, the thought of Bernie winning Iowa was farfetched.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think it's a given Sanders won the initial popular vote. Given O'Malley was non viable most places and his supporters seemed to mostly go Sanders, it seems plausible that it was about even in the popular vote but the extra 2-3% from O'Malley allowed him to get so close :p

I don't think so. O'Malley was polling at about 3%, and supposing he split 2-1, that's only +1% for Sanders. Clinton's rural advantage was not as small as +1.1 or +1.2. I mean, we'll know come August, but personally I have absolute confidence.


I think Bernie was at least successful in extending the game clock. His campaign could have easily ended tonight, but he's now staying alive until South Carolina.

I don't think he's dropping out until the convention, no matter what happens. He has the money, and his campaign has always been more about accumulating influence than realistically competing for the nomination.


Iowa was a must win for Sanders. Yeah, he'll win New Hampshire, but I think this should give anyone pause on his ability to compete on a national level. Nevada and South Carolina will go Clinton, then March 1st happens, and it's over.

I'm impressed that he pulled so close considering how good Clinton's ground game was supposed to be. The turnout wasn't exactly what he wanted, but there may be signs of a small 'political revolution' so to speak.
Clinton won, its all over. All the trump people got btfo
There is nothing to be excited for anymore, the nsa will still spy on all of us, republicans will still fuck shit up in the midterms. I dont know what hillary is running to accomplish. Because a republican president would be worse and to make incremental improvements?
there is no longer anything to hope for or be happy about


I'm impressed that he pulled so close considering how good Clinton's ground game was supposed to be. The turnout wasn't exactly what he wanted, but there may be signs of a small 'political revolution' so to speak.

I agree. It was a super successful turnout by Bernie, but in the end, he couldn't win his third best state, which makes me think that she has it in the bag.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think he's dropping out until the convention, no matter what happens. He has the money, and his campaign has always been more about accumulating influence than realistically competing for the nomination.

I'm not talking about keeping alive a dead campaign. I'm talking about legit having a path to the nomination, even if it is extremely tough.

People are acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa all along like Cruz was, but I don't see that at all. He was far behind until the last moments heading up to the election. I don't see why we should discount this as a possible blueprint for other states.

I agree. It was a super successful turnout by Bernie, but in the end, he couldn't win his third best state, which makes me think that she has it in the bag.

Iowa was Rubio's litterally 1st best state going by polling. And yet everybody's declared him the winner of the night by getting third.


I'm not talking about keeping alive a dead campaign. I'm talking about legit having a path to the nomination, even if it is extremely tough.

People are acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa all along like Cruz was, but I don't see that at all. He was far behind until the last moments heading up to the election. I don't see why we should discount this as a possible blueprint for other states.

I think it's much harder the closer the states are to each other. You don't have the infrastructure you had in Iowa in all 50 states.
I'm not talking about keeping alive a dead campaign. I'm talking about legit having a path to the nomination, even if it is extremely tough.

People are acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa all along like Cruz was, but I don't see that at all. He was far behind until the last moments heading up to the election. I don't see why we should discount this as a possible blueprint for other states.

Bernie camped in Iowa for months to get people to know him, that's the only time that will happen.


I'm not talking about keeping alive a dead campaign. I'm talking about legit having a path to the nomination, even if it is extremely tough.

People are acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa all along like Cruz was, but I don't see that at all. He was far behind until the last moments heading up to the election. I don't see why we should discount this as a possible blueprint for other states.
There's a subtle difference, but people weren't acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa. They were acting like he HAD to win Iowa by a fair margin to have a good chance at the Democratic nomination. That's according to analysts such as Sam Wang. The fact that it was close is bad news for Bernie, but not campaign-ending. He still has a pulse, it just doesn't look good.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Sanders odds on Betfair actually went up as a result of this... from 19% to 21%.

Small victories. :p Take 'em where you can get them.

Also, I realized I wasn't 2 for 2 because I also predicted a Trump win, so only 2 for 3. Booo. :(


Bernie grabbing two clear wins out of the First Four sets him up better for lasting through the March Gauntlet than a split-decision, one win and two beatings.
Where are these turnout figures coming from? I saw a record breaking round figure of 180K for the GOP. I've only seen the Dem side described as "robust" without numbers.


Bernie grabbing two clear wins out of the First Four sets him up better for lasting through the March Gauntlet than a split-decision, one win and two beatings.

He has a decent chance in Nevada I imagine. Media will give him some love after a "tie" + a probable massacre in NH. I don't think he'll get killed in Nevada. From what I understand, he's trying pretty hard out there.

Where are these turnout figures coming from? I saw a record breaking round figure of 180K for the GOP. I've only seen the Dem side described as "robust" without numbers.

In the Iowa Caucus thread, I saw people throw around numbers of ~140k for the Democratic Caucus.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Where are these turnout figures coming from? I saw a record breaking round figure of 180K for the GOP. I've only seen the Dem side described as "robust" without numbers.

I heard 181k for Dems and 186k for GOP on MSNBC a few hours ago, but that was probably projected not confirmed as not everywhere had finished reporting. Can't find a link, sorry.


Sanders odds on Betfair actually went up as a result of this... from 19% to 21%.

Small victories. :p Take 'em where you can get them.

Also, I realized I wasn't 2 for 2 because I also predicted a Trump win, so only 2 for 3. Booo. :(

Kind of expected. After all, defeat by a decent margin would have been fatal.

My read is that both candidates will be happy with that result. Sanders is still in, but Clinton will be confident of holding Nevada.
I think the slightly Hillary lead helps him in a narrative sense, but nothing more. He needed more delegates out of it than Hillary. The different reports I'm seeing, regardless of the super delegates, show Hillary getting 1 more than Bernie? Is that correct? AP is giving her 22 and Bernie 21. Isn't there another one, though? Wikipedia is giving her 23. I'm not sure on this. I can't seem to find a good answer.
Looks like Clinton eked out a win in Iowa, which is good enough for me. Just got back from taking my fiancée to a hospital in Malaysia and running on two hours sleep so I'll take whatever good news I can get. I don't see any realistic path for Sanders to win the nom without Iowa and NH both (though frankly I think he would have lost even if he won both).

I'm increasingly thinking Rubio is going to come away with the GOP nom though, which worries me.


I'm looking at the Super Tuesday states, and they seem to mostly lean Clinton. Anyone have the current breakdown of how polls say they go?
Looks like Clinton eked out a win in Iowa, which is good enough for me. Just got back from taking my fiancée to a hospital in Malaysia and running on two hours sleep so I'll take whatever good news I can get. I don't see any realistic path for Sanders to win the nom without Iowa and NH both (though frankly I think he would have lost even if he won both).

I'm increasingly thinking Rubio is going to come away with the GOP nom though, which worries me.

I hope your fiancee is okay.


Unconfirmed Member
There's a subtle difference, but people weren't acting like Bernie was a given in Iowa. They were acting like he HAD to win Iowa by a fair margin to have a good chance at the Democratic nomination. That's according to analysts such as Sam Wang. The fact that it was close is bad news for Bernie, but not campaign-ending. He still has a pulse, it just doesn't look good.

Sam Wang was saying that he needed Iowa to get a boost and prove he didn't need minorities. But I'm saying he's been seeing a sustained boost just about everywhere as time goes on even without specific targeting like Iowa. South Carolina is no exception.

And he was never going to win without minority support, so I guess I never saw Iowa as a must win demographically. That story is the same for me today as it was yesterday. He needs to do better with minorities.


I'm looking at the Super Tuesday states, and they seem to mostly lean Clinton. Anyone have the current breakdown of how polls say they go?

Hillary is, currently, polling ahead in all of them except Vermont, I believe. Minnesota could be close, but that really depends on the landscape post SC and NV.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the slightly Hillary lead helps him in a narrative sense, but nothing more. He needed more delegates out of it than Hillary. The different reports I'm seeing, regardless of the super delegates, show Hillary getting 1 more than Bernie? Is that correct? AP is giving her 22 and Bernie 21. Isn't there another one, though? Wikipedia is giving her 23. I'm not sure on this. I can't seem to find a good answer.

One delegate out of 4,764 is really meaningless.


Hillary is, currently, polling ahead in all of them except Vermont, I believe. Minnesota could be close, but that really depends on the landscape post SC and NV.

Thank you :)

If it stays that way, even giving Sanders Minnesota, going to be very hard for him to keep enough momentum going to maintain any sort of pressure on Clinton.


Thank you :)

If it stays that way, even giving Sanders Minnesota, going to be very hard for him to keep enough momentum going to maintain any sort of pressure on Clinton.

Yeah, Super Tuesday was always going to kill him if he didn't outperform in Iowa, NH, and then Nevada. He didn't in Iowa.


I dunno what's best in terms of narrative for Clinton.

If she lost two in a row it'd be a bad narrative for her given she's the inevitability candidate. Suddenly not so inevitable hang on why are we voting for you again.

If she absolutely crushed it, it runs the risk of looking too much like a coronation by DWS I guess and pissing off anyone unhappy with the status quo.

Best result was probably she win a bit more convincingly that she did but I suppose an extremely narrow win isn't the worst thing for her.

It'll be interesting to see how expectations come into play in New Hampshire.


Yeah, Super Tuesday was always going to kill him if he didn't outperform in Iowa, NH, and then Nevada. He didn't in Iowa.

Nevada will be critical, and I don't think his Iowa performance is going to be enough to really change it, even accounting for a big win in New Hampshire. I suspect Clinton's machinery will be far better than his in Nevada come the 20th.
I guess as an example Texas is worth 222 delegates, so like a 20% lead there would be worth all the delegates on offer today.

A lot can happen in a month though.


Nevada will be critical, and I don't think his Iowa performance is going to be enough to really change it, even accounting for a big win in New Hampshire. I suspect Clinton's machinery will be far better than his in Nevada come the 20th.

Yup. A lot of the cash she's been burning is on infrastructure.


Sucks that they didn't ask the same questions.

Most Important Issue:
Government Spending (32%): Cruz 27% - Rubio 21% - Trump 19% - Carson 11% - Paul 9%
Economy/Jobs (27%): Rubio 30% - Trump 24% - Cruz 18% - Carson 9%
Terrorism (25%): Cruz 33% - Rubio 26% - Trump 21% - Carson 8%
Immigration (13%): Trump 44% - Cruz 34% - Rubio 10% - Carson 7%

Economy/Jobs (33%): Clinton 51% - Sanders 42%
Health Care (30%): Clinton 59% - Sanders 38%
Income Inequality (27%): Sanders 61% - Clinton 34%
Terrorism (6%): Clinton 65% - Sanders 28%

Top Candidate Quality:
Shares My Values (42%): Cruz 38% - Rubio 21% - Carson 15% - Paul 7% - Trump 5%
Can Win (21%): Rubio 44% - Trump 24% - Cruz 22%
Can Bring Change (21%): Trump 33% - Cruz 25% - Rubio 17% - Carson 8% - Paul 5%
Tells It Like It Is (14%): Trump 66% - Cruz 11% - Carson 6%

Right Experience (28%): Clinton 88% - Sanders 9%
Cares About People (26%): Sanders 74% - Clinton 22%
Honest And Trustworthy (24%): Sanders 83% - Clinton 10%
Can Win In November (20%): Clinton 77% - Sanders 17%

The Next President Should:
Be Experienced (46%): Rubio 39% - Cruz 35% - Paul 6%
Be Outside The Establishment (48%): Trump 46% - Cruz 20% - Carson 17% - Rubio 7% - Paul 4%

Continue Obama's Policies (55%): Clinton 68% - Sanders 26%
Be More Liberal (33%): Sanders 76% - Clinton 21%
Be Less Liberal (7%): Sanders 50% - Clinton 43%

When Did You Decide Whom To Support:
Before Last Month (35%): Trump 39% - Cruz 26% - Rubio 13% - Carson 9% - Paul 5%
Last Month (20%): Cruz 32% - Rubio 27% - Trump 23% - Carson 8%
Last Week (10%): Cruz 36% - Rubio 27% - Trump 13% - Carson 11%
Last Few Days (19%): Rubio 31% - Cruz 27% - Trump 13% - Carson 8% - Paul 5% - Kasich 5%
Today (16%): Rubio 28% - Cruz 22% - Trump 15% - Carson 13% - Paul 6%

Before Last Month (59%): Clinton 54% - Sanders 42%
Last Month (18%): Sanders 57% - Clinton 41%
Last Few Days (9%): Clinton 46% - Sanders 46% - O'Malley 6%
Today (7%): Clinton 45% - Sanders 42%


Yup. A lot of the cash she's been burning is on infrastructure.

The way I see it, although Sanders has plenty of enthusiasm and money supporting him, he lacks the organisation and infrastructure. As a result, he's really focused on Iowa and NH to try and maximise his performance there in the hope that that will carry him. While it remains to be seen what effect those states will have, my feeling is that this result probably isn't good enough.
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