BUT THE POLLINGI can't imagine the Bernie fans think he can still win a general right? Sanders vs Rubio? That's Mondale vs Reagan all over again.
I can't imagine the Bernie fans think he can still win a general right? Sanders vs Rubio? That's Mondale vs Reagan all over again.
Yes, millions of pissed of bigots will now evaporate into thin air because Trump took second in a state he never should have been competitive in in the first place.
The Diablosing is strong tonight.
I can't imagine the Bernie fans think he can still win a general right? Sanders vs Rubio? That's Mondale vs Reagan all over again.
I wouldn't go that far. Rubio is no Reagan by any stretch and Bernie has a lot more things in his favor than Mondale did. Biggest one being that the country isn't nearly as conservative as it was 36 years agoI can't imagine the Bernie fans think he can still win a general right? Sanders vs Rubio? That's Mondale vs Reagan all over again.
Something magical kind of did happen. Hillary and Sanders basically canceled each other out and Rubio is gaining traction fast. This could completely change the dynamic in NH and set up Rubio for a win, or second place with Trump falling to third.unless something magical happens in 7 days, Trump and Sanders will crush NH
SC Isn't a swing state the last time I chceked. IA is.More Dems voted in SC primary than GOP did in 2008. That sure helped.
Rubio could still quite easily get killed over immigration by... pretty much everyone running. Also watch for the deer-in-the-headlights look if he really starts to turn into the party golden boy.
scooby dooby gloopy gooby, we're so fucked
POS Trump better start spending his damn money on stuff, because now with all these results coming in the media isn't going to do his job for him nearly as much anymore and half assing it isn't going to work
Cruz’s campaign, for instance, in the last three months of 2015 racked up $3.6 million in bills from a data firm called Cambridge Analytica that builds what it calls “psychographic” profiles of voters to try to win them over with narrowly targeted micro-messages. Sources say the firm, which is owned by one of Cruz’s biggest donors, has embedded multiple staffers within the campaign to work with a substantial in-house data operation.
A source said the Trump campaign balked at the price tag associated with Cambridge Analytica’s services.
Instead, Trump’s data shop is headed by a pair of low-profile former RNC data engineers, Matt Braynard and Witold Chrabaszcz, who are regarded as technically savvy but who do not have previous high-level campaign experience. And, while Trump’s team late last year entered into an agreement with the political data outfit L2, the campaign has only paid the firm $235,000 for “research consulting” through the end of 2015, the period covered by the most recent Federal Election Commission reports.
Trump’s reports show that his self-funded campaign has spent relatively little on voter data or outreach. They showed $200,000 in list rental payments to the conservative Newsmax Media, and $47,000 to Targeted Victory, a leading GOP digital firm, as well as $700,000 on field staff and consultants.
By contrast, the campaign has spent at least $1.2 million on hats ― presumably mostly for the now-iconic hats bearing Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”
Clinton should really own the coin toss thing, just run with it. Imagine:
"America, do you want to vote for an unlucky candidate, or a lucky one?"
Cuts to shot of Clinton balling in Vegas.
Clinton should really own the coin toss thing, just run with it. Imagine:
"America, do you want to vote for an unlucky candidate, or a lucky one?"
Cuts to shot of Clinton balling in Vegas.
The counter-ads to that write themselves, tho.
Clinton should really own the coin toss thing, just run with it. Imagine:
"America, do you want to vote for an unlucky candidate, or a lucky one?"
She would need a scotch (or six) in her hand to make this ad work and appear realistic.
"Hello, I'm going door-to-door on behalf of Hillary Clinton"
The thing is, Trump got 24% in Iowa seemingly without having any kind of real ground game. He only finished 3% behind a guy who is tailor-made for the state. That's not really that shabby, and it suggests to me he could be pretty formidable if he starts upping his spending significantly in subsequent states, which he probably will unless he really doesn't give a shit about being President and has just been doing this as some kind of weird publicity stunt for nothing.
The thing is, Trump got 24% in Iowa seemingly without having any kind of real ground game. He only finished 3% behind a guy who is tailor-made for the state. That's not really that shabby, and it suggests to me he could be pretty formidable if he starts upping his spending significantly in subsequent states, which he probably will unless he really doesn't give a shit about being President and has just been doing this as some kind of weird publicity stunt for nothing.
Seriously, the Diablosing in this thread is insane. Trump did cheap out on Iowa. Why? He wasn't expected to compete here from the beginning. It was a miracle he got second place in that state
a state that trump came close to winning with terrible demographics for him somehow cost us to diablos. Wait for NH people.
Did Hillary win?
There was no threshold. Carson and Rand Paul are getting delegates.Yeah. The panic here is really weird. The establishment candidates lost by a more than 2-1 margin, and Rubio took third in a caucus system that effectively forced establishment votes to consolidate behind him because their other candidates wouldn't meet the 15% threshold.
It's crazy to see the Bernie fans in the OT crying that caucuses are undemocratic and unfair. Man how things have really switched places.
People are diablosing because he underperformed and Rubio seriously over performed. Now there are legitimate questions about the firmness of Trump's support but more importantly whether or not a rapid congealing of the old farts behind Rubio will render trump a loser.
Maybe it won't matter in NH because all of the losers are still present, but in NV, SC, Rubio will basically pick up 10% of the vote. If you believe trumps support is weak, then that is a concern.
Not to mention media spin over the next week will be brutal to trump.
I'm still bitter about 2008, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't like caucuses. It's not that their undemocratic, but it adds a layer of complexity to voting. It's not fair to those who have to work, or can only find transportation at specific times. I would love to see them all go away and be replaced with a primary. I feel it's just more fair.
Even if we assume that a Trump collapse is imminent (which I don't, but whatever), you still have to explain how all his voters end up supporting Rubio, the republican candidate they are the least likely to line up behind, with the possible exception of JEB.
Yeah the media has me shook.People are diablosing because he underperformed and Rubio seriously over performed. Now there are legitimate questions about the firmness of Trump's support but more importantly whether or not a rapid congealing of the old farts behind Rubio will render trump a loser.
Seltzer blew ass last night and that's fine, but Rubio seriously sent a message last night and people should be afraid.
Maybe it won't matter in NH because all of the losers are still present, but in NV, SC, Rubio will basically pick up 10% of the vote. If you believe trumps support is weak, then that is a concern.
Not to mention media spin over the next week will be brutal to trump.
Yup.Watching the morning shows you'd think Rubio won, not Cruz.
There isn't a threshold for the Republican field from memory? The others were just losers because they're sucky losers.Yeah. The panic here is really weird. The establishment candidates lost by a more than 2-1 margin, and Rubio took third in a caucus system that effectively forced establishment votes to consolidate behind him because their other candidates wouldn't meet the 15% threshold.
Until Rubio shows that he can convert the voters who consider nominating an outsider to be their highest priority, I don't see a path to victory for him.
Yeah, no threshold. Rand and Jeb got a delegate.There isn't a threshold for the Republican field from memory? The others were just losers because they're sucky losers.
Everyone dumping on Trump. Not a lot of Cruz talk
They're throwing a wrench into everything. I have such a bad feeling about this. Bernie is in it for the long haul.It's crazy to see the Bernie fans in the OT crying that caucuses are undemocratic and unfair. Man how things have really switched places.
They're throwing a wrench into everything. I have such a bad feeling about this. Bernie is in it for the long haul.
All the more reason why I wish Biden would have run. Even if he would have lost in the end he would have pushed Bernie to third most likely.
I'd say, the real winner of the Iowa caucus is Jim Gilmore. He said he would count even one vote for him as a victory, so Jim Gilmore actually won more times than any other candidate!In all this Democratic hype everyone is ignoring that there's still ONE GOP PRECINCT unreported.