Frank the Great
Latest Ipsos/Reuters Internet poll:
Donald Trump 36%
Ben Carson 17%
Jeb Bush 11%
Ted Cruz 10%
Actual Candidates:
Hillary Clinton 51%
Bernie Sanders 36%
Martin O'Malley 4%
Latest Ipsos/Reuters Internet poll:
Donald Trump 36%
Ben Carson 17%
Jeb Bush 11%
Ted Cruz 10%
Actual Candidates:
Hillary Clinton 51%
Bernie Sanders 36%
Martin O'Malley 4%
I think my favorite part is that they're airing it back to back on New England Sports Network.
They should spend some of that $100 million to replace the half-time shows with it.
Federal investigators believe there is a "very serious" possibility that Tashfeen Malik, one of two shooters who murdered 14 people and wounded 21 others in San Bernardino, Calif. Wednesday, radicalized her husband and co-assailant, county restaurant inspector Syed Farook, Fox News has learned.
Investigators also believe that the couple had planned a second attack after the shooting at a social service center for the disabled when they were killed in a shootout with local authorities approximately two miles away.
Little is known about Malik's background prior to her meeting Farook. However, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that the two met and became engaged after Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia in September 2013. Malik, a Pakistani citizen, applied for a K-1 visa at the American embassy in Islamabad in May 2014 and Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia that July to bring her to the U.S. The Saudi Embassy in Washington has confirmed that Farook's 2014 trip lasted nine days.
They were married on Aug. 16, 2014, in nearby Riverside County, Calif. according to their marriage license. Both listed their religion as Muslim.
Investigators believe that on at least one of those trips to Saudi Arabia, one or both members of the couple made contact with suspected Al Qaeda terrorists. The exact nature of that contact was not immediately clear.
Law enforcement sources told Fox News late Thursday that there was a "very strong" possibility that Malik functioned as Farook's terror trainer and may have even put together pipe bombs found by authorities at the various crime scenes Wednesday.
Wearing black tactical gear and wielding assault rifles, Farook, 28, and Malik, 27, sprayed as many as 75 rounds into a room at the Inland Regional Center, where about 75 of Farook's co-workers had gathered Wednesday morning. Farook had attended the start of the event but slipped out and returned in battle dress.
Four hours later and two miles away, the couple died in a furious gun battle in which they fired 76 rounds, while 23 law officers unleashed about 380, police said.
As part of the complex investigation late Thursday, authorities were trying to piece together a money trail that would have enabled the suspects to acquire over $30,000 worth of guns and explosives. Public records show that Farook made approximately $51,000 per year as an employee of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, making it unlikely he could have afforded such an arsenal out of his own pocket. There is no evidence that Malik had a job.
Among the weapons found were three rigged-together pipe bombs at the social service center, each equipped with a remote-control detonating device that apparently malfunctioned; more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition and multiple pipe bombs in the rented SUV where they died; and 12 pipe bombs, tools for making more, and over 3,000 additional rounds of ammunition at a family home in the nearby town of Redlands.
Two weeks ago, Farook and one of the co-workers he killed, 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos, had a heated conversation about Islam, according to Kuuleme Stephens, a friend of the victim.
Stephens said she happened to call Thalasinos while he was talking with Farook at work. She said Thalasinos told her Farook "doesn't agree that Islam is not a peaceful religion."
You come at the king, you best not miss.Hillary asked about Bill's rape allegations
How the hell did he survive three allegations? I'm young and this is the first I've heard of this.
It's Bill Clinton. He winks, bites his lip, and does that thumbs up thing and America falls over themselves to forgive him.Hillary asked about Bill's rape allegations
How the hell did he survive three allegations? I'm young and this is the first I've heard of this.
It's Bill Clinton. He winks, bites his lip, and does that thumbs up thing and America falls over themselves to forgive him.
“How many of you believe we lose elections because we’re not hard-ass enough on immigration?”
“I believe we’re losing the Hispanic vote because they think we don’t like them. I believe that it’s not about turning out evangelical Christians, but about repairing the damage done by incredibly hateful rhetoric driving a wall between us and the fastest growing demographic in America, who should be Republicans.”
“If you wanna ask Hispanics why they’ve gone from 44 percent of support for the Republican party to 27, they’ll tell you “we don’t think you like us.” And given what I’ve heard I would be in their camp, too.
Interesting that nothing changes if you ramp up everybody's turnout to 100%. Maybe mandatory voting isn't what it's cracked up to be in presidential elections.If Trump motivated the Latino vote to where 89% of Latinos voted for Hillary and there was 70% turnout (and everything else is unchanged), the Dems would win Texas, lmao.
Will it happen? Probably not, but it's kind of interesting to think about.
Don't forget the part where Fleetwood Mac starts playing in the background and female voters swoon.
He also went after Cruz and Rubio over abortion.Lindsey Graham's speech this morning was something else.
Lindsey at the end of his rope is pretty entertaining, and has a habit of making sense in some ways (while also making zero sense in others).
During a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition forum in Washington, Mr. Graham laid into his rivals for alienating women and minorities. He took particular issue with Senator Ted Cruz, who earlier had evaded a question about why voters who support abortion rights might consider supporting someone like him.
If youre going to tell a woman who has been raped she has to carry the child of the rapist, youre losing most Americans, Mr. Graham said, referring to Mr. Cruzs view that abortion should be illegal in all cases. If the nominee of the Republican Party will not allow for an exception for rape and incest, they will not win. Ted Cruz doesnt have an exception for rape and incest.
Senator Marco Rubio, another Republican candidate doing well in the polls, also does not support exceptions for rape and incest, and the issue remains contentious among people who oppose abortion generally. Mr. Graham considers himself pro-life but said on Thursday that issues such as national security and taxes should be the focus of Republicans if they want to retake the White House.
Surely you could've phrased this differentlyHillary does have some Dick Nixon in her
Only female voters?
And firing out of their SUV window at police with said rifle.Starting out with a little Sandy Hook trutherism and saying the wife was not involved despite her being dressed up and carrying a rifle.
Surely you could've phrased this differently
Me too. Benji your tidbits about political history are always educational and fun.I read your history lessons even if I don't respond to them, Benji. Don't think you're wasting your time.
Well, in that case, since I just thought of it, the 15-30 minute ad thing is actually how many candidates campaigns were advertised in the pre-cable proliferation days when you could buy time on just ABC, CBS or NBC to snag a large audience.
The most famous example probably being Reagan's "A Time For Choosing" speech in support of Goldwater because it almost alone propelled his political career, first to Governor of California two years later, and then a serious candidate for the Presidency within a decade, and eventually the Presidency itself.
Here's the whole thing on YouTube:
If Trump motivated the Latino vote to where 89% of Latinos voted for Hillary and there was 70% turnout (and everything else is unchanged), the Dems would win Texas, lmao.
Will it happen? Probably not, but it's kind of interesting to think about.
Hmm, if you make the reasonable assumptions for Trump vs. Hillary of (basically, just assuming that Trump fires up the uneducated racists while scaring away educated conservatives from voting and motivates Hispanics):
Group: Dem voting/Turnout
College white: 50/68
Non-college white: 33/64
Black: 93/66
Latino: 88/61
Asian and other: 67/49
Then Hillary wins 396 to 142.
Nope, this was the perfect way to phrase it.
Blacks aren't going to have a higher turnout than under Obama. Latinos aren't going to see 13(!) percentage point rise in turnout. The proportion of Republicans who will be scared away from a man who is openly rather than tacitly racist is pretty small, because if they were worried about these things they would already have stopped voting Republican. Your assumptions are all pretty poor, to be honest.
I left the black vote and turnout completely unchanged from the 538 tool's original settings.
And I remember loving Perot's charts, even though he didn't have my vote. Holy Nayru, the charts! So many voters are visual learners; you'd think that candidates/campaigns/conventions would include more visual aids with their speeches and events.
(added bonus: charts = comedy opportunity!)
Latest Ipsos/Reuters Internet poll:
Donald Trump 36%
Ben Carson 17%
Jeb Bush 11%
Ted Cruz 10%
Actual Candidates:
Hillary Clinton 51%
Bernie Sanders 36%
Martin O'Malley 4%
I left the black vote and turnout completely unchanged from the 538 tool's original settings, I think there would be just as much turnout from black people for Trump vs. Hillary as for Obama vs. Romney since black voters really like Hillary and black people REALLY hate Trump.
Cringe badCNN's ad forWrestlemania 2015the Dec. 15th GOP debate:
Obama will be campaigning for Hillary in the black community like a champ. I wouldn't worry too much about black voter enthusiasm.
Besides, Hillary will pull more white voters for obvious reasons so even if there is a drop off in black turnout it may very well be offset.
I don't know...Obama will be campaigning for Hillary in the black community like a champ.
I don't know...
Here's the Christmas card for Michele Fiore, who is mulling a House run in Nevada's 3rd (Joe Heck's district, which has an EVEN Cook PVI):
Here's the Christmas card for Michele Fiore, who is mulling a House run in Nevada's 3rd (Joe Heck's district, which has an EVEN Cook PVI):
They look photoshopped in. Or were in front of a green screen.
Babies are well known liberals, they basically live on welfare handouts, never working for a living.Why don't the babies have guns yet?
Interesting that nothing changes if you ramp up everybody's turnout to 100%. Maybe mandatory voting isn't what it's cracked up to be in presidential elections.
For example, I don't vote.Sure, if everyone who isn't currently voting breaks down in precisely the same ways as those who do.
Thing is, we don't know if that's true because they don't vote.
They look photoshopped in. Or were in front of a green screen.
This weirds me out and I'm not sure why.CNN's ad forWrestlemania 2015the Dec. 15th GOP debate:
This weirds me out and I'm not sure why.