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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Trump/Cruz 2016.


Fascinating how different Politicos take on the debate was. According to Politico:

1) Rubio won hands down, and is the Repiblican Obama. In fact, he's better than Obama was at this stage apparently!

2) Trump failed completely, and looked unhinged.

Politico has never been the most neutral of sources, but it really feels like they have just become the establishment spokesperson at this point. Makes sense, as every single contact and connection they have will be tin the establishment, but a bit of a shame considering what their reporting was like back in 2008.
Politico has been useless since like 2010. I have zero respect.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hillary's campaign staff must be ecstatic that there are so many debates. They now have hours of video of ridiculous things said by whomever the candidate is going to be.


No Scrubs
Hillary's campaign staff must be ecstatic that there are so many debates. They now have hours of video of ridiculous things said by whomever the candidate is going to be.

The best part is that the ads write themselves. All they have to do is play the video clips and then have Hillary go, "Really? This guy? Come on." and that's it.
Hillary's campaign staff must be ecstatic that there are so many debates. They now have hours of video of ridiculous things said by whomever the candidate is going to be.

Not that she needs it. There is an extremely high possibility that the nominee will be either Trump or Cruz.

If that happens Hillary could literally not campaign at all. Those two are completely toxic in a general.
Hillary's campaign staff must be ecstatic that there are so many debates. They now have hours of video of ridiculous things said by whomever the candidate is going to be.
Romney managed to not fuck up as much with even more debates. If Trump/Cruz is the nominee, Hillary doesn't even need voice overs to explain why the shit that's being said on this commercial is bad.
Did Trump give away any more freebies, that would possibly improve my 2020 Presidential happiness [post=189411677]rating[/post] for him of 40%? (clickable image link):

Just in case the text isn't very clear etc, here's it quoted:
Bernie Sanders • $1 trillion dollar infrastructure program, yielding millions of good-paying new jobs • Tuition and debt free college tuition, with reduced interest rates for existing loans • $15 living wage • Real progress on racial justice • Significant reduction in prescription drug prices • Equal rights for women and those in the LGBT community • End of marijuana prohibition
Donald Trump • Lower income tax rates for all, with 0% (< $25k), 10% ($25+), 20% ($50k+) and 25% ($150k+), tax brackets • Allow students to refinance loans at current rates
Hillary Clinton • Tuition, books and fees will be waved at public colleges, but students will have to work 10hrs / week. Students can also refinance loans at current rates • Comprehensive criminal justice reform • Fight for equal rights for women and those in the LGBT community • $12 minimum wage • Allow medical marijuana

1 • Bernie's plans would dramatically improve the lives of millions upon millions of everyday Americans, and everyone will take pride in the resurgence of America's once envied Middle Class.
2 • Donald's tax cuts will be appreciated, at least in the short term, and the sheer novelty of Trump presidency would make some happy ;).
3 • Hillary's modest improvements should yield some positive results, and if by some miracle the Clinton's could avoid any further scandals, the "First Women President" tag would endure.

As a matter of interest, Obama's 30% "Very Happy Americans" rating is based on the HuffPost article on the Harris Poll's 2013 Happiness Index, which has mysteriously vanished from the web, but someone saved the 2011 (pdf) edition, which has the same 33% very happy score. I knocked off a few points as I reckon people would indeed feel less happy, if they new Obama is selling them down the river with the TPP trade deal. I concede that, with gas prices dropping below $2, these two might cancel each other out ;).
Fascinating how different Politicos take on the debate was. According to Politico:

1) Rubio won hands down, and is the Repiblican Obama. In fact, he's better than Obama was at this stage apparently!

2) Trump failed completely, and looked unhinged.

Politico has never been the most neutral of sources, but it really feels like they have just become the establishment spokesperson at this point. Makes sense, as every single contact and connection they have will be tin the establishment, but a bit of a shame considering what their reporting was like back in 2008.
I wouldn't call Rubio the "next Obama", but he does seem to be the one person on the stage who is consistently prepared. Everyone else looks really uneven.
Politco has to write those "both sides are equal", " establishment finds a way" nonsense in order to keep their press cards and access to lawmakers in DC.
Daniel B·;189501581 said:
Did Trump give away any more freebies, that would possibly improve my 2020 Presidential happiness [post=189411677]rating[/post] for him of 40%? (clickable image link):

Just in case the text isn't very clear etc, here's it quoted:

As a matter of interest, Obama's 30% "Very Happy Americans" rating is based on the HuffPost article on the Harris Poll's 2013 Happiness Index, which has mysteriously vanished from the web, but someone saved the 2011 (pdf) edition, which has the same 33% very happy score. I knocked off a few points as I reckon people would indeed feel less happy, if they new Obama is selling them down the river with the TPP trade deal. I concede that, with gas prices dropping below $2, these two might cancel each other out ;).

Damn, good on him!

Still don't like the Nightly Show very much tho :/

Sadly, me either.

1) His supporting correspondents/actors are *horrible*. I mean, really really bad.

2) The panel format is dull.

Bonus) Larry laughs at his own jokes too much. Dude is funny enough, but it's irritating.


@frankthorpNBC: Senate Intel Chair Burr (R-NC) says he has asked his staff to look at transcripts of GOP debate to see if Sen Cruz revealed classified info.

@frankthorpNBC: Asked if he heard what Cruz said, Burr said, "No, I didn't watch (the #GOPDebate), 'The Voice' was on, it was the final episode."

Which, you know, I get.


This.. could be big. Everyone was wondering if Trump would support the nominee, but now we get to consider the reverse position. And now Jeb's camp is sending out hints that he might not support Trumpy.

Jeb Bush came at Donald Trump with everything he had, turning in his strongest debate performance to date just as much of the party was threatening to tune out his flagging candidacy entirely.

He dismissed Trump as a “chaos candidate” who would amount to a “chaos president,” said the billionaire had “crazy” ideas about foreign policy and suggested Trump learned about foreign affairs from the Saturday morning cartoons.

And, two campaign sources say, Bush may be willing to go even further than he did on stage.

Prior to the debate, senior Bush aides began looking into the possibility of making a clear break with Trump – potentially with the candidate stating that, if Trump were the nominee, Bush would not support him.

The former Florida governor didn’t go that far but the option may still be on the table. The Bush campaign has already examined whether such a statement would disqualify him from certain state primary ballots, some of which demand that candidates sign a loyalty pledge declaring that they will support the eventual Republican Party nominee.

Quite the contrary, that would be the final nail, set upon his own coffin.

After so many months, the man remains no more capable of understanding the current electorate than he was at the start.
Is there anything about Cruz holding a press conference today? The restaurant I was at had CNN on and they briefly mentioned him holding one but I can't find anything about it online and left before the commercials were over.


FGC Waterboy
Any mention here or other coverage of Trump literally saying he chooses security over the Bill of Rights in a post-debate interview?

To be fair, the vast majority of US citizens were all for this after 9/11 (Sup Patriot Act!)

Damn, good on him!

Still don't like the Nightly Show very much tho :/

He is much better w/o his panelists. Excited for him to do the correspondent's dinner.


So if one assumes a Trump v Hillary contest, and we get the best-cast Hillary map, would there be enough calls to put her above 270 before the west coast polls even close? If so would networks simply not make that call (and leave 270 sitting down there in their ticker) until the west coast polls close? How was that handled like during the Reagan blowouts?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage



Dan BilzerianVerified account
In an age of pussified political correctness, you have to respect the people who remain unfiltered @realDonaldTrump
This.. could be big. Everyone was wondering if Trump would support the nominee, but now we get to consider the reverse position. And now Jeb's camp is sending out hints that he might not support Trumpy.



Robert Costa &#8207;@costareports 2m2 minutes ago
Trump emails @washingtonpost a statement about Bush orbit's talk of not backing Trump if he wins nom:



Fascinating how different Politicos take on the debate was. According to Politico:

1) Rubio won hands down, and is the Repiblican Obama. In fact, he's better than Obama was at this stage apparently!

2) Trump failed completely, and looked unhinged.

Politico has never been the most neutral of sources, but it really feels like they have just become the establishment spokesperson at this point. Makes sense, as every single contact and connection they have will be tin the establishment, but a bit of a shame considering what their reporting was like back in 2008.

Yeah Politico saying Rubio won and is better than 08 Obama at this point was really weird to read. Rubio is just not as refined or comfortable on his feet. Granted Obama didn't start out as the best debater but he didn't look as uncomfortable as Rubio either. Plus, Rubio really didn't dominate the debate at all.


To Jeb:
- thank you for keeping Trump in the headlines. You've just bought him another bundle of news segments, which should emerge just as we approach the weekend.
- Your bashing of Trump will only further endear him in the minds of a large portion of the GOP electorate. They'll see this as an odd sort of endorsement - a non-establishment seal of approval!
- Please announce your decision to not support Trump later on next year. Even if it costs GOP turnout by a point or two (let's be honest - you're not moving the needle that much), it'll help with the general and with downticket races.


And Rubio's snively/whiny voice - I've kinda realized that it reminds me of It's Pat from SNL.



Does Trump actually know what stamina means? He uses it constantly and it seems like nonsense. Is this just his dog whistle for Hillary being old?


Jeb's endorsement would be useless to Trump anyways. Jeb won't swing any votes Trump's way and Jeb's supposed big money operation hasn't helped him at all and would be equally useless to Trump. I think Jeb still thinks he's a big player in the republican party because of his last name, but clearly that isn't the case anymore.
Jeb's endorsement would be useless to Trump anyways. Jeb won't swing any votes Trump's way and Jeb's supposed big money operation hasn't helped him at all and would be equally useless to Trump. I think Jeb still thinks he's a big player in the republican party because of his last name, but clearly that isn't the case anymore.

Jeb's been damaged so badly it won't be washed away even by 2020. Hell, that's true of much of the field in this primary, Trump has tainted them even for the future.
Jeb's endorsement would be useless to Trump anyways. Jeb won't swing any votes Trump's way and Jeb's supposed big money operation hasn't helped him at all and would be equally useless to Trump. I think Jeb still thinks he's a big player in the republican party because of his last name, but clearly that isn't the case anymore.

In the Republican primary it won't hurt but having a popular ex-governor of Florida endorse HRC would definitely help paint Trump as an extremist in the general election. If even a small % of independent voters are persuaded by that it would lock down Florida, and the election as a whole, for Clinton.
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