Clearly he doesn't want the job.
The question is if there's enough pressure to force him to take it even if he doesn't want it. And the pressure is pretty high when the alternative is the destruction of the party.
Clearly he doesn't want the job.
The question is if there's enough pressure to force him to take it even if he doesn't want it. And the pressure is pretty high when the alternative is the destruction of the party.
But why would the pressure be high on Ryan specifically? What leverage would they have that could force him to take it?
But why would the pressure be high on Ryan specifically? What leverage would they have that could force him to take it?
Paul Ryan, in his current position, is pretty much guaranteed to survive the ongoing self-immolation of the House GOP. So why would he feel the need to cave into pressure from folks like Boehner to supposedly save the party?
You called it, Bert.
Mike Memoli ‏@mikememoli 22m22 minutes ago
Update: @draftbiden to honor @VP's wishes, pull ad. "Nobody has more respect for the [VP] and his family than we do"
That's not good.
I actually really fear a Ryan speakership.
Boehner can't leave til someone else takes over. This is good for Dems. Someone more moderate from behind the scenes will have to emerge and if not, they implode.
Congratulations, Bernie supporters. You've officially driven me to supporting Hillary in the primary.
I live in California so it don't matter
I actually really fear a Ryan speakership.
Boehner can't leave til someone else takes over. This is good for Dems. Someone more moderate from behind the scenes will have to emerge and if not, they implode.
to be honest is that not what we would want?
So do I, but there's also worse choices. He was the lesser of a million evils. So long as Boehner doesn't leave we're fine, but if he leaves and there's no replacement that is not good.
He actually can't leave. He can resign his congressional seat but so long as no new speaker is voted on, he's the speaker indefinitely, if I understand this correctly.
You called it, Bert.
My wife said, "You think that man was drinking before?"
Why does Nate Silver view Ben Carson as ideologically moderate?
Why does Nate Silver view Ben Carson as ideologically moderate?
I'm guessing that might need to be updated just a bit for Ben.
Ben Carson and Trump don’t rank as highly conservative in our ideological rankings as most other 2016 candidates. Nor do they rank as super conservative in the minds of Republican voters.
538 posted an article today where they argued that Ben Carson and Trump weren't particularly conservative, it was fucking weird.
From ten minutes ago:
Carson also said "prison rape makes you gay" "Obamacare is worse than 9/11" "we need to go back on the Gold Standard" "Obama is like Hitler" long before August.
those aren't right wing or even conservative positions (except gold standard), just stupid ones.
538 has been wrong about this election over and over again, probably because they put so much faith in metrics without a real track record. They'll get better in the general when they go back to their bread and butter.Why does Nate Silver view Ben Carson as ideologically moderate?
Cue nra citing train attack in France.This fucking guy. The natural reaction is to run from a gunman. That's not going to change. This isn't like...a few people pulling out box cutters on a plane and demanding everyone sit down during a "hijacking." That shit will never work on a US airline again. Rushing people with knives/box cutters is one thing. Rushing people with guns? Fuckouttahere.
Don't think this is true. Theres a list of interm speakers the speaker when elected must give.He actually can't leave. He can resign his congressional seat but so long as no new speaker is voted on, he's the speaker indefinitely, if I understand this correctly.
This fucking guy. The natural reaction is to run from a gunman. That's not going to change. This isn't like...a few people pulling out box cutters on a plane and demanding everyone sit down during a "hijacking." That shit will never work on a US airline again. Rushing people with knives/box cutters is one thing. Rushing people with guns? Fuckouttahere.
Eh. Anti Gun people use it all the time in reference to knife attacks. It's just an admission murders will still likely be attempted.One of the things I find objectionable with the pro-gun stance as we see in Carsons comments again is the resignation of multiple casualties. "He can't kill us all". In the same vein as "A good guy with a gun will stop the bad shooter quickly".
It's a position that implies "people died, but it could have been worse, so it's okay, and definitely better than NO GUNS".
I think extreme hatred of gay people, Obama, and Obamacare probably would be counted on the more conservative side (for America at least) though.
It's easy to say gender has no effect. There are guys who would probably think they're not sexist that are sexist in certain ways they don't realize. The effect of it is not too dissimilar from racism.
Moreover, they couldn't have had the 'same lives' even if swapped. Because Hillary Clinton is a woman. the hours before House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abruptly withdrew his candidacy to be the next speaker of the House, he was sent an email from a conservative activist threatening to expose an alleged affair with a colleague. The subject line: Kevin, why not resign like Bob Livingston?
The email, sent just after 8 a.m. on Thursday, came from Steve Baer, a Chicago-based GOP donor known for mass-emailing conservative figures and Republican lawmakers. It was addressed to McCarthy and numerous others, including the personal account of Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.), who conservative media sites have suggested is tied romantically to McCarthy.
McCarthy has brushed off the affair allegation. After announcing that he would not seek the speaker's post on Thursday, he was asked about Wednesday's cryptic letter from Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), which asked that "any candidate for speaker of the House, majority leader, and majority whip withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican conference, and the House of Representatives if they become public."
"No. No. Come on," said McCarthy. His decision to withdraw, he said, was to ensure that fellow GOP members didn't have a tough vote. "For us to unite, we probably need a fresh face," he said.
But the existence of the Baer email, passed to The Huffington Post by a source, shows that there were personal threats being made prior to McCarthy's abrupt announcement.
In the email, Baer linked to a Washington Examiner story published earlier Thursday with the headline: Specter of sex scandal injected into GOP leadership race. The article referenced Jones letter in the context of Speaker-elect Bob Livingston abruptly resigning in 1998 following a sex scandal.
Take global warming. Not believing in it is something many conservative believe but it's not an actual conservative position. Being against taxes for companies that pollute would be a conservative position.
You called it, Bert.
Not believing in global warming is a thing conservatives believe because it is the only way to justify conservative policy that is obviously fundamentally flawed otherwise. It is a conservative position because there is absolutely no other reason to take it.
Damn solid "did you really just say that" face.
Bill O'Reilly isn't even covering the McCarthy story
Ellmers, a Roman Catholic,[35] is a "family values" Republican with Christian values. She has said "As a mom, Christian and nurse, my beliefs have deepened through experience... I am pro-family."[36]