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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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We won't know fully until we see how he performs in the first 4 states. If Jeb insist on fighting it till the FL primary that will be the battleground where 2 men enter 1 man leaves.....and that Halo lol.

I don't think he'll make it to Iowa if things don't change. I feel like he'd rather drop out than allow his good family name : snicker : to be dragged through the mud. I think his pride would prevent him from taking the L in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.
I don't think he'll make it to Iowa if things don't change. I feel like he'd rather drop out than allow his good family name : snicker : to be dragged through the mud. I think his pride would prevent him from taking the L in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

Why would he care about Iowa when he's investing so much in NH? I think he knows Iowa is gonna go for the most religious guy in the field.



That 30% barrier is crossed.
If Clinton continues going negative it should give Bernie a nice boost.
Jeb!'s campaign is being treated the same way he treated Terry Schiavo. Kind of fitting when you think about it, really.

That 30% barrier is crossed.
If Clinton continues going negative it should give Bernie a nice boost.

Hillary's almost at 60%. I don't think you understand how this works.
Why would he care about Iowa when he's investing so much in NH? I think he knows Iowa is gonna go for the most religious guy in the field.

You're right, I meant NH. Sorry.

Also, St Leo University had a poll they released today of Florida. It was in the field before Biden dropped out, though.

Among Florida likely Republican voters, Donald Trump is first (25.8 percent). Trump was followed in Florida by Senator Rubio (21.5 percent); then former Governor Jeb Bush (15.3 percent); and then Carson (14.7 percent). The margin of error was 7 percentage points, based on a sample of 163 respondents.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has a substantial lead (50.9 percent). Senator Sanders pulled 13.3 percent. (Vice President Biden had 15.2 percent.) The margin of error for this question was plus or minus 7 percentage points, based on a sample of 165 likely Democratic voters in the state.

They also did national numbers as well, which I know are less than useless this far out.

Hillary Clinton 47.0 Donald Trump 37.9
Hillary Clinton 45.8 Ben Carson 41.5
Hillary Clinton 45.8 Marco Rubio 39.1
Hillary Clinton 44.7 Jeb Bush 34.2
Hillary Clinton 47.4 Carly Fiorina 36.4

Poll Results
Moderate GOP senators form green coalition
Four centrist Senate Republicans are banding together to call for policies to protect the environment.

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Mark Kirk (Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) describe the group as a loose coalition that will meet regularly to come up with Republican pro-environment policies and enlist more GOP senators to support them.

Each of the members of the group is on record as agreeing with the scientific consensus that human activity causes climate change, something very few GOP lawmakers endorse.

And while only Ayotte supports President Obama’s carbon rule for power plants, all four of the senators say they are concerned that the wrong climate policies could hurt the economy and jobs.

Jackshit will come out of this but it's still interesting.


Kansans have been drinking the Republican kool aid for generations. They had a chance with Paul Davis and blew it.

The article addresses that saying that obviously Kansans like what Fuckback is doing or else they wouldn't have voted him in again.

You reap what you sow


The article addresses that saying that obviously Kansans like what Fuckback is doing or else they wouldn't have voted him in again.

You reap what you sow

Its so sad. The state is not averse to electing democrats as recently as 2002 with Sebelius. The state is so sickly partisan now and this guys quote is telling:

"In a normal political universe, poll numbers like this should be pushing the legislature to do something," said Bob Beatty, a political science professor at Washburn University in Topeka, the capital. "But the disconnect between the policies coming out of the capital and public opinion is so vast."

Can't realize the man is killing you due to R trumps D no matter who it is. The Republican party's monopoly on the state is toxic now.

The Kansas Republican Party has dominated Kansas politics since Kansas statehood in 1861. Kansas has had 45 governors: 32 Republicans, 11 Democrats and 2 Populists. Kansas has had 33 US Senators: 28 Republicans, 3 Democrats, and 2 Populists. The last time a Democrat was elected to the U.S. Senate from Kansas was in 1932. Since 1960, the Republicans have won 102 of 129 Congressional elections, an 80% win rate; have won all 20 U.S. Senate elections; and have won 69 of 90 statewide elections, a 77% win rate. The Democrats have won control of the Kansas Senate only in the 1912 election and control of the Kansas House only three times in the 1912, 1976, and 1990 elections. Since the 1968 election Kansas has consistently voted for the Republican Presidential candidate and since 1860 has voted for the Republican presidential candidate 20 times, the Democrat six times and the Populist candidate once.



Unconfirmed Member
Oh my god.


He's done as much damage to his state as the recession.

That's... kind of amazing, in a terrible sort of way.
"Damage to the State" like this isn't bad according to everybody. He's "winning" the game of starve the beast.

Also he impacted state revenues as much as the recession, but faster. VaderMostImpressive.jpg
How can anyone dislike Bernie is beyond me. Just watch this:


King of love. Modern Jesus tbh. <3

So Bernie's alluding to Muslims being a race, similar to how Jewish people are considered a race.

Without compelling evidence to suggest this (scientific or equivalently empirical), I'm inclined to disagree.


To be clear, I don't disagree with the overall point that he's making about treating Muslims equally, but his parallels to racism are misguided, IMO.


Exactly. They need 3-4 candidates tops, give them several minutes on a topic so they they have to go beyond the 30 second prepared sound bytes.
Except they won't do that.

You can do that and still have ten candidates on the stage. I posted some examples in the debate thread from the 80s and 90s. Pigeon pointed out Democratic debates in 2008 were done the same way.

But that's not what the media OR these candidates want. I'm sure Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and probably John Kasich would love to have an hour debating various things (and actually Graham and Jindal), but the rest of these guys want to drop their sound bites, and big applause lines and short poll-tested policies nobody will look into and get out of town.

The candidates didn't want the questioning as specific (and most importantly, personal) as was done last night, but they don't want an actual debate where they have to discuss a topic beyond 60 seconds individually. It'd be a bunch of similar tax plans where everyone then bashes Hillary.

Look at their one-on-one interviews.

Oh my god.


He's done as much damage to his state as the recession.

That's... kind of amazing, in a terrible sort of way.
Looks like boobs.


What craziness did I miss in last night's debate?

The moderators did what Fox tried to do with Trump, only CNBC mods did it to all of them. It backfired. Cruz cut a promo that had the crowd roaring as if Stone Cold Steve Austin came out

Ben Carson closing statement was great: people are perceptive now, they see the bullshit media doing their best "gotcha!", while praising Hillary Clinton as if she just cured cancer, because she answered some questions about Benghazi.

It wasent a debate, it was Republicans vs. CNBC Survivor Series 2015
So Bernie's alluding to Muslims being a race, similar to how Jewish people are considered a race.

Without compelling evidence to suggest this (scientific or equivalently empirical), I'm inclined to disagree.


To be clear, I don't disagree with the overall point that he's making about treating Muslims equally, but his parallels to racism are misguided, IMO.
Vast majority of Muslims are not caucasian, at least in the US. Many imbeciles use the cover of religion to lob racist attacks on Muslims. Look at all the Islamophobic hate crimes that take place. Brown people pay the price of anti-Muslim rhetoric. Bernie is a champ for bringing this issue to light. Hope others follow.
The moderators did what Fox tried to do with Trump, only CNBC mods did it to all of them. It backfired. Cruz cut a promo that had the crowd roaring as if Stone Cold Steve Austin came out

Ben Carson closing statement was great: people are perceptive now, they see the bullshit media doing their best "gotcha!", while praising Hillary Clinton as if she just cured cancer, because she answered some questions about Benghazi.

It wasent a debate, it was Republicans vs. CNBC Survivor Series 2015

"answered some questions about Benghazi" sure is one way to describe having BS slung her way for 11 hours.

CNBC was pretty joke status though.


Unconfirmed Member
NeoGAF.com user crisdecuba made a solid "highlight" reel but NBC took it down.
If you ran sports style commentary over the top of it you could claim fair use / satire.

"Bush goes for the "you should resign" layup, uncontested and oh he janked it right off the rim! These easy misses are killing him, Bob"

"Rubious got an extra water for him at the timeout"
the candidates were too afraid to answer questions and so they resorted to that time-tested blame the liberal media tactic.

OMG if Ted Cruz would have pulled that shit on me I would have roasted him. I instantly would have responded "Senator, if you want us moderators to put kid gloves on for you, you should have came to the kiddie table debate instead of the one for adults."

I'd have LOVED to see him respond to that without appearing like a whiny little bitch (to which he most certainly is).

I would have told all of them "you guys are running for office in which you're going to have to deal with the likes of China, Putin, and Iran in high stakes global negotiations and here you are whining about how a moderator asks if your tax plan math adds up or if your position against averting a financial quagmire should be questioned."

CNBC lost some control over the debate but they didn't ask anything that bad. Fox News going after trump specifically was a joke, but this wasn't. Imagine how the GOP would melt down if Anderson Cooper asked them questions with follow ups?

Seriously, I'd love to film a 30 minute session with Ted Cruz. Maybe my head is too big but I'm thoroughly convinced I'd make him look like a fool for all to see.

I am absolutely terrified that one of these people will be close to the White House. They're mostly nutcases, hucksters, and morons. If we had a real media, these guys would be laughed off the stage. Their "ideas" are absurd and they need to go home.
the candidates were too afraid to answer questions and so they resorted to that time-tested blame the liberal media tactic.

OMG if Ted Cruz would have pulled that shit on me I would have roasted him. I instantly would have responded "Senator, if you want us moderators to put kid gloves on for you, you should have came to the kiddie table debate instead of the one for adults."

I'd have LOVED to see him respond to that without appearing like a whiny little bitch (to which he most certainly is).

I would have told all of them "you guys are running for office in which you're going to have to deal with the likes of China, Putin, and Iran in high stakes global negotiations and here you are whining about how a moderator asks if your tax plan math adds up or if your position against averting a financial quagmire should be questioned."

CNBC lost some control over the debate but they didn't ask anything that bad. Fox News going after trump specifically was a joke, but this wasn't. Imagine how the GOP would melt down if Anderson Cooper asked them questions with follow ups?

Seriously, I'd love to film a 30 minute session with Ted Cruz. Maybe my head is too big but I'm thoroughly convinced I'd make him look like a fool for all to see.
You see how the crowd washed Carson's balls as the moderator was asking that question about his judgement? You'd be stoned by the crowd for going after any of them. We need an asshole moderator like McLaughlin for assholes.
You see how the crowd washed Carson's balls as the moderator was asking that question about his judgement? You'd be stoned by the crowd for going after any of them. We need an asshole moderator like McLaughlin for assholes.

Oh, trust me, I can be an asshole. But the reason it went bad for them was because all the guy was saying was "if you want to waste your time and not answer the question" so he came off as weak.

to beat a bully you either ignore them or fight back. Since in this setting you can't ignore, the moderator should have fought back. Remember when Candy Crowley fought Romney back? Romney was flustered.

If he would have pushed back on Cruz right away, called him out for being a whiny bitch, it would have ended. Tell his ass to take his ball and go home if he doesn't like it. Sure, some people would complain post debate that you were "mean,' but guess what, he'd still come off as a whiny bitch to everyone no matter what. He'd be done.

The debate format is stupid, as previously mentioned, because there's 10 people and no time for real followups and explaining. Make it two 5 man debates on separate days and get at it.

I'm fine with them mostly skipping the X said this about you, what do you have to say about that stuff. But fucking getting into the details about Rubio's BS tax plan. Harwood never clarified to him he didn't mention poor but rather middle income and Rubio skated away as a result. They need to be more prepared.

Unfortunately, the moderators aren't debaters and are out of their element.


Jeb Bush's Campaign Blueprint

Even before Jeb Bush's uninspiring debate performance Wednesday night, his sputtering presidential campaign was working to prevent defections.

Bush's top lieutenants convened with donors in sopping wet Houston on Monday to calm their fears and retrench for the unforgiving haul ahead.

But in that leak to select media, the campaign purposely left out more than half of what was furnished behind closed doors.

The full presentation, obtained exclusively by U.S. News, spans 112 pages and includes a trove of new details, including Bush's internal polling, his vote goal in Iowa and his advertising plan for January.

Here's a link to the document: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2490797/jeb.txt

One of the highlights:
The most cryptic slight is left for last: "Those who have looked into Marco's background in the past have been concerned with what they have found."

A Bush aide says that line refers to concerns Mitt Romney's team unearthed when they vetted Rubio for vice president in 2012.

What are they referring to? This sounds juicy! I wonder if Hillary's people are on this.
Ya, fine. But you have to unskew it. You can't post trends and polls like they're scientifically meaningful. I saw a YouTube comment on an online poll from Reddit that totally confirms everyone, everywhere is #FeelintheBern.

Yeah, you should absolutely always trust polls:


National Constitution Daily said:
In the 2008 New Hampshire presidential primary, Barack Obama was projected by pollsters to win easily over Hillary Clinton.

How off were the polls in that primary?

The consensus of seven polls taken just before the primary had Obama winning by 8.2 percent in the voting. Instead, Clinton beat Obama by a 39 to 36 percent margin. So the polls were off by a staggering 11 percent.

Five biggest political polling mistakes in U.S. history

P.S. Did you see my in-depth [post=183315176]response[/post] to your post? If you only have the energy to respond to some of it, that's cool.


They were vetting a two year (not even) senator for VP

The fuck is wrong with these people

(says the Castro supporter)

I mean, the guy leading the polls stabbed a guy, can Rubio top that?

Daniel B·;183444194 said:
Yeah, you should absolutely always trust polls:


Five biggest political polling mistakes in U.S. history

P.S. Did you see my in-depth [post=183315176]response[/post] to your post? If you only have the energy to respond to some of it, that's cool.

Why do you insist on comparing everything to 2008? That was a once in a lifetime election.
So Bernie's alluding to Muslims being a race, similar to how Jewish people are considered a race.

Without compelling evidence to suggest this (scientific or equivalently empirical), I'm inclined to disagree.


To be clear, I don't disagree with the overall point that he's making about treating Muslims equally, but his parallels to racism are misguided, IMO.

Islamophobia has a lot to do with racism. They intersect.
Sabato moved Kentucky to Lean D, Louisiana to Lean R (possibly tossup, but wants to see how things play out) today

Oh how I wish these were 2014 Senate contests and not 2015 gubernatorial contests

Btw the current legislature passed a bill that would allow the next governor to take Medicaid funding. Edwards win = good news for Obamacare
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