Rubio would not be my first choice to have to go against. However, I don't buy into the comparison between him and Obama. Rubio is nothing more than an establishment candidate in a slightly younger suit. I'm not talking about his lack of experience, but, instead, on his inability to create an excitement within the base. He doesn't have a core group of supporters like Obama did in 2008. I don't get the fascination with Rubio as being charismatic. I definitely don't see it. He hasn't shown an ability to raise funds. He hasn't shown a strong ground game, that I know of.
2008 was more of a repudiation of Bush than a vote for Obama. In that instance, the youthful nature of Obama's candidacy was a huge boom. Baring some huge disaster, I don't see 2016 being another Obama type election. I see it more as being an election for "steady as we go."
I also think that Bush does have a strategy with going after Rubio. If Bush thinks he can't win, I think he'd rather see someone like Trump or Carson (or even Cruz) get the nod. If Bush has any aspirations after this election, he would be best served by someone like Trump/Carson/Cruz getting the nod and then losing in the General. Then he can come back and say "We tried it your way, it didn't work. Now pick me this time so we can win." I feel the only way to really shut up the far, far, far right is to let them get their perfect Messiah, let him/her lose, and then hope they shut up. (They won't, of course. They'll just say they need a real conservative, etc.)
Edit: Also, Luke Russert is kinda hot, just saying.