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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I own more games for my Wii U than I did for my Wii, but then again that whole generation was during a time where I was kind of getting disinterested in gaming
Not sure I agree with the headline for that wapo story about Clinton and Hispanics.

"Not doing well" is a pretty ridiculous statement for someone getting just as much of the vote as Obama in 2012. Might as well say "not obliterating Trump" instead. But even that is kind of not true.
Not sure I agree with the headline for that wapo story about Clinton and Hispanics.

"Not doing well" is a pretty ridiculous statement for someone getting just as much of the vote as Obama in 2012. Might as well say "not obliterating Trump" instead. But even that is kind of not true.

Its premise is inherently flawed to begin with as it's based on comparisons to exit polls from 2012. How was Obama polling with Hispanics in September 2012? Now that would be a useful thing to look at.


Talking shit about HL2, smh they was right Poligaf is the worst

Trump reaching out, lmao. He looks physically uncomfortable trying to look like he gives a shit about other people.
I mean, like, I don't have a problem with comparing exit polls to pre-election polls as long as we agree it's a theoretical conversation. Because, like, that's all we have until we get the actual results. So, I don't have issue with that aspect, exactly. (I get why it's a flawed concept, though).

But, seriously, it's just an article to create views. Believe me. If Hillry's team thought they had a Latino problem, they'd be all over it.
NeoNazis in Europe are EXTREMELY satisfied with their sex lives:


... So there's that.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Media: "The race is going to continue to tighten"

So when does it stop tightening and break to Hillary?


Nothing significant will shift before then - it's just noise and echo chambers. But the debates will have a bunch of persuadable viewers.

Note: Not all bisexual men!

Ya, he was a mistake. He almost broke my arm, destroyed half my kitchen, stalked the hell otu of me, threatened my mom when he ran into her, and, when I started dating my current bf, went to his job and told him o break it off with me. And this was all after he started with this 19 year old.

Bisexual men suck dick

Some of us in the positive way

Some in the jerkass bitch way

mwahahahahaha. :p


Ya, he was a mistake. He almost broke my arm, destroyed half my kitchen, stalked the hell otu of me, threatened my mom when he ran into her, and, when I started dating my current bf, went to his job and told him o break it off with me. And this was all after he started with this 19 year old.

He is an awful man :(

*Hugs and love* <3
He is an awful man :(

*Hugs and love* <3

: hugs :

I'm fine with it. I gots a good guy now, and my bf told him if he said shit to any of us again, he'd go Jerry Springer on his ass. :p
Bernie bro?

He was, ya. But, I don't think that had anything to do with it. He was just a mistake all the way around.


I've seen two or three Hillary commercials on B1G Network during the Ohio State game. Nothing from Trump.


: hugs :

He was, ya. But, I don't think that had anything to do with it. He was just a mistake all the way around.

I wasn't implying that it did, just wasn't sure if that's who you were talking about.

That sucks, sorry that happened to you.
I wasn't implying that it did, just wasn't sure if that's who you were talking about.

That sucks, sorry that happened to you.

Oh, I know you weren't. I just wanted to make it clear I wasn't hating. But, ya. He was a mistake. But, it all worked out in the end. I'm way happier, and I don't have to freak that my bf will have a bad day and start breaking shit. :)
Seeking a broader udder-standing of politics today.
[previous issue]

Missed this week of PoliGAF? Here's a recap.

AP Editor admits tweet about Clinton Foundation meetings was "sloppy".

Carlos Danger strikes again.

Cannibalism is in: anti-Trump GOP set to air ads in crucial swing states.

Meanwhile, Trump begins only second round of major ad buys.

Huma says enough: it's one Weiner too far.

Trump wonders what kind of classified information Weiner had access to.

Trump's favorability among African Americans has hit 0.

Russian hackers targeted Arizona election system

Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Needle Donald Trump at First Debate

Trump campaign has serious ground game problem

Trump speaks softly in Mexico, talks tough in Arizona

Trump used to force dates to get tested for AIDS.

North Carolina wants to curb black vote again

NYT can't stop talking about clouds and shadows when discussing Clinton

NeoGAF is no. 5 in referrals to hillary's campaign website.

Ya boi Tom Perez out with a new report that job polarization is a myth

Over half of Trump's latino advisory counsel, including chair, resigns.

538: As The Race Tightens, Don’t Assume The Electoral College Will Save Clinton

The real "pay to play": Trump paid a judge an illegal gift for a no-charge ruling

McCain gives up on Trump; says he'll be a check on a Clinton white house

Blood in the water: DNC sets eyes on Georgia

Donald Trump's answers to black pastor have been leaked ahead of time

Trump hires infamous Citizens United executive to turn campaign into league of supervillains

NY Mag: "The fillibuster is already gone."

Donald: "I've done quite a bit of softening on immigration."

Heckler: "My friend died!". Joe Biden: "My son died."

HRC basically calling Trump a cuck re: Mexico

Latinos for Trump founder: "[If we don't do anything] we're going to have taco trucks on every corner..."

Long piece: How Fox News women took down Roger Ailes

Michelle Bachman warns that this is the last election before demographics makes Republican Party totally unviable

Leaving OH and CO senate races leaves the DSCC with $6.5 million in cash to spend on NC, MO, and AZ

Infamous African-American surrogate for Trump Mark Burns admits to falsifying college degree, veteran status

Story of the week: Rick Perry to join Dancing With The Stars

Post of the week: eBay Huckster executes brutal takedown of MIMIC
Now, bear in mind that the other half of the argument is valid: the private email server was what violated State policy, and that's definitely not an ex post facto argument. (But it is disingenuous if you want to claim there was any wrongdoing by a standard outside of the department - because, well, there wasn't.)

But being frank here, MIMIC, the fact that we keep going through this Gish Gallop every week regarding the emails is mainly on you.

I, and practically everyone supporting Clinton in PoliGAF and elsewhere on this site, have admitted that at least part of this scandal was due to major wrongdoing on Clinton's part. But we still support her anyway - not because we don't think she did anything wrong, but because we think she'll do a lot of right in spite of that wrong.

You, on the other hand, have either conducted yourself in a way that allows you to avoid ever actually listening to any corrections anyone might respond to one of your posts with, because you just leap to a different segment that we haven't really responded to. (We respond to whether she was criminally liable, you switch to something else. We respond to that, you switch to the personal email account. We point out that the personal email account did not violate regulations, you switch to something else. Rinse and repeat until either something that's actually new comes up or one of us just stops posting, having already covered every single aspect of the emails.)

That's, to put it lightly, really fucking obnoxious. That's why I keep bringing up Clinton Derangement Syndrome - because it seems increasingly clear that you aren't actually interested in discussing, you're interested in shit talking.

Special thanks this week to piecake, who has been an especially great contributor to poligaf these past few weeks. It doesn't go unappreciated!


NYT said:
Hillary Clinton’s second presidential bid seems to amount to a series of high-dollar fund-raisers with public appearances added to the schedule when they can be fit in.

Yep, that's all that's happened in her year-long campaign; thanks for the summary New York Times


I'm not sure what gives anyone the impression the NYT has it in for her

The public has gotten used to seeing Mrs. Clinton’s carefully choreographed appearances and her somewhat halting speeches and TV interviews over the course of the long — and sometimes seemingly joyless — campaign

If she feels most at ease around millionaires, within the gilded bubble, it is in part because they are some of her most intimate friends.

It sound like they're just salty they weren't invited


Gee, I wonder why she doesn't feel close to the press or the people calling her a crook. These people act like Obama was out barbecuing with the folk.
I underestimated just how much personal animosity members of the press have towards Clinton. It's a shame millions of people are caught in the middle of this schoolyard bullshit.
That's why when everyone's like "Give press conference, do interviews, do more gaggles" No. There's no reason to do that. They'll never be happy with anything she does, so just ignore them as best you can.
What else can she do? She answers questions when asked. She's going to start flying on the press plane. Holding a PC now is just doing what the R's want. Don't let them dictate the narrative.


I don't believe it.

He'll hold out and when it's clear he's not going to win it will be blah blah system is rigged not going to play, to dodge. Or, if he pulls ahead he'll say he has other things on his mind like winning the presidency, but after, after.


Wouldn't his own VP releasing his tax returns while he doesn't like... look worse for him than neither of them releasing anything?
Pence will do it because there's no big deal, then Donald won't and when asked about it will say that they are "working on it" or "gotta clean it up due to the audits" while at the same time attacking people for calling him out on it in the first place.

Basically gaslighting-at-scale all over the media similar to what they have been doing with immigration over the last few weeks. If everyone is questing their own sanity because they can't figure out why you're doing what you're doing, it makes it easy to manipulate them to reporting on something they are more comfortable with , such as the latest manifestation of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
Mark Murray &#8207;@mmurraypolitics 42m42 minutes ago
Full CO/IA/NV/NH/VA Trump TV ad buy appears to be in -- finally

Total is $3.4M from 9/3-8
IA: $332K
CO: $578K
NV: $505K
NH: $237K
VA: $1.6M


Monica Alba &#8207;@albamonica 35m35 minutes ago
After big August haul, HRC returns to CA Sept 12/13 for fundraising -- including $100K per couple dinner @DVF's home

So no Obama joint appearance on the 13th?
The degree to which the Alt-Right constantly attacks Jewish journalists and how journalists didn't care at all about Hillary's Alt-Right speech are both staggering.


This is a Nazi movement that openly expresses death wishes to the Jewish members of the media... and the media doesn't care.
This is the thing Donald Trump retweeted.


There's enough that Donald Trump does that validates the alt-right that you don't need to reach to random innocuous retweets to prove your point.
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