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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Overall I think this was a great day for Hillary. She effectively controlled the narrative and fed the press and put Trump on the defensive which usually results in Trump going into even crazier mode. I wonder how long his newfound "message discipline" will hold. He hates getting kicked around in public like this.
Hillary needs to make big speeches more often
Wow, this is such a heartwarming picture...

Just the face when she's looking at Hillary brings me a tear. :(

One of the things that upsets me the most about this election is how the media has pretty much just ignored how historic this really is. This is as historic as Obama's nomination and eventual victory. This is a big deal. And people are just like "Eh...whatever."
On Sunday, after combing through Hillary Clinton’s publicly released emails for any signs of illness, WikiLeaks stumbled upon what appeared to be a hidden diagnosis. Clinton was even looking into taking pills to fix it.

“Clinton & ‘decision fatigue.’ 2 months later looked into wakeup pills,” WikiLeaks tweeted. The Twitter account then pointed to two of Clinton’s emails, which have been searchable on WikiLeaks’s website since March.

The organization doubled down on its “discovery” on Monday morning. “Clinton looked at drug after suffering from ‘decision fatigue,’” it tweeted.

In the email, sure enough, Clinton responds to a New York Times article about the sometimes paralyzing “decision fatigue.”

“Wow that is spooky descriptive,” she wrote to an aide on Aug. 19, 2011. It looks like a smoking gun.

There is one problem, however: “Decision fatigue” is not an illness. It is a consumer behavior term for the feeling you get when you’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of options at, say, Costco.


Assange just can't help getting owned.
Yeah so it's literally exactly like that image I posted before



Hillary needs to make big speeches more often

In this case I think the timing was just right. She and Kaine kept campaigning while Trump was being devoured by the Manafort scandal and the messy transition and she just let that drive the national media until he pivoted enough to give himself trouble with his own base, then she came out swinging.


Eric Trump Poses With Carcass Of Safari Guide Shot On African Hunting Trip


Holy christ, Eric Trump looks like Jake Busey from The Frighteners there;


It's the slicked back hair, fake smile and cold eyes, I think. Holding a gun helps, of course.


One of the things that upsets me the most about this election is how the media has pretty much just ignored how historic this really is. This is as historic as Obama's nomination and eventual victory. This is a big deal. And people are just like "Eh...whatever."
Not even young women around here find it inspiring...and as wrong as I sound for saying this, it feels kinda like they're taking this historical moment for granted.

It's disappointing and unfortunate when it's a lot harder for women to run for president. I feel like Clinton has to sacrifice so much just to get here and yet it just never seems enough for people...


We should switch to a ranked choice and proportion representation voting system after Trump, make it a constitutional amendment.

Here's the thing, the GOP is divided into three factions.

1. White nationalists (45% of the base)
2. The Christian right (35% of the base)
3. Well off people who like low taxes (20% of the base)

White nationalists are going to keep winning primaries and then they'll eventually win the presidency when a Democrat is president during a recession.

But Republicans in groups 2 and 3 (well, group 3 is more critical than group 2 is. Group 2 has kind of embraced Trump which is... not good) can't condemn white nationalists who take over the party without losing support of 45% of the base and possibly committing political suicide. If these three groups had their own parties, candidates for group 2 and 3 could condemn group 1's candidate while still possibly getting ranked above the liberal and leftist alternatives. With condemnations from every other political party, the white nationalist political party would never break 50% and we would be saved from a Trump or Le Pen like president.

You realize that under your system, it's not just that the GOP would end up splitting. The same forces would cause the Democratic party to split up as well.

So you might end up with 6 different parties each holding between 15-20% of the popular vote.

And in that system, what that means is that Trump could become president by getting just 20% of the popular vote. Which is not comforting at all.

Edit: My bad. Actually if you have ranked choices that's not the result.
You realize that under your system, it's not just that the GOP would end up splitting. The same forces would cause the Democratic party to split up as well.

So you might end up with 6 different parties each holding between 15-20% of the popular vote.

And in that system, what that means is that Trump could become president by getting just 20% of the popular vote. Which is not comforting at all.

I don't think the Trump party would get many at all second or third choice votes and in a ranked choice voting system, one party needs to get those second or third choice votes.

That's the entire idea actually.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Holy christ, Eric Trump looks like Jake Busey from The Frighteners there;


It's the slicked back hair, fake smile and cold eyes, I think. Holding a gun helps, of course.
Like if Jake Busey mated with a random mafia stooge in a direct-to-video release.


I don't think the Trump party would get many at all second or third choice votes and in a ranked choice voting system, one party needs to get those second or third choice votes.

That's the entire idea actually.

Yeah you're right, I didn't see the part about ranked choices.


Hillary's speech about the alt-right was probably the best one of I've seen from her. Normally I think her speeches are engaging, but there was something different about that one. The way she kept connecting terrible people (Farage, Jones, Bannon) to Trump was flawless. It was like watching a nature documentary, only this time I was rooting for the predator.

I don't think I've ever wanted to see a debate between those two more than I do now. She's going to verbally strangle him and he's given her all the rope she needs.


No Scrubs
Not even young women around here find it inspiring...and as wrong as I sound for saying this, it feels kinda like they're taking this historical moment for granted.

It's disappointing and unfortunate when it's a lot harder for women to run for president. I feel like Clinton has to sacrifice so much just to get here and yet it just never seems enough for people...

The issue is basically that ever since she lost to Obama everyone knew she'd be next. There's never been any question in most people's minds about her being president, and so the inevitablity means everyone just takes her winning for granted. I mean we talk about how beatable she is supposed to be, but even 6 years ago if you asked a dude on the street who the next president is going to be odds are Hillary would be the top of the list of candidates, if not the entire list.


I'm probably late with this but whatever:

Hillary's speech was amazing. I especially loved how it started with a neutral tone, quickly dove into a negative overview making you feel like shit, but doesn't stop there; it then gradually eases you out of that despair with hope and a positive outlook on the future.



You know when Trump does a teleprompter speech. And he turns his whole body like way too far to the side to read it. His head doesn't turn.

There's something going on.

East Lake


Some of the right in general aren't that bad. I mean at least never-trumpers have some spine
It was sort of a joke but I'm not sure I like the alt name, like these people are the alternatives to the right. They are the right, moreso than the handful of never trumpers that don't care about anything but deregulation and tax cuts.


You know when Trump does a teleprompter speech. And he turns his whole body like way too far to the side to read it. His head doesn't turn.

There's something going on.

Of all the things to focus on healthwise it should be his obvious tanning bed addiction. The tanning bed goggles outline is a giveaway. He's a melanoma diagnosis waiting to happen.
Can I confess something?

There's a part of me that would have really, really loved to see a Cruz/Hillary debate. I'm glad Trump is the nominee but I love an actual competent debate....and I think Cruz is decent at it.
That would have been a good one. I wish we could have seen a Biden/Trump or a Bloomberg/Trump debate, too.


There's a part of me that would have really, really loved to see a Cruz/Hillary debate. I'm glad Trump is the nominee but I love an actual competent debate....and I think Cruz is decent at it.

Give it four years and you might get your wish. Ted Cruz 2020.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
OK so that's how it works I think. We get Trump to implode with interviews. He'll stop those soon.

East Lake

Hillary's loophole game seems to be ahead of Trump's.

When the Democratic National Committee announced its $32 million fundraising haul last month, it touted the result as evidence of “energy and excitement” for Hillary Clinton’s nomination for the White House and other races down the ballot. The influx of money, however, also owes in part to an unprecedented workaround of political spending limits that lets the party tap into millions of dollars more from Clinton’s wealthiest donors.

At least $7.3 million of the DNC’s July total originated with payments from hundreds of major donors who had already contributed the maximum $33,400 to the national committee, a review of Federal Election Commission filings shows. The contributions, many of which were made months earlier, were first bundled by the Hillary Victory Fund and then transferred to the state Democratic parties, which effectively stripped the donors’ names and sent the money to the DNC as a lump sum.

The Hillary Victory Fund was formed almost a year ago to combine the fundraising power of Clinton’s campaign and 33 state Democratic parties. Campaign finance watchdogs have questioned whether the arrangement is proper, and news reports have shown that the state parties have been paying most of the money they receive back to the national party.

The committees haven’t been accused of any wrongdoing, and election lawyers say the practice doesn’t appear to violate campaign finance law. It’s unclear whether the donors are aware of the transfers.

“I’m not aware of any case law or regulations that would prohibit a state party from transferring to a national party committee funds raised through a joint fundraising committee,” Robert Kelner, an election law expert at Covington & Burling said. “But as a practical matter, it does appear that the DNC may be using Hillary Victory Fund as a mechanism for allowing donors to give more to the DNC indirectly than would otherwise be permitted directly.”

Sussman’s original contribution to Hillary Victory Fund has been similarly allocated to at least 10 other states, and each time has been passed on to the DNC on the same day. That makes his total effective contribution to the DNC about $133,400. (Sussman is Clinton’s biggest donor this election, having given more than $11 million to support her bid, mainly through super-PACs.)

There’s no sign that the Republicans are following the same strategy. Donald Trump’s joint fundraising committee has yet to transfer any money to the 11 state Republican parties that are part of the arrangement.


I'm predicting (based entirely on my own intuition, I have no inside sources) that this weekend, NYTimes will have a massive story about Trump and his racist past, with brand new research.

Just a gut feeling.


STEIN: Well, I think our empire is extremely — I mean, how many bases do we have exactly? You know, we don’t even know. Is it 700? 800? 900? How many do all other countries have added together? I understand it’s about 30. I think there’s something wrong with this picture. It’s hard to say that is not an empire. I mean, arguably that’s more empire than there has been in the history of the world

Is it normal for cable news to come out of commercial just for the show to throw directly to the next commercial?

its a way to earn more $$. pti on ESPN does it too. basically they cut away for 45 seconds for a commerical, cut back in with some horsehshit banter, then cut back out for rest of commericals. idea is that the viewer doesn't fast fowward DVR or turn channel during commercial...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I finally watched frail Hillary's speech. What a stemwinder. She needs to speak once a week.
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