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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Hay guise, just subscribing to the new thread. Hi Adam!



Unconfirmed Member
The other day the NPR anchor teased an upcoming story by saying "Trump has been appealing to African Americans for several weeks" I would like submit that he has been "making appeals to them" :p


So where do we move from here? When will we see any kind of official confirmation that the Republican's have given up on the presidency in 2016?How many books will be written about this election? Why is following this shit practically a full time job?


Watching Hillary's alt-Right speech. My god. She's really going in. On Trump. Bannon. Nigel. Putin. I love it.

I'm not sure how well this strategy will work. But its good to have this in the light.


So where do we move from here? When will we see any kind of official confirmation that the Republican's have given up on the presidency in 2016?How many books will be written about this election? Why is following this shit practically a full time job?
This is such a fucking strange election. The last Republican presidential candidate was Mitt Romney.


Sometimes life can get really crazy but I did watch Hillary's speech and it was amazing. Even my husband liked it.
are you talking about this

very strange stuff here

First time I heard this I thought, "Wow, Beck has a conscience!" Then I listened to it a couple of more times and realized he offers the rewording to the caller with the impeachment line.

You can see it in his body language: he is disturbed by what he is hearing but he forces himself to believe the dude is talking about impeachment. Sad!
I am probably deluding myself right now, but I recall wanting Obama to win more than anything because of Supreme Court seats in 2012, but in terms of actual policy Mitt didn't worry me all that much. Pretty moderate for a conservative and I could have seen him bending on a lot of bills or at least not outright fighting against existing lib policies.

Also he seemed like a legit decent guy, if robotic and conniving.


Oh, neat, had no idea about that!

First of all. Why? Even if there's 200k Americans in Israel that's still a relatively insignificant amount when he doesn't even have that many offices in some swing states. And most of those would be from solid blue states except for Florida.

Second, I can't imagine Stormfront and the alt right would be happy to learn about that. Especially not after his immigration "softening."

Of course that should have said "several hundred thousand" and it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it was just another Trump "secret state". It's not like his campaign is known for its efficiency.


That 47 percent pretty much told me Mitt Romney is a bad person, and I don't think legalizing gay marriage would've been possible with him as president.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Also, why would anyone think Romney would fight the crazier Republicans in congress? They would have gone to town and he'd just sign everything.
Donald Trump projects so much that I can practically guarantee he has a small penis and no stamina based on what he has accused of other people.


That 47 percent pretty much told me Mitt Romney is a bad person, and I don't think legalizing gay marriage would've been possible with him as president.

He also made his fortune on vulture capitalism; sucking equity and fees out of once successful (or at least stable) companies.

He got paid, people got laid off.

It's legalized theft.


Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump’s Mixed Signals on Immigration Roil Campaign

Donald Trump’s mixed signals about easing his plan to deport all illegal immigrants are dividing his closest allies and prompting warnings he could lose core supporters if he abandons the signature issue of his campaign.

Even as some supporters said they would welcome a softer tone as a sign Mr. Trump is working to broaden his support, he said in a Thursday CNN interview both that it would be difficult to deport 11 million illegal immigrants and that he might do it anyway.

But in interviews this week with Fox News he backed away from his long-held proposal to deport the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants, suggesting those without criminal records could stay if they pay “back taxes.”

That didn’t sit well with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was among the first high-profile Republicans to endorse Mr. Trump in January. “If Mr. Trump were to go down a path of wishy-washy positions taken on things that the core foundation of his support has so appreciated, and that is respecting our Constitution and respecting law and order in America, then, yeah, there would be massive disappointment,” the party’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee said.

“Parts of the message we heard in the last week are clearly not consistent with the stringent position and message that supporters have received all along,” she said.

In the CNN interview Thursday, Mr. Trump offered contradictory explanations for his deportation policy.

“You can’t take 11 [million] at one time and say, ‘Boom your gone,’ ” Mr. Trump said.

Asked minutes later if he would deport illegal immigrants who haven’t committed crimes, Mr. Trump replied: “There is a very good chance the answer could be yes.”


Although his aides say his policy hasn’t changed, Mr. Trump’s recent comments were raised by donors during a Thursday conference call with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is seeking contributions for the Republican transition committee.

Gary Kirke, a casino executive who is Iowa finance chairman for the Trump-Republican National Committee State Victory program, told Mr. Christie reports of Mr. Trump’s shifting positions are “very scary.” Mr. Christie responded: “I don’t see him changing his positions at all on this,” according to two people on the call.

In a subsequent interview, Mr. Kirke said Mr. Trump would pay a high price if he backtracks on deportations. “This immigration issue is so huge, that’s what got him where he is today and he needs to straighten it out,” he said. “If people think he’s going soft on immigration, it will hurt him and he will lose the election.”

Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors stricter immigration controls, blamed Mr. Trump’s new advisers for his changed rhetoric—a move he said was intended to help Mr. Trump appeal to Hispanic audiences.

“Whatever remaining chance he had to win the White House is gone,” Mr. Krikorian said. “The fact now that he has betrayed his base on the signature issue that he ran on seems to me the death knell of his candidacy as a practical matter.”


Yeah, if she was strong she would have gone another 30 minutes with racist stuff about me! There's plenty out there!
Trump's rambling on Twitter tonight again. He released a video attacking Hillary over the 2008 primary to "prove" she's a bigot. It's laughable for so many fucking reasons.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 45m45 minutes ago
"@foxnation: Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Robert Byrd as 'Friend and Mentor': http://bit.ly/2bmuqej "

And he's going there....hahahahah


Hot take: if Trump projects with most of his attacks on Hillary, could we assume Trump actually has low stamina?

Like he gets home and is exhausted every night, wondering to himself as he texts "How did she do this for 20 years? How does she have so much energy? Actually (pretending to) listen to people and use my brain all day long, it's exhausting. Fuck her!" *tweet tweet tweet*


Haha, it seems like the length of her speech is his main complaint. And there's the "stamina" thing again.

I still can't believe this assclown is the GOP nominee for President. Does he actually think this "stamina" and bigot crap is actually going to win any votes?

I think as his poll numbers continue to crater he will sound more and more insane. He really doesn't want to get into a debate about policy with Hillary- I doubt he can articulate even one policy position of his. I mean, the Qpac poll of Hillary above 50% is really bad news for the Trump campaign. He's not going to be convincing me or other minority voters to vote for him with his patronizing "What have you got to lose?" BS.

The implosion of the GOP continues and I love watching it
We should switch to a ranked choice and proportion representation voting system after Trump, make it a constitutional amendment.

Here's the thing, the GOP is divided into three factions.

1. White nationalists (45% of the base)
2. The Christian right (35% of the base)
3. Well off people who like low taxes (20% of the base)

White nationalists are going to keep winning primaries and then they'll eventually win the presidency when a Democrat is president during a recession.

But Republicans in groups 2 and 3 (well, group 3 is more critical than group 2 is. Group 2 has kind of embraced Trump which is... not good) can't condemn white nationalists who take over the party without losing support of 45% of the base and possibly committing political suicide. If these three groups had their own parties, candidates for group 2 and 3 could condemn group 1's candidate while still possibly getting ranked above the liberal and leftist alternatives. With condemnations from every other political party, the white nationalist political party would never break 50% and we would be saved from a Trump or Le Pen like president.
We should switch to a ranked choice and proportion representation voting system after Trump, make it a constitutional amendment.

Here's the thing, the GOP is divided into three factions.

1. White nationalists (45% of the base)
2. The Christian right (35% of the base)
3. Well off people who like low taxes (20% of the base)

White nationalists are going to keep winning primaries and then they'll eventually win the presidency when a Democrat is president during a recession.

But Republicans in groups 2 and 3 (well, group 3 is more critical than group 2 is. Group 2 has kind of embraced Trump which is... not good) can't condemn white nationalists who take over the party without losing support of 45% of the base and possibly committing political suicide. If these three groups had their own parties, candidates for group 2 and 3 could condemn group 1's candidate while still possibly getting ranked above the liberal and leftist alternatives. With condemnations from every other political party, the white nationalist political party would never break 50% and we would be saved from a Trump or Le Pen like president.

You might as well ask for a benevolent alien race to take over the reigns of our government because that's about as likely as a constitutional amendment for proportional representation.
Eh, I actually think the long life of Trumpism is kind of being overplayed.

The truth is, if the 'Trump wing' candidate is some second string Governor or Freedom Caucus member with no personal wealth, they'll be dead by South Carolina due to a lack of funding. Trump didn't just coverage because he was saying outrageous things - he was saying outrageous things _and_ he was Donald Trump.

Now, I think there is a problem if somebody with a real political pedigree manages to find a way to thread the needle between the white nationalists and the rest of the GOP, but the issue is, the white nationalists don't want dog whistles anymore. They want it in black and white and being shouted loudly.

Also, I somehow doubt the Establishment wing will run 11,306 candidates again.
Eh, I actually think the long life of Trumpism is kind of being overplayed.

The truth is, if the 'Trump wing' candidate is some second string Governor or Freedom Caucus member with no personal wealth, they'll be dead by South Carolina due to a lack of funding. Trump didn't just coverage because he was saying outrageous things - he was saying outrageous things _and_ he was Donald Trump.

Now, I think there is a problem if somebody with a real political pedigree manages to find a way to thread the needle between the white nationalists and the rest of the GOP, but the issue is, the white nationalists don't want dog whistles anymore. They want it in black and white and being shouted loudly.

Also, I somehow doubt the Establishment wing will run 11,306 candidates again.

Ben Carson ripped off random dudes for $100M. Plus, there are some anti-Democracy billionaires like Peter Thiel who would be interested in funding a fascist campaign. There's money out there for white nationalist campaigns.
Trump's trying to relive the glory of the primary days where in his mind he torpedo'd Jeb! wit the low-energy tag even though Jeb's campaign knew they had huge problems well before that. Same with the Crooked Hillary bit (vs. Little Marco). The man just completely doesn't have any context on why things happened in the primary the way they happened, and can't understand why he's losing so bad even though he's doing all the things that won him the campaign earlier.

It's almost like he's never run for office anymore, or something.

Spokespeople for Mcconnell and Ryan have said that neither saw Hillary's speech.

I'm pretty sure every major officeholding GOP official just wants the weekend to start. Heck you know Paul Ryan was looking for Boehner's secret stash in the Speaker's office this afternoon after that speech.
Ben Carson ripped off random dudes for $100M. Plus, there are some anti-Democracy billionaires like Peter Thiel who would be interested in funding a fascist campaign. There's money out there for white nationalist campaigns.

No, there's lots of money out there for grifters, which make up large percentages of Republican SuperPACs for some reason.

Yes, Peter Thiel can try to bankroll some random Governor or Senator with a lot of money - but again, the reason why Trump was able to get coverage was because he's Donald Trump. Senator Fuckstick from Idaho or Governor Scumbag from Arkansas simply isn't going to get the same free media.

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm simply saying the people who are saying the GOP has been irreversibly turned into an out and out white nationalist party are overreacting.
Ben Carson ripped off random dudes for $100M.

Really it's the inexperienced candidates that are the ones getting played. There's a giant, rotten GOP campaign-related patronage machine that's needed to die for decades. They are a giant parasite on their overall operations. It's actually a huge problem the party needs to deal with as they have to draw in much more money just for parity due to their huge overhead.

Obama's crazy centralized campaigns plus the Democrat's general lack of appeal to big donors made this not be as much of a problem for the left.
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