I think Clinton knows the debates are going to be the final nail in Trump's campaign if they go the way we all expect them to. Her ground game is constant in battle states and she can only say something to detract voters than gain them at this point. Everyone talks about how Trump having constant press conferences is a good thing, but it just shows he is absolutely terrible at delivering any coherent message outside of hardcore rally rhetoric. How many press conferences has he had now on just trying to explain his stance on immigration? How many times has he flip pivot flopped? Even after all these conferences just on immigration alone, he has another one scheduled or today and significant aspects remain unclear or changing with the winds. Clinton had her policies laid out before the DNC and is one and done explaining them, you know cause she actually knows how to govern and has a lifetime of experience.
I swear to god the media is one step away from congratulating Trump on tying his own shoes because it is presidential He has set the bar so insanely low, you would think Clinton could leap over it with ease, but the problem is the bars for men and women politicians are not the same. Yeah, I bet Bernie would be polling higher right now, but so would Generic Old White Male Politician in a Suit #6,586,123.