I think she should do an email branded press conference. (She should have done one before labor day) Make it two hours long and get grilled one more time. Then she can just refer back to that press conference. Or if you want to go full populist, make it a town-hall+ press. Pair that with a "Going on the offensive" message and make every surrogate repeat "Gain trust" 24/7.
I could be down with that.
The only problem is that the press doesn't seem interested in getting a real answer. Just yesterday Brianna Keilar went on the air on how she was 'parsing her words' on a long statement, then chastised her for answering, because she said she wouldn't go into details again. It's annoying af at this point.
She also gave a really good answer on the 'classified material,' what the material was (drone program), what they were discussing (talking points on public material) and why they were doing it (because they were getting questions and needed to know how to not cross the line into talking about classified info). But nobody's bothered to actually put that all together.