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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Honest question, how much does getting the "military vote" matter in terms of important demographics to win? Are they usually more slanted Republican? What was the breakdown in 08/12 compared to our most recent polls this race?

Military vote is Republican. Romney beat Obama among the military by 20 points
Military vote is Republican. Romney beat Obama among the military by 20 points

I've watched as someone I knew who was a hard left person join the military and come back after his time was done as an extreme far right tea partyier

I'm not really sure what goes on in the military that makes people so conservative.


Heh, NBC reporting that Gen. Flynn interrupted the security briefing so many times that Christie had to intervene to calm him down and let the officials continue.


I've watched as someone I knew who was a hard left person join the military and come back after his time was done as an extreme far right tea partyier

I'm not really sure what goes on in the military that makes people so conservative.

You literally get trained to view all interactions as potential murders.
I've watched as someone I knew who was a hard left person join the military and come back after his time was done as an extreme far right tea partyier

I'm not really sure what goes on in the military that makes people so conservative.

I was in the Army for 6 years and it didn't change me, but no doubt most people I knew were hard right


Any reason why?

I can only assume since he's retired he no longer has access to intel like this, even low level stuff. He might have been dying to know more inside stuff and saw this as the chance and took advantage of it. That says a lot about him if that's the case. His goal is to get information for himself then to help Trump.


I've watched as someone I knew who was a hard left person join the military and come back after his time was done as an extreme far right tea partyier

I'm not really sure what goes on in the military that makes people so conservative.

Part of the military, especially the Air force, have become fundamentalist christian training camps. It's really quite scary - there's been a number of good articles on it over the past year or so.

e.g http://www.salon.com/2014/09/17/air...members_forced_to_swear_religious_allegiance/
Mike Barnicle: "What would you do about Aleppo?"

Gary Johnson: "What?"

B: "Aleppo."

J: "And what is Aleppo?"

This just happened, just now, on Morning Joe.

Trump needs the same question verbatim.

Trump has already had his Aleppo moment, not that it mattered much.


The GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee stumbled over the "Brexit" concept during an interview with reporter Michael Wolff in The Hollywood Reporter.

“And Brexit? Your position?” Wolff asked the billionaire.

“Huh?” Trump responded.

“Brexit,” Wolff reiterated.

“Hmm,” the real estate tycoon said.

“The Brits leaving the EU,” Wolff replied.

“Oh yeah, I think they should leave,” Trump said.


Crowd seems hyped at this rally.

Anyway, this seems like the first time (with a few exceptions) that HRC has seemingly seized the newscycle (in a positive way) since the conventions. They need to keep on this till November. Be aggressive.


Keep in mind that Flynn got fired from the DIA for being incompetent at management and overly aggressive.

The body language Trump claims he picked up on may have been a reaction to having a hothead loon like Flynn there.

"Trump and Christie listened politely but Flynn repeatedly interrupted the briefers and disparaged their work, according to former officials familiar with the matter."



Crowd seems hyped at this rally.

Anyway, this seems like the first time (with a few exceptions) that HRC has seemingly seized the newscycle (in a positive way) since the conventions. They need to keep on this till November. Be aggressive.

Agreed. They need to drive the daily narrative from here on out. Hillary doing here thing always seems to help her poll numbers, so let her get out, talk to the press, and hammer home her skills, expertise, and message.
The body language Trump claims he picked up on may have been a reaction to having a hothead loon like Flynn there.

"Trump and Christie listened politely but Flynn repeatedly interrupted the briefers and disparaged their work, according to former officials familiar with the matter."


Wasn't Flynn a long time contributor to Russia Today?

I'm starting to think it wasn't just Manafort that was causing Trump to fall for pro-Putin bullshit.
I'm starting to think it wasn't just Manafort that was causing Trump to fall for pro-Putin bullshit.

trump just really doesn't mind strongmen and appreciates how orderly their operation is , regardless of the cost that it comes with. He also loves people that say nice things about them (since they are so rare). The Tsar is super-keen hobbling America's ability to project political power across Europe so he's been keen to have both him and his country (since he controls the media) openly support Trump.
When it was Behar’s turn to speak, she told Johnson, “I know what Aleppo is and I should not be any smarter than you, because you’re running for president.” Even though she said she’s “sure Trump doesn’t know what Aleppo is either,” Behar added, “I think it’s a disqualifying statement, frankly.”

“Fair enough,” Johnson replied. But when Behar shook his hand and asked if that means he will get out of the race now, the candidate just laughed and said no.
End this clown show.


anyone see trump's 'statement' on clinton's press conf this morning?

its basically a giant 'NO U!!!!!11'


This somber story on the Bin Laden raid is right out of the Biden playbook. It's a good story too though. Very effective.

Poli-GAF please help me. Make me feel good about the Electoral Map.


That's arguably her floor right now.


No Scrubs
I like how at the end of the article they had to explain that laueringthebar was a play on lowering the bar. Christ

If they didn't I guarantee they would have gotten complaints from old people about not understanding it, you literally gotta spell that shit out for them.


I like how at the end of the article they had to explain that laueringthebar was a play on lowering the bar. Christ

I do not think our future President needs to understand play on words. He can just have a comedian advisor that tells him when to giggle. Philosophy > brain.
So Trump managed to get out of last night without getting asked about Khan and McCain only to offend a new set of people with him trashing the generals
The media spent most of this year aggressively attacking Trump and pointing out his unfitness for office, to the degree that Vox published an explainer about why the media was willing to directly attack Trump. We discussed their efforts to do so repeatedly in this thread!

To suggest that they've been helping Trump all along because "all they care about is horserace narratives" is ignorant of the events of this actual campaign season. It's a facile and cynical argument that we rightly criticized when Bernie supporters made the exact same arguments about the media being in the tank for Hillary, and it is the beginning of the reflexive rejection of news stories we don't like that led to the epistemic closure which enabled Donald Trump. It's also, frankly, counterproductive, because what motivation do the media have to hold candidates accountable if you will accuse them of coddling Republicans no matter what they do? I prefer to live in the reality-based community.

I would agree that there has been a recent shift in the media coverage of Trump, and I'd date it to the employment of Bannon and Conway. Bannon made his fame persuading mainstream media sources to cover his insane right-wing stories. Manipulating media coverage is actually his specialty. Some of the missteps recently seem to have been due to the campaign pushing narratives out to the media that ended up not matching the events that actually took place (like Trump's immigration speech, where they told everybody it would be a pivot and then didn't give anybody copies of the actual speech).

So I think it's fine to criticize the media for some of their recent stories and behavior -- and I have done so. I complained about the alt-right speech coverage and I even wrote to the Times public editor! But suggesting that they have always and consistently covered the race incorrectly is false and dumb. They have recently gotten worse. Get it right!

the sad thing is once the primaries were over, they sorta went soft and started to ignore all the history of him. Its more important for them to bring this up and publish stories about it during the GE than the primary, since that is where the general public starts to pay attention.


What a world. Republicans praising Putin and demeaning our military. Reagan must be spinning into the earth's core right now.
Even NBC knows they done goofed


One executive, speaking anonymously, was blunt about it: "Disaster."
The morning after Lauer's back-to-back interviews of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, several high ranking sources at the network said they hear the criticism and agree with at least some of it.

Lauer was widely criticized for failing to fact-check or follow up when Trump falsely claimed that he was opposed to the Iraq war when it started. Some viewers thought Lauer held Clinton to a higher standard than Trump. Several people who were sitting in the audience told CNN that they were frustrated too.

The ratings for Wednesday night's forum were strong, according to preliminary data. But the reviews were pitiful. So what went wrong? That's what journalists both inside and outside NBC are asking now. There is no clear answer.

Lack of preparation is one theory.

New York Times TV critic James Poniewozik wrote Thursday that Lauer seemed "unprepared on specifics of military and foreign policy: "He performed like a soldier sent on a mission without ammunition, beginning with a disorganized offensive, ending in a humiliating retreat."

But Lauer's interviewing skills are second to none. He has hosted thousands of episodes of the "Today" show.

And he had a week to prep for the forum.

The blame does not fall on Lauer alone. NBC News and MSNBC chairman Andy Lack, a longtime friend of Lauer's, was intimately involved in the forum planning and execution. "This should be a black eye for Lack," one of the sources said.

Another theory about the forum's flaws involves a heightened sensitivity about Trump. The network's journalists are well aware that its business channel CNBC was pilloried for its performance during a GOP primary debate last fall; the Republican Party said "CNBC should be ashamed" and essentially punished NBC by dropping plans for a later debate on the broadcast network.

At the time Trump publicly called one of the CNBC debate moderators, John Harwood, a "disaster" for asking Trump if he was running a "comic book" version of a campaign.

Perhaps Harwood's tough questioning looks better in a new light, since Lauer is being criticized for going too easy on Trump.

EDIT: ugh late whatever


No Scrubs
On the bright side, I have a sliver of hope the other networks/moderators are going to see how poorly this was received and not let Trump get away with it at the debates. I honestly think wheels are turning because of this.

There's still 0 hope for Wallace and the third debate. Holt is definitely going to be prepping harder than he already was and Cooper and Raddatz are going to go in.
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