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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Come on, you have to give us the deetz. Cant leave us hanging.
The music teacher at the school the boys goes to was teaching 5 year olds the song "Mammy" which was originally performed in black face. It didn't sit right with my bf and I, so we wrote a letter to the school. Yesterday, the 5 year old came home and told us the music teacher told him that we couldn't come to family night because "your uncle and his friend aren't really your family." Luckily, the kid is smart enough to know she was full of shit and he was just mad she didn't understand that we are his family.

So, we went up to the school this morning and pretty much laid the hell into her with the principal. Principal let us know we weren't the first group of folks to complain about the teacher, and that she agreed the song was wholly inappropriate, and that there was no excuse for her treating my bf and I like that.

We were prepared for this big huge fight for our right (to party) and they just 100% agreed with us. Feels good mane.
This blatantly sexist Reince Preibus tweet should be getting more airtime. It just shows what women in politics have to put up with. Its a good ol boys club and the women need to know their place.

Reince Priebus
Twitter › Reince
@HillaryClinton was angry + defensive the entire time - no smile and uncomfortable - upset that she was caught wrongly sending our secrets.
hes not wrong

Agreed in the sense that the media will indeed grade him on a curve. Some voters will too...but not most. Trump is still underwater with groups that should support the GOP candidate and that's not going to change. And while the media can pat him on the back and say good job, voters are still seeing a guy who can't speak in specifics, is angry, bitter, etc. And it's only a matter of time before he says something ignorant again.


No Scrubs
Agreed in the sense that the media will indeed grade him on a curve. Some voters will too...but not most. Trump is still underwater with groups that should support the GOP candidate and that's not going to change. And while the media can pat him on the back and say good job, voters are still seeing a guy who can't speak in specifics, is angry, bitter, etc. And it's only a matter of time before he says something ignorant again.

In addition he can only go so long without a direct comparison being made at the debates. He's getting away with being graded on a curve so far because he's faced little to no push back.


So last night there was a huge ass bug in the bedroom. It was so big that you could hear it flying, and I turned on the light so see what it was and it flew right to the light and freaked me the fuck out. It was so big and had huge wings. Felt like I was living in Australia. It eventually fell to the ground and I think went under the bed because I couldn't find it anymore. I stayed in the room to sleep with it lurking but the upside was that my husband was scared and went to sleep on the couch, so I had the whole bed to myself!

Also today feels like a good day for the Clinton campaign.


Not saying he's wrong, just that he shouldn't get away with it. This isn't Celebrity Apprentice.

I think the blowback from Layer's terrible moderation, Obama's comment this morning, Hillary's press statement, and the blowback from the NYT constantly fucking around is causing the media to shift a little bit today.

The good news is that Trump's "pivot" is now old news and the media seems to be getting bored with it somewhat and are actually starting to engage in some decent journalism. This is a good time for the pendulum to start swinging back towards Clinton.


So I turn on CNN this morning and it's all about emails. "She spent a lot of time last night talking about her emails. She was asked about them a lot. I'm sure we haven't heard the last about it."



I love that Trump lacks an instinct or drive for introspection. Because if he had it, he'd be able to look at last night, assess where he fell short, and make adjustments. That would be worrying.. but he's not a normal candidate.

Instead - as Hillary's campaign has said - this is Trump. We'll see the same Trump in a few weeks. It's probably a big source of confidence for her team.
So last night there was a huge ass bug in the bedroom. It was so big that you could hear it flying, and I turned on the light so see what it was and it flew right to the light and freaked me the fuck out. It was so big and had huge wings. Felt like I was living in Australia. It eventually fell to the ground and I think went under the bed because I couldn't find it anymore. I stayed in the room to sleep with it lurking but the upside was that my husband was scared and went to sleep on the couch, so I had the whole bed to myself!

Also today feels like a good day for the Clinton campaign.

Mama. We had some giant fucking thing attack us the other night. I stood on a chair and screamed like a little girl because bugs are terrifying. But, I have a very specific policy with anyone I'm dating. In the words of Suzanne Sugarbaker: THE MAN SHOULD KILL THE BUG.
I'm glad you;re okay though.


So I turn on CNN this morning and it's all about emails. "She spent a lot of time last night talking about her emails. She was asked about them a lot. I'm sure we haven't heard the last about it."


to be fair, they spent the first half of the hour on Trump's comments last night. they just got to her emails and then moved on to Reince's sexist tweet.

It's a pretty solid news day for Clinton. The best they have is "Man, the email subject is still hard to talk about, huh?"
to be fair, they spent the first half of the hour on Trump's comments last night. they just got to her emails and then moved on to Reince's sexist tweet.

It's a pretty solid news day for Clinton. The best they have is "Man, the email subject is still hard to talk about, huh?"

It's basically the only thing they have to try and appear fair so they have to harp on it again and again. Unfortunate, but true.


William Weld continues to be the unluckiest man in national politics. If the dude ran as a conservative democrat, he'd probably be Secretary of State by now.
I gotta say, the person who writes Johnson's press releases is pretty good at his/her job. That was a great reaction to the fuck up. Well done.

Looks like the CIC Forum got 10.77 million viewers on NBC, that doesn't account for those who watched it on MSNBC.
This blatantly sexist Reince Preibus tweet should be getting more airtime. It just shows what women in politics have to put up with. Its a good ol boys club and the women need to know their place.
She was angry and defensive last night. I mean, PoliGAF was angry and defensive, too! She got asked email questions all night! This is a correct observation!

No one will ever be as angry and defensive as cheetoh Hitler, of course. His campaign is entirely made up of anger, reaction, and then blundering while trying to fill in the gaps.


I love that Trump lacks an instinct or drive for introspection. Because if he had it, he'd be able to look at last night, assess where he fell short, and make adjustments. That would be worrying.. but he's not a normal candidate.

Instead - as Hillary's campaign has said - this is Trump. We'll see the same Trump in a few weeks. It's probably a big source of confidence for her team.

Trump was bragging about polls and other stuff related to the CIC forum last night on his twitter account
Reading that article about the PA suburban voters, it's telling how they don't hold Trump against GOP candidates and officials that don't support him. It's clear to me that you basically don't gain anything as a Republican candidate by supporting Trump.

In fact, supporting him is some puts you into his event horizon from which your reputation can't escape.
Reading that article about the PA suburban voters, it's telling how they don't hold Trump against GOP candidates and officials that don't support him. It's clear to me that you basically don't gain anything as a Republican candidate by supporting Trump.

In fact, supporting him is some puts you into his event horizon from which your reputation can't escape.

Ohio is the same way, that's why I don't fall for this shit where ever couple of weeks people get optimistic on Strickland riding Hillary's coattails. It's not happening.
the emails are the only thing about clinton that drive ratings. she should have been able to handle this by now, but her responses only drive more ratings. this is entirely her doing.

trump's crazy gets ratings b/c hes a lunatic and gets responses. clinton is largely boring, her policies aren't exactly groundbreaking, and the emails are the controversy. thats why its the only thing talked about, the entertainment value is higher.


No Scrubs
the emails are the only thing about clinton that drive ratings. she should have been able to handle this by now, but her responses only drive more ratings. this is entirely her doing.

trump's crazy gets ratings b/c hes a lunatic and gets responses. clinton is largely boring, her policies aren't exactly groundbreaking, and the emails are the controversy. thats why its the only thing talked about, the entertainment value is higher.

Sadly this is it. The idea that the news should be making money remains one of the worst ideas in recent memory.
William Weld continues to be the unluckiest man in national politics. If the dude ran as a conservative democrat, he'd probably be Secretary of State by now.

Yeah. I said earlier in this thread how bad I feel for Weld. I'd like to see him run in one of the Red (but more libertarian red like Alaska) leaning states/seats.


Honest question, how much does getting the "military vote" matter in terms of important demographics to win? Are they usually more slanted Republican? What was the breakdown in 08/12 compared to our most recent polls this race?


Found out Hillary was speaking at Bartle Hall today and got all excited and then found out it wasn't open to the public. 😢


She was angry and defensive last night. I mean, PoliGAF was angry and defensive, too! She got asked email questions all night! This is a correct observation!

No one will ever be as angry and defensive as cheetoh Hitler, of course. His campaign is entirely made up of anger, reaction, and then blundering while trying to fill in the gaps.

We don't tell defensive male politicans they need to smile more.

Actually we say fake smiles are untrustworthy.


lol. Ashleigh Banfield was having none of Rience Priebus shit with that tweet on CNN. just straight up shut down the segment at the offensiveness of the subject matter.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
Hillary just gave a disastrous news conference on the tarmac to make up for poor performance last night. She's being decimated by the media!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2m2 minutes ago
Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night than she has in the past. She is totally confused. Unfit to serve as #POTUS.



I honestly thought the press conference was good, and I'm not just saying that. She was personable, funny, serious and confident. Maybe the only thing I would criticise is that it was a bit short? But oh well.


The media spent most of this year aggressively attacking Trump and pointing out his unfitness for office, to the degree that Vox published an explainer about why the media was willing to directly attack Trump. We discussed their efforts to do so repeatedly in this thread!

To suggest that they've been helping Trump all along because "all they care about is horserace narratives" is ignorant of the events of this actual campaign season. It's a facile and cynical argument that we rightly criticized when Bernie supporters made the exact same arguments about the media being in the tank for Hillary, and it is the beginning of the reflexive rejection of news stories we don't like that led to the epistemic closure which enabled Donald Trump. It's also, frankly, counterproductive, because what motivation do the media have to hold candidates accountable if you will accuse them of coddling Republicans no matter what they do? I prefer to live in the reality-based community.

I would agree that there has been a recent shift in the media coverage of Trump, and I'd date it to the employment of Bannon and Conway. Bannon made his fame persuading mainstream media sources to cover his insane right-wing stories. Manipulating media coverage is actually his specialty. Some of the missteps recently seem to have been due to the campaign pushing narratives out to the media that ended up not matching the events that actually took place (like Trump's immigration speech, where they told everybody it would be a pivot and then didn't give anybody copies of the actual speech).

So I think it's fine to criticize the media for some of their recent stories and behavior -- and I have done so. I complained about the alt-right speech coverage and I even wrote to the Times public editor! But suggesting that they have always and consistently covered the race incorrectly is false and dumb. They have recently gotten worse. Get it right!
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