User 463088
The music teacher at the school the boys goes to was teaching 5 year olds the song "Mammy" which was originally performed in black face. It didn't sit right with my bf and I, so we wrote a letter to the school. Yesterday, the 5 year old came home and told us the music teacher told him that we couldn't come to family night because "your uncle and his friend aren't really your family." Luckily, the kid is smart enough to know she was full of shit and he was just mad she didn't understand that we are his family.Come on, you have to give us the deetz. Cant leave us hanging.
So, we went up to the school this morning and pretty much laid the hell into her with the principal. Principal let us know we weren't the first group of folks to complain about the teacher, and that she agreed the song was wholly inappropriate, and that there was no excuse for her treating my bf and I like that.
We were prepared for this big huge fight for our right (to party) and they just 100% agreed with us. Feels good mane.