I'm comfortable with this coming off a month with HRC quiet and Trump "pivoting." These next two months are when the Clinton campaign advantages are going to be coming out more; that should push her over the edge in the competitive states.
Those Johnson numbers seem incredibly high.
14 percent in Ohio?
Maybe. But I think there will be a lot of movement in North Carolina this year that some people will be caught off guard once the results start coming in.I'm sorry. A poll that shows Hillary up by more in NC than FL and OH is going right into the trashbin in my mind.
Overall, about what you'd expect given a 3-4 point Clinton nat'l lead. OH & NC are mildly surprising, but sort of cancel one another out.
I'm still shocked that Hillary basically sat out August. Makes zero sense to me and allowed Trump right back in this thing.
Those Johnson numbers seem incredibly high.
14 percent in Ohio?
Here, paraphrased, are seven things Donald Trump just said about his Iraq War position in the span of two minutes.
My main takeaway from this type of polling release: the wall holds. The gravy states are all close.
If this is a "tightened" race, I have to laugh.
Just to make sure I have this right...
Last night, Clinton got put on the defensive and had the worst crap brought up again, while Trump got softballs and allowance to lie and ramble...
But the reaction today is calling that out, and Clinton is up in betting markets (a decent forerunner of polls).
Feels like we have turned a corner.
Yup. Yup yup.pAgain.
Is this really correct? Hopefully it is but seems a tad optimistic.
For Our Future, the Tom Steyer- and union-backed super PAC, is moving onto red turf -- expanding operations in Missouri and North Carolina.
Yeah that's not good because it means Trump's ceiling is no longer just ~40%.
RV or LV?
Yeah that's not good because it means Trump's ceiling is no longer just ~40%.
RV or LV?
If I'm running Hillary's campaign, I'm full-bore campaigning in PA and NH the rest of the way. PA and NH are really the two main possible states that could turn this election to Trump (and both are a stretch). If she locks down PA and NH, it's over. Just give Biden an unlimited credit card and let him walk around the state of PA until election day.
FL and OH are almost as important here, and I still don't trust Michigan's polling after the Bernie/primary thing, so those would also be priorities.
If I'm running Hillary's campaign, I'm full-bore campaigning in PA and NH the rest of the way. PA and NH are really the two main possible states that could turn this election to Trump (and both are a stretch). If she locks down PA and NH, it's over. Just give Biden an unlimited credit card and let him walk around the state of PA until election day.
FL and OH are almost as important here, and I still don't trust Michigan's polling after the Bernie/primary thing, so those would also be priorities.
The media spent most of this year aggressively attacking Trump and pointing out his unfitness for office, to the degree that Vox published an explainer about why the media was willing to directly attack Trump. We discussed their efforts to do so repeatedly in this thread!
To suggest that they've been helping Trump all along because "all they care about is horserace narratives" is ignorant of the events of this actual campaign season. It's a facile and cynical argument that we rightly criticized when Bernie supporters made the exact same arguments about the media being in the tank for Hillary, and it is the beginning of the reflexive rejection of news stories we don't like that led to the epistemic closure which enabled Donald Trump. It's also, frankly, counterproductive, because what motivation do the media have to hold candidates accountable if you will accuse them of coddling Republicans no matter what they do? I prefer to live in the reality-based community.
I would agree that there has been a recent shift in the media coverage of Trump, and I'd date it to the employment of Bannon and Conway. Bannon made his fame persuading mainstream media sources to cover his insane right-wing stories. Manipulating media coverage is actually his specialty. Some of the missteps recently seem to have been due to the campaign pushing narratives out to the media that ended up not matching the events that actually took place (like Trump's immigration speech, where they told everybody it would be a pivot and then didn't give anybody copies of the actual speech).
So I think it's fine to criticize the media for some of their recent stories and behavior -- and I have done so. I complained about the alt-right speech coverage and I even wrote to the Times public editor! But suggesting that they have always and consistently covered the race incorrectly is false and dumb. They have recently gotten worse. Get it right!
Friend, that's the pessimistic map.
Diablosing so hard rn
If I'm running Hillary's campaign, I'm full-bore campaigning in PA and NH the rest of the way. PA and NH are really the two main possible states that could turn this election to Trump (and both are a stretch). If she locks down PA and NH, it's over. Just give Biden an unlimited credit card and let him walk around the state of PA until election day.
FL and OH are almost as important here, and I still don't trust Michigan's polling after the Bernie/primary thing, so those would also be priorities.