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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I always forget my first president wasn't Clinton, it was Bush. For two years (so obviously I don't remember).

Technically, Obama in 2008 was the first election I could vote in (I was exactly 18), but this year will be the first presidential election I vote in.
I always forget my first president wasn't Clinton, it was Bush. For two years (so obviously I don't remember).

Technically, Obama in 2008 was the first election I could vote in (I was exactly 18), but this year will be the first presidential election I vote in.
Same here, just a year behind.

2010 was the first election I voted in (the primary, even!). 2012 was the first presidential election I voted in.
I always forget my first president wasn't Clinton, it was Bush. For two years (so obviously I don't remember).

Technically, Obama in 2008 was the first election I could vote in (I was exactly 18), but this year will be the first presidential election I vote in.

I only realized a year or two ago I was actually alive for a few days of Ford's presidency.

I don't remember knowing Carter was President and the first election I clearly recall is '84.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I'm so embarrassed that my first vote was for Bush. I think I've talked about it before, but there was this rumor going around northern Idaho that Gore wanted to turn Idaho into a nature preserve and effectively boot everyone out, and I was dumb enough to belive it. Over the next four years I realized how badly I'd fucked up.
The Clinton presidency had the best pop culture references (i.e. Beavis and Butthead). What did Bush or Obama ever give us?
I'm so embarrassed that my first vote was for Bush. I think I've talked about it before, but there was this rumor going around northern Idaho that Gore wanted to turn Idaho into a nature preserve and effectively boot everyone out, and I was dumb enough to belive it. Over the next four years I realized how badly I'd fucked up.
I like how conservative psychologists try to make up for the fact that they make up 5% of psychology by just packing on the crazy as much as possible.

This is apparently what happened with Daniel Fitzpatrick. His letter is poorly written and lacking in punctuation, so it is not easy to understand events. But it seems that he was constantly telling teachers on several of his classmates and he couldn’t understand why they didn’t like him. He got into a fight with a boy named Johnny and got his (Daniel's) pinkie broken, and then Johnny was angry with Daniel for getting him in trouble with the school. Daniel and the other boys apparently were regularly trying to get each other in trouble with the teachers, and Daniel was angry because he was often the one to get in trouble though he saw himself as the victim. After all, there is no guarantee that judges will take your side in a dispute. If it’s your word against five’s, the judge is likely to believe the five. Finally, Daniel had all he could take and chose to end his misery by ending his life.

This conservative psychologist starts off this paragraph by attacking the grammar and writing abilities of a boy that committed suicide and then calls him a snitch.

This is just legendary.


I've called people racist and boy, did it get ugly lol.
It's been a dream of mine to vote for many years now. It seems so cool to me.


2008 was my first election to vote in. Was a pretty big Texan evangelical back then, so voted for McCain. Although, I wasn't an ass about Obama like so many back in 08. I thought he seemed like a cool guy, if inexperienced. I remembering being 18 in that voting booth and having a hard time checking McCain's box instead of Obama's because I really liked the guy.

By 2012, at the end of undergraduate, I had swung fully progressive. That damn liberal arts college agenda!

Bush dissatisfaction produced 2000s indie rock, probably the only good thing to come out of that decade

I've had a working culture theory that establishment disaffection produces the best art, be it music, movies, tv. It's why any time someone freaks out about the next possible GOP president my one counterargument is, "But think of the art that we'll get!"
Hmm. Something about this ad doesn't quite connect with me, and I'm honestly not sure why. I'll have to think about it a bit more.

Unrelatedly, I never realized how much Trump Jr. looks like his father until watching that.

I think the Mother Jones vid is better and accomplishes the same goal, but she is trying to incorporate his current "pivot" rhetoric. I think the music is a bit much, but I'm glad she is calling a spade a spade at this point.
Why is this psychologist writing about the Iran Deal and how is he this stupid?

When the leaders of nation A publicly declare “Death to nation B,” don’t even bother wondering whether it is an indication of possible future violence. The declaration is the violence. It is the evil. In fact, it constitutes an act of war. Not only is it insane for B to sell weapons to A, B is justified in using military force to destroy A’s government before the reverse has a chance to occur.

Fortunately, there is no need to engage in warfare. Sanctions and education are more effective weapons.

The nations that still harbor the infidel meme need us far more then we need them. They depend upon us for their nuclear centrifuges, oil infrastructure, weapons, appliances and even much of their food. Deprived of commerce with the West, they will be forced back into the Middle Ages. Confronted with such a possibility, leaders will need to consider whether the infidel meme is worth the cost.

Monitoring the infidel meme is much easier than monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities, which are purposely conducted in clandestine, hard to reach locations. By its very nature, the meme is disseminated in public: in airways, newspapers, textbooks and places of worship.

Memes are best fought with counter-memes. President Obama, you are master communicator and speechwriter. Thanks to the ubiquity of cheap electronic communication, you are in a better position than anyone in history to promote peace by replacing genocidal memes with loving ones.

Film yourself giving sermons worthy of the Islam of peace to the Iranian people and post them on Youtube. Inform them that because you love them and wish them peace and prosperity, you must condemn their government’s criminal arousal of genocidal passions. Expose the immorality of the infidel meme and how it is causing massive destruction among their own Muslim brethren. Enlighten them about the Golden Rule, how it is the only rule Allah would condone, and how, like the West, they can achieve peace and prosperity by forbidding hatemongering. Your logic will be unassailable and earn praise from all the world’s moral authorities.

The Obama sermons will go viral. Every Iranian will want to listen to them, as will most people in the world.

You will start a revolution of peaceful thinking with almost no expense of American lives or money. Before long, weapon manufacturers will need to begin retooling for plowshares.

We've found the guy on GAF who suggested dropping pamphlets on Nazi Germany. Obama may not have been able to convince Republicans that lowering payroll taxes would be good, but he will convince hardcore Iranians to not hate America...?


2000 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with a conservative court deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the Secretary of State running the election while simultaneously co-chair of one candidate's election effort, and all sorts of other shady shit.
2000 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with a conservative court deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the Secretary of State running the election while simultaneously co-chair of one candidate's election effort, and all sorts of other shady shit.
"2016 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with establishment superdelegates deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the former Secretary of State running an election while simultaneously her cronies chair both her campaign and the party infrastructure, and all sorts of other shady shit."


"2016 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with establishment superdelegates deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the former Secretary of State running an election while simultaneously her cronies chair both her campaign and the party infrastructure, and all sorts of other shady shit."

You should stop getting your news from TYT

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Oh god, I just died. I'm hanging out in the taproom at a local brewery. These ladies brought in this corgi dog. I wanted to pet it, partly because I'm drunk and partly because my fiance is so allergic that I don't get to have pets. The ladies showed me the trick they just taught him. "Would you rather vote for Trump, or die?" and the dog rolled over. It was a thing of beauty.
I turned 18 a few months before the 2012 election and felt kind of frustrated trying to pick, since I'd absorbed a lot of surrounding negativity about Obama because Idaho but Romney felt like he was selling a bunch of malarkey. I'm glad my dad wasn't choosing a side that election because it really helped me identify my values and I ended up siding with Obama. Since then I've only slid further to the left but I'm glad 2012 felt like a real choice instead of this year.


So has any republican in the past 24 hours come out in defense of Trump from what Hillary said yesterday?

Has there been at least one or is it actually zero?
2000 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with a conservative court deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the Secretary of State running the election while simultaneously co-chair of one candidate's election effort, and all sorts of other shady shit.

Now imagine your first time voting was the 2010 election!


"2016 was my first time voting. Imagine your introduction to democracy ended with establishment superdelegates deciding who won the presidency against a backdrop of voter purges, collusion between the former Secretary of State running an election while simultaneously her cronies chair both her campaign and the party infrastructure, and all sorts of other shady shit."

That was the primary, and white it really sucked for Sanders supporters, in the end you still end up with a democrat candidate; the worst case scenario is you have to hold your nose to vote for her. But that's not on the same level as the election being handed to Bush and the 8 years of anarchy that followed.

2016 isn't even on that level if Trump wins; if something highly suspect tips it to him, then we'll talk.

Now imagine your first time voting was the 2010 election!

Still had the White House and mid-term elections always suck for the party in power? Again, yeah, that stung, but I'm talking about straight up fraud. You guys are talking about elections the democrats lost because they didn't have the votes, I'm talking about elections where the votes were very very likely there but dismissed.
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