Exactly as planned.Yikes
Exactly as planned.Yikes
Uhh, why do we want this?
That's it. When I'm elected president, I'm making every high schooler in America take two years of political literacy classes
Hannity, Limbaugh, Brietbart and other fascist sympathizers have been secretly praising Putin since past couple of years (especially since Ukraine invasion). This is because Putin has "thumbed his nose at Obama", which in their mind registers Putin as a good guy. There was talk on Fox News and a facebook meme about how macho shirtless Putin is versus a goofy Obama riding a bicycle in mom jeans. Overall this secret admiration of Putin has permeated into the rank and file.Yikes
I get that, but in that process I dont want to jeapordize Democrats' chances there.Because a political party shouldn't be allowed to knowingly submit falsified documents.
It could also depress Democrats who want to vote for the president (and by extension downballot), if they think it's a done deal.
I said god damn.
Because it inflames Republicans all over the country in a way that has no obvious gain for Democrats who are going to win MN anyway.This is an argument for doing nothing ever. Everything could conceivably affect both parties.
Why do you think that having Trump LITERALLY NOT ON THE BALLOT would be worse for Democrats than Republicans?
I get that, but in that process I dont want to jeapordize Democrats' chances there.
Because it inflames Republicans all over the country in a way that has no obvious gain for Democrats who are going to win MN anyway.
Source close to Trump campaign says Mike Lukach OUT as MN director, re-assigned to a battleground state TBA. Says unrelated to ballot suit.
Well, it makes it easier for ticket splitters for one. 2nd, the republicans will see the corrupt establishment denying their hero his name on the ballot. Protests, hue and outcry can affect the turnout.This is an argument for doing nothing ever. Everything could conceivably affect both parties.
Why do you think that having Trump LITERALLY NOT ON THE BALLOT would be worse for Democrats than Republicans?
Well it is a Republican state whose governor is on the Republican ticket.
Well, it makes it easier for ticket splitters for one. 2nd, the republicans will see the corrupt establishment denying their hero his name on the ballot. Protests, hue and outcry can affect the turnout.
There's no 8 ball to say what will exactly happen, but at least with Trump on ballot we have certainty which according to every metric has Democrats winning MN.
Yes! I call it pragmatism! Who wants downballot risks? You? I like things to remain certain. Trump forgot to sign his papers on time becuse he's running a clown show. Everyone knows that. Punishing him for it will have a streisand effect and just you wait. Trump is going to make a big deal out of this. Bunker mentality is helluva thing.This is Diablosing of a wholly new order. Your genuine argument here is that we should do nothing of any consequence in MN because any choices will have downside risks.
+1Trump should be on the ballot in Minnesota because voters deserve an actual choice. Also because I don't want to hear about FRAUD!!!! for the next 15 years if Hillary wins by 273 EVs.
It is disenfranchising though, because you have to remember, they're Trump voters. They may spell his name wrongVoters can still write in Trump even if he's not on the ballot, right? So its not really disenfranchising is it?
Some people don't seem to know what disenfranchised means...
Huff Post has been tracking party ID nationally in polls, they find roughly D +6
Yes, but there's more ticketsplitting than usual because Bayh will win the Senate race.
While I think the suit is probably the wrong move here, I'm totally sidetracked trying to figure out how the 26th is 5 days before the 29th.
ShhhhhhhhhList of SoS during the North Korea nuclear tests:
9 October 2006 - Rice
25 May 2009 - Clinton
12 February 2013 - Kerry
6 January 2016 - Kerry
9 September 2016 - Kerry
God dammit.Quinnipiac
Rubio (R) 50
Murphy (D) 43
Toomey (R) 46
McGinty (D) 45
Portman (R) 51
Strickland (D) 40
North Carolina
Burr (R) 49
Ross (D) 43
Cooper (D) 51
McCrory (R) 44
Blagh. Only good numbers there are for Cooper. Even Toomey leads. Best hope they're outliers, especially PA.
God dammit.
I can't see Toomey getting re-elected. But if he does, all I've gotta say is: Should've been Sestak.
Last month was so bad for us after the convention hype faded
Let's be clear that the Kims are a Communist dynasty and Putin is not a Communist. Fascism is attractive to many Republicans so Putin is a valid vessel for their wet dreams of voter suppression, international invasions, and a state run press. If Rush Limbaugh could launch a putsch and burn down the White House so that he could personally lynch Barrack Obama, he would.If Republicans gobbled Kim Jung Uns cock as much as Putin's, he'd had a high favorabity rating, also.
Republicans don't believe in science or math.While I think the suit is probably the wrong move here, I'm totally sidetracked trying to figure out how the 26th is 5 days before the 29th.
So, ya. Those Latino numbers for Trump are game over in Florida and, I'd argue, Nevada. Romney managed 40% of the Latino vote in Florida, and he still lost. Trump is hella underperforming among Cuban voters. That, or he's in the negative numbers with everyone else. And in NV, Romney managed 24% of the vote. There is no way Trump can pull of wins in either state with those numbers. There just aren't enough white people in the pan handle to make up for that type of loss in Miami-Dade, Orange, and Seminole.
Is Keepin' it 1600 a solid podcast? Thinking of adding it to the rotation and recall seeing it mentioned a few times on here. How does it compare to WooCast and NPR Politics and the like?
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was a career intelligence officer, trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them. That is exactly what he did early in the primaries. Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trumps vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated.
How big do you guys think the turnout will be this November? Can it rival Obama's numbers?