9/11 Truthing and Holocaust denying... what a duo
Man just imagine how crazy it'd be if they managed to work vaxxing into the mix too.
9/11 Truthing and Holocaust denying... what a duo
If Donald said he thought it was a podcast that stretches it a little because he just did my podcast, King said. I did not make the arrangements for him to be on the show. My producers talked to his people, and they made the arrangements. So I never know what was said to him except he was doing my TV show.
Ugh...in a long list of WTF comments from Trump, this is stunning because he said the same thing about himself in January.
Trump: Clinton could shoot somebody and not be arrested
Ugh...in a long list of WTF comments from Trump, this is stunning because he said the same thing about himself in January.
Trump: Clinton could shoot somebody and not be arrested
Ugh...in a long list of WTF comments from Trump, this is stunning because he said the same thing about himself in January.
Trump: Clinton could shoot somebody and not be arrested
Other than the campaign having no competent staff, is there a reason it took Trump a week and a half to release his August fundraising numbers, and in doing so, just released a round $90 million number.
Other than the campaign having no competent staff, is there a reason it took Trump a week and a half to release his August fundraising numbers, and in doing so, just released a round $90 million number.
Little surprised you guys aren't talking about the Syria deal, especially when it means Trump accidentally pre-approved it:
so in true trump fashion he lies about the events instead of just saying that he didn't know the show was licensed to RT and other broadcasters and this would become a non story to most media outlets. not that this will likely become that big of a story anyhow.http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...retching-the-truth-on-interview-mix-up-227985
Larry King on Trump interview
so in true trump fashion he lies about the events instead of just saying that he didn't know the show was licensed to RT and other broadcasters and this would become a non story to most media outlets. not that this will likely become that big of a story anyhow.
If one of those chat bots started to talk like Trump, it would be deleted and started from scratch.
Is Boris the most vile Trump surrogate on TV? Yes.
maybe matt lauer stinking it up will actually benefit hillary in the end if it gets reporters to finally confront some of the obvious lies spouted by trump surrogates.CNN is even juicier than usual, Boris really trying to get close to the line of libel with saying Clinton committed crimes. Don't really know why no one is quoting Comey's words this week about how it wasnt a cliffhanger but I can't say I agree with a lot of the arguments clinton's surrogates say when there seem to be more effective ones available.
Vaccines can melt steel beams.Man just imagine how crazy it'd be if they managed to work vaxxing into the mix too.
Twice a day.
Too bad every other minute she's a mouth breathing PT Cruiser enthusiast.
So he's also realized that nuclear war would cause problems. The ultimate problems, even. Is this progress?smh libs, the real quote is so much more full of sense:
Here's Rudy Giuliani mocking Hillary Clinton tonight at Trump's rally in Florida:
It's like the most lie dense paragraph I have ever read.
So I have a question. Do we have any sense of what Trump's political acumen actually is?
I keep thinking back to that moment where Rick Perry tanked his entire career by not remembering the government department names.
I kind of want a moderator in a debate to ask him something like "What are the 3 branches of government?"
What are the chances that he actually knows the answer to something even as basic as this?