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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Lol Hilary said half of Trump supporters are in a basket of deplorable. She's going to get pushback but no one wants to admit that is most of the Republican Party and is probably more than half.

To be fair as leader you shouldn't do that no matter how horrible and idiotic these people are.

And the Clinton campaign needs to not budge an inch.

Sorry, but it would be incredibly stupid for the campaign, after the torrent of shit to violently eject itself from Trump's beef traps on a daily basis, to play into this becoming a debate on something Hillary said.

Fuck the high road, it'll make her look weak against a dope like Trump. Hillary needs to straight up be like:



I mean... Trump at least got the general idea of a climate catastrophe if numerous nuclear explosions happens... Just in the wrong direction.
Frankly, Hillary let the other half off way too easy.

This. With any other Republican, I can't technically disprove the idea that the votes are coming from conservative economic believers, but Trump doesn't have a single proposal that isn't a pretty overt appeal to white nationalism.

Anyone voting for Trump is a racist. I will not budge on this.


I mean I guess she shouldn't have said it but it wasn't necessarily incorrect and it won't really make a difference. Maybe the people she's talking about will call her a cunt six times a day now instead of the usual five.


Professional Schmuck
Watching the Hardball segment now http://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/has-donald-trump-disavowed-birtherism-761760835833

The slackjawed look on Jack Kingston's face as Joy Politifacts him is just priceless.

Now I'll be the first to admit I haven't been watching MSNBC for a couple months (we cut the chord), but:

1. That's the best I've ever seen Joy. Passionate and fucking fierce as hell.

2. That's the most emotion I've ever seen out of Katy, ever. She was P I S S E D.

3. Between Joy and Katy and Chris, though ... I got this nagging sense of desperate fear. So like I said, I haven't watched in a couple months -- but they weren't like this a couple months ago. They're panicking.


Ultimately, I don't think the comment is going to hurt Clinton, because Trump has allowed his campaign to be defined by those deplorables.

We see them every day at Trump's highly publicized rallies.

We see them every day on the news acting as Trump's surrogates.

We see David Duke running for office and praising Trump.

We see Russia praising Trump.

There's no denying at this point that Trump's most visible supporters have brought the level of political discourse down into the mud. And I think a lot of people are tired of it.

So, while some pundits may be trying to make a big deal of this, I think a hefty chunk of the left, and even a number on the right, are going to hear what Clinton said and think, ".......yep, sounds about right."


Professional Schmuck
The comment only happens if they assume

1. those voters cannot be salvaged (in which they are obviously correct)

2. saying so won't turn off the lol-i'm-an-indie-closet-republicans who she hasn't won yet and we all know will vote for gary johnson because they're babies and don't understand libertarianism

It was not an accidental comment. I don't know whether I agree with her / their assessment of #2 above, but rather think they should be moving on from them anyway.


Yeah, I mean, I think you could make an argument that it will help her. She's already been calling Trump a crazy racist. Suggesting a bunch of his supporters are also crazy racists seems right in line with that. And, you know, good to make the stakes of the election really clear.

That said, she'll probably apologize, but I think she shouldn't.


Some press are not thrilled that Hillary called half of Trump's supporters bigots, but also, 2/3 of them think Obama's a Muslim, so cry me a fucking river.

Biden had the balls to call 'em homophobes. Tell it like it is.

I mean this all the Trumpeters toot their damn horns

It's called having guts, media.


Yeah, I mean, I think you could make an argument that it will help her. She's already been calling Trump a crazy racist. Suggesting a bunch of his supporters are also crazy racists seems right in line with that. And, you know, good to make the stakes of the election really clear.

That said, she'll probably apologize, but I think she shouldn't.


Hate to say it (ok, I don't), but just as Trump regular feeds red meat to his base, this is the kind of statement that would fire up the progressive left who already think this of most Republicans. I could imagine Bernie supporters hearing her say this and thinking twice about her.

Joe Molotov

Trump seems to have figured out that this uranium substance is involved in the nuclear in some way, but he isn't quite sure what exactly it is and why it's important. But he does know its "the ultimate"!

This is what passes for acceptable political discourse from presidential candidates at this point. Sad!

Uranium's Ultimate is Nuclear Warming, but it takes 4 turns to get it and it's +1 is trash. Bulk mythic, would not play.
I just bought Steins;Gate on steam today so the idea of "nuclear warming" makes me giggle.

So he's a climate change denier. So, no global warming. But nuclear warming, yes, when the actual theoretical impact is nuclear winter/cooling? I'm confused. Oh, not bombs. Just random gossip about ... wtf I have no idea what he's trying to say. That's the most random WTF quote I've seen in a long while. Clinton sold 20% of someone's uranium to Russia and pocketed the cash? Uh...?

Damn, one bad day and he completely freaking loses it. Bonus lol for Larry King's debunk of Trump's excuse.
Yeah, I mean, I think you could make an argument that it will help her. She's already been calling Trump a crazy racist. Suggesting a bunch of his supporters are also crazy racists seems right in line with that. And, you know, good to make the stakes of the election really clear.

That said, she'll probably apologize, but I think she shouldn't.
Credit goes to Adam for the image:

I like this answer better than "the first half is racist. And so is the other half!"
I'm very concerned about this. There are a few posters I know who won't come in this thread anymore because it's impossible to keep up with. I've started doing news recaps every week but that doesn't especially solve the problem. As a top 10 poster I certainly share some of the blame.

I think we should try to follow a rule that if a post adds nothing to the thread, you shouldn't post it. Also, I think everyone would appreciate it if you or Kev would chime in on occasion to remind us of this.

Also, as a reminder, there is an actual chat room for PoliGAF should people feel so inclined to be chatty.

I don't post half the things that occur to me because I am Mankying the thread and it's old news.


Apparently she's been saying this for a while, but would just say two baskets, not specifying the proportion. For some reason she added 50% at this most recent fund raiser.
I feel like what she is going to get pushback the most on is the use of half. The media does not want to insult that many people. The truth for her though is that if you are still a Donald Trump supporter at this stage there is no saving you.


I feel like what she is going to get pushback the most on is the use of half. The media does not want to insult that many people. The truth for her though is that if you are still a Donald Trump supporter at this stage there is no saving you.

If tonight is any indication, the media is still on the birtherism and Trump's recent "She could shoot somebody..."

If anything, this will get mild "both sides!" coverage.
Yeah, it's a lie though.
Of course it is, but there's a nugget of truth here. And I feel like the fact that we liberals are often unable to grasp it is kind of a big problem! And I know I've spoken about this before.

We have people who feel that they are economically losing ground. They are ill equipped to change with the economic conditions that exist in the real world. They're having their worldviews challenged in ways they've never even remotely thought about before. Because, and I don't mean this in a mean way, they simply lack education on a lot of things.

Now, a lot of them are still racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic bigots. Their views do not deserve consideration. Their pain, though, does. If they are afraid they won't be able to feed their families, pay for a medical bill or pay this month's rent....we need to address that. We need to address it specifically and directly. The problem, though, is that most of these people have decided that it's the browns/womens/blacks/gays/Chinese/whomever it is' fault for their problems.

IF we are losing this argument (and I think we are) we absolutely need to make a better one. Because, while we may not need them electorally, I feel like, just as a matter of policy, we have an obligation to make sure these people aren't getting left further and further behind.

There cannot be defense for their bigotry, but I feel like understanding the root cause is kind of important. But, ya, some of them are just alt-right and should be ignored and whatever.

I know this is a point in which our opinions are divergent. And that's cool!


Random as hell, but I found a tweet that sums up something that's been eating me inside for years now.

Ron & Hermione getting together doesn't work because it's basically Lisa & Milhouse getting together.


Random as hell, but I found a tweet that sums up something that's been eating me inside for years now.

Ron & Hermione getting together doesn't work because it's basically Lisa & Milhouse getting together.

Well, Milhouse never showed an ounce of bravery to begin with.




She should have added that the half don't represent American values, or even Republican values (even though the latter would be a lie). That way not even orange turd would have the stupidity to challenge it. She could still add it but I feel it may be too late. Lost opportunity really.


It's going to be interesting how this plays out tomorrow. Thing is she's now traveling with the press so they can easily get a follow up on it with her pretty quick.

There were no lies said. Maybe should have tossed in "values" or not used half but look at all the video of people at Trump's rallies, the stuff they sell at the same rallies, the polls that look at his supporters and where they stand on certain things. The vile things Trump has said and the support he still gets. His birtherism that was talked about tonight! His attacks on the judge and the cheering it got from his supporters. It goes right back to her Alt-Right speech about how he's giving the worse in the country a voice and emboldening them.

I just hope this doesn't swing things back in his favor just when it looked like he was getting hit.
The most important thing from that CNN story is that Hillary introduced Barbara Streisand. When you're a goddess, you get a queen to introduce you.


Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 2m2 minutes ago Washington, DC
Trump won the nomination by running a campaign of explicit racism. Are we really going to pretend like that didn't happen?

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 3m3 minutes ago Washington, DC
Which, judging from the > than 50% of Trump backers who hold negative views of blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics is almost certainly accurate.

Jamelle Bouie ‏@jbouie 4m4 minutes ago Washington, DC
It seems that while I was reading folks decided to clutch their pearls over the fact that HRC described half of Trump backers as racists.

It's going to be interesting how this plays out tomorrow. Thing is she's now traveling with the press so they can easily get a follow up on it with her pretty quick.

There were no lies said. Maybe should have tossed in "values" or not used half but look at all the video of people at Trump's rallies, the stuff they sell at the same rallies, the polls that look at his supporters and where they stand on certain things. The vile things Trump has said and the support he still gets. His birtherism that was talked about tonight! His attacks on the judge and the cheering it got from his supporters. It goes right back to her Alt-Right speech about how he's giving the worse in the country a voice and emboldening them.

I just hope this doesn't swing things back in his favor just when it looked like he was getting hit.

She's also doing CNN State of the Union on Sunday (not sure if for full hour).
Trump has made past mentions of nuclear warming.

Vox said:
What now?

A nuclear blast would be very, very warm, very, very briefly, for those located near ground zero. After that, though, the big fear is nuclear winter, whereby soot kicked up into the atmosphere by nuclear blasts blocks out the sun. So I'm not sure what "nuclear warming" is. Or why "that's the global warming." Or why, whatever it is, it can't be solved alongside global warming, rather than in its place. Or why ...

Oh, screw it.
Trump @ SCRadioNetwork said:
Trump disputed that “global warming” was the greatest threat, saying the White House had bungled a nuclear deal with Iran. “I’ll tell you what our biggest problem is, and I hate to even say it. Our biggest problem is nuclear warming,” Trump told the mostly supportive crowd Tuesday. “And unless we’re smart — and I mean smart and tough and cunning — they’re going to be problems like you’ve never seen. You think Paris was bad? You think that’s bad?”
Trump @ Chicago Tribune said:
I would double up the sanctions (on Iran), triple up the sanctions, get them to the table. It almost looks like we're begging to make a deal. The United States looks like a total beggar. A bad deal is worse than no deal by a factor of 10. They talk about global warming is our biggest threat. The global warming we have to worry about is nuclear warming. That's the global warming. You have a lot of mad men out there. We can't let Iran have a weapon.
There might be a connection to what he thinks is radiation leaking, which, interestingly, is a theory pushed by RT, though I have no idea how you could connect these dots. I rate this as coincidental.


I honestly think this might have the left like her for actually being plain-spoken about calling racists for being racists. After all the bullshit other minorites have to face (and i have to endure a lot of stupid jokes in the south), these kind of people can suck it up for once.


I honestly think this might have the left like her for actually being plain-spoken about calling racists for being racists. After all the bullshit other minorites have to face (and i have to endure a lot of stupid jokes in the south), these kind of people can suck it up for once.


Checking my twitter, a lot of people are rushing to her defense on saying this.

I honestly think it's going to play well with liberals. This is the exact thing people expect
"authentic", and "telling it like it is" speakers to say.
I mean, I don't think this matters because, literally, she just gave a speech saying this exact same thing like two weeks ago! And, in fact, the whole "basket" thing was covered by Politico like a week ago. They won't back off from this, they'll just shift the definition to alt-right people who make up his campaign. Her travelling press secretary is literally doing that on Twitter right now.


Of course it is, but there's a nugget of truth here. And I feel like the fact that we liberals are often unable to grasp it is kind of a big problem! And I know I've spoken about this before.

We have people who feel that they are economically losing ground. They are ill equipped to change with the economic conditions that exist in the real world. They're having their worldviews challenged in ways they've never even remotely thought about before. Because, and I don't mean this in a mean way, they simply lack education on a lot of things.

Now, a lot of them are still racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic bigots. Their views do not deserve consideration. Their pain, though, does. If they are afraid they won't be able to feed their families, pay for a medical bill or pay this month's rent....we need to address that. We need to address it specifically and directly. The problem, though, is that most of these people have decided that it's the browns/womens/blacks/gays/Chinese/whomever it is' fault for their problems.

IF we are losing this argument (and I think we are) we absolutely need to make a better one. Because, while we may not need them electorally, I feel like, just as a matter of policy, we have an obligation to make sure these people aren't getting left further and further behind.

There cannot be defense for their bigotry, but I feel like understanding the root cause is kind of important. But, ya, some of them are just alt-right and should be ignored and whatever.

I know this is a point in which our opinions are divergent. And that's cool!

This is the most important thing that I've read in 2016. THIS. THIS is what makes me proud to be a human being.

And yes. Humans gonna human. But as a straight man in Stonewall right now trying to just frigging be, I think the most valuable thing we can offer each other is understanding. I love Stonewall and I love what it represents. It means stepping out of my comfort zone to be part of what makes humanity special.


And when we truly include one another in the discourse, change matters and change happens.

Let's get to the source. Solve the real problems. Pain is real. Let's solve it together.

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