Of course it is, but there's a nugget of truth here. And I feel like the fact that we liberals are often unable to grasp it is kind of a big problem! And I know I've spoken about this before.
We have people who feel that they are economically losing ground. They are ill equipped to change with the economic conditions that exist in the real world. They're having their worldviews challenged in ways they've never even remotely thought about before. Because, and I don't mean this in a mean way, they simply lack education on a lot of things.
Now, a lot of them are still racist, homophobic, sexist, Islamophobic bigots. Their views do not deserve consideration. Their pain, though, does. If they are afraid they won't be able to feed their families, pay for a medical bill or pay this month's rent....we need to address that. We need to address it specifically and directly. The problem, though, is that most of these people have decided that it's the browns/womens/blacks/gays/Chinese/whomever it is' fault for their problems.
IF we are losing this argument (and I think we are) we absolutely need to make a better one. Because, while we may not need them electorally, I feel like, just as a matter of policy, we have an obligation to make sure these people aren't getting left further and further behind.
There cannot be defense for their bigotry, but I feel like understanding the root cause is kind of important. But, ya, some of them are just alt-right and should be ignored and whatever.
I know this is a point in which our opinions are divergent. And that's cool!