I just hope this can spark the much needed attacks down ballot that should have been made ages ago by the top of the ticket. Hillary and Obama need to lead the Dems in tearing up the middle ground some incumbent Republicans have managed to carve by constantly driving home the message "Trump is a racist, sexist, lunatic, if you support him, you are too". They need to make this case specifically and frequently in speeches and stop just alluding to it like Clinton did in the alt right speech. Make every single person endorsing and supporting Trump answer for all of his bullshit statements.
The road to the Senate and House doesn't run through playing unifier and barely squeaking out a 3 point win. It runs through putting the final emphasis on the case Clinton's been making all season (Trump is too crazy to be President) by linking every gutless Republican that still supports him to his stances and calling them out for being the enablers they are.