She called some racists racists. Everybody freak.
Trump has made past mentions of nuclear warming.
There might be a connection to what he thinks is radiation leaking, which, interestingly, is a theory pushed by RT, though I have no idea how you could connect these dots. I rate this as coincidental.
Trump's campaign efforts recently have been aimed at the people who don't think they're racist. The outreach to the African-American churches and Latinos, for instance, as a way of saying "I like black people... See, I've spoken at a congregation of them, and they haven't taken offense."
Trump is down with white college-educated men and women who are afraid of his racism, so Clinton is targeting that same group by saying you don't have to lump yourself in with a bunch of racists to be heard.
I swear to god the next time I see someone seriously post and use the word "optics" they're getting a ban until I forget about that WORD OMG
In a windowless room in a swanky hotel half a block from the White House on Friday afternoon, three of the most visible leaders of the Alt-Right movement held a two-hour press conference to discuss their affection for Donald Trump and their hopes for a white homeland.
Trump keeps saying "88 generals are supporting us!" and some people on Twitter are starting to wonder if Bannon put in the exact number into his stump speech as a dogwhistle to Nazis.
88 means "Heil Hilter."
So it's somewhere between 43% and 65%, smh, Hillary is so inaccurate with 50%.
I swear to god the next time I see someone seriously post and use the word "optics" they're getting a ban until I forget about that WORD OMG
The optics of a mod of Hillary website losing it isn't great. Get ready to read my post on why that will lead to a Trump landslide.
I guess I don't see how this is comparable to the 47% comment. Romney was bashing poor people and minorities, two groups he needed to do well (or better) with to win. Hillary is bashing racists and alt right people. Who is going to read her comment that was going to vote for her and decide not to? It just seems totally like people wanting to diablos (AGAIN).
I checked out the basket hashtag. I really, really hate the alt right's tactic of making a fake account and saying "I'm a minority supporting insert cause here, am I awful too!?" To sort of muddy the water and make it seem like they're not white supremacists or women haters. Granted the tweet I saw could have belonged to a real person but this bullshit is such a common tactic at this point.
People who do not want to be considered racists should not be voting for Trump!
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. There are prolly millions that are voting for him that have ignored all the racist fuckery he has spewed and say to themselves, "I don't agree with all that shit, I just want to make sure Hillary doesn't get elected, blahblahblah."
Not diablosing, but it was a little sad to see 270towin turning Michigan and Maine's second district grey
why? Because of more Ipsos polls?
why? Because of more Ipsos polls?
People that are hypersensitive about being lumped in as a racist. We know in general, societal settings, the mere accusation of racism is met with extreme pushback. People also like narrowing broad statements down to easily digestible nuggets, so her comments play as "half Trump Supporters are racist".
To me, "I don't like the obvious sexist racist pig but I can't stand Hillary!" means they were never going to vote for her really.
why? Because of more Ipsos polls?
hillary disappears for a month, come back and falls on her face with this basket thing. awesome. campaigning.
This week Clintons campaign is shifting into a get-out-the-vote mode while she also maintains her sideline pursuit of poachable Republicans. Her team will continue touting prominent GOP endorsements: Former California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman even introduced Clinton at multiple closed-door August fundraisers in California. There, the candidate explained her approach to Republicans interested in Trump, according to one Bay Area attendee. Clinton divides Trump voters into two baskets, she said: the everyday Republicans her targets and what she called the deplorables the "alt-right" crowd she excoriates and has no hope of wooing.
Clinton will substantially ramp up her campaign travel schedule in September, focusing on national security issues this week. Her team will also step up its surrogate activity, planning at least one major appearance from Clinton, Kaine, former President Bill Clinton who will reappear on the trail after some time focused on fundraising President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders every day.
That starts Monday, with Sanders in New Hampshire, Biden in Pennsylvania, and Bill Clinton in Michigan and Ohio.
But all that is simply a way to count down to the moment that might seal their presidential fate.
SO INSULTINGDonald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 13m13 minutes ago
Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people. I think it will cost her at the Polls!
Also, if it ever gets out that she doesn't write her own tweets, she's doomed.
Trump has insulted millions of voters and people, by being a racist tool.
From last Sunday.
This was deliberate, let's see how they manage this.
From last Sunday.
This was deliberate, let's see how they manage this.
Trump's going to say crap like "Hillary Clinton thinks you're deplorable" for the next two months no matter what Clinton does, so she might as well own the shit out of it and triple/quadruple down.